Mission:Common - Stop the Freakshow attack on the Devouring Earth
Stop the Freakshow attack on the Devouring Earth (30-33)
I've got a report that a mob of Freaks is mounting a raid on an area known to be inhabitated by the Devouring Earth. I don't know what their beef is with these creatures, but it's the innocent bystanders who will suffer if the fight escalates out of control. I need you to stop the Freakshow attack on the Devouring Earth. Lives depend upon it. You only have 90 minutes to stop the battle.
The area's been contained by an emergency force field for now. In order to put a stop to this, you'll need to take out the raid's leader, a Tank Freak called Lawless. You also need to find out what the Freakshow were after and secure it before they can.
Mission Objective(s)
Some whimsical Freak has brought along a boom box. It pounds out a rapid techno beat that underscores the screams of the vicious battle
- Defeat Lawless & his crew (Timed, 1:30)
You defeated the Freakshow and Devouring Earth and found a barrel of pills
Notable NPCs
- Lawless (Freakshow Tank)

Thousands of these small clear capsules are held together in a gooey gel. The word "Enzyme" has been scrawled on the outside of the barrel.
Wow, Character, these pills you found are remarkable. Each pill contains a potent package of enzymes that accelerate the rate at which the body metabolizes new material. When combined with a Devouring Earth mutagen, these pills would make a person mutate at an alarming rate. You say this is what the Freakshow was after? My guess is they wanted to increase the arte at which they metabolize Excelsior. It's a good thing you got to them first, the Freaks are bad enough as they are!