Mission:Dark Visions - Part Four: Thief in the Night
Part Four: Thief in the Night
Raid the Midnight Mansion
I've seen you come into the cemetery before, Character, scraping up dirt, no doubt for one of Blind Makwa's curious spirit rituals. I only hope it is a means to an end in dealing with these cursed Apparitions.
So what black magic is that blind medicine man up to?
- We need the Book of Binding from the Midnight Mansion.
So, Blind Makwa wants you to raid the Midnight Mansion and steal the Book of Binding... and he thinks I will help you?
Cerulean thinks for a moment.
He knows me too well. And if I know him then he means to create a ward against these apparitions using the Book of Binding and... the Dust of Chains?
- So you'll help?
Any chance to strike a blow against that ignoble traitor, Master Midnight, is one I will undertake with great zeal and haste. But I warn you, it will not be easy...
- How do we get in?
The Midnight Mansion is warded with the most potent magical defenses I have ever seen. Luckily, when the Midnighters put these defenses into place we created a secret back door. A back door I was instructed in the use of before the great betrayal. To this day Master Midnight is blissfully unaware of its existence.
- If you can bypass his defenses why not confront him?
All of the magic and power taken from the Midnighter's many and varied enemies were in turn stolen when Master Midnight took over. All of that power is his, he simply lacks the knowledge to utilize it to its full potential. Regardless, he is still a potent adversary.
From time to time I slip in, keeping tabs on Midnight and his schemes, but he is still an ignorant boy with more power at his fingertips than he knows. Should that ever change, however, then I fear a monster unlike any we have ever seen will be unleashed upon this world.
- If he's so powerful how will we succeed?
If you are to slip in and steal from him, you will need my help. As I said, Midnight lacks knowledge, but a direct confrontation with him would be disastrous. For my forays I utilize an invisibility ring to bypass his clearly unimaginative inner defenses. However, I am not willing to part with such an artifact, so I'm afraid you alone will have to face the Midnight Masters; my former Midnighter colleagues who were killed in the betrayal and then reanimated to serve Midnight's every dark whim.
I must stress caution to you, though, Character. Master Midnight will not remain unaware of your presence for long. You will have 15 minutes at most to acquire the Book and the Dust before you are beset upon by a host of ghoulish sorcerers commanded by Midnight. If you seek to take both the Book of Binding and the Dust of Chains, then you will need to be swift in their acquisition and make a hasty escape back through my portal.
The book is likely sitting unread on a bookshelf, while the dust is kept in an ancient clay urn. Once you have them, bring the book to me. I know just the spell Blind Makwa is looking for.
- "I'm ready." (Enter Mission)

Cerulean told you about the Midnight Mansion, the home of Master Midnight and the location of numerous magical artifacts, including the Book of Binding and the Dust of Chains.
Mission Objective(s)
Cerulean's portal seems to skirt closely to multiple interwoven magical barriers, each of which you sense, could kill you seven times over. Wherever this place is, it is definitely not easy to get into.
- Raid the Midnight Mansion - 15:00
- Steal the Book of Binding
- Steal the Dust of Chains
- Escape!
You acquired both the Book of Binding and the Dust of Chains!
Notable NPCs
- Ghoulish Mystic (Midnight Masters Ghoulish Mystic Boss)

This book is bound in a complicated laticework of leather straps, buckles, and fine chains. Within its pages lies a secret incantation which Blind Makwa and Cerulean need to stop the Apparitions from possessing people.

This dust is a dark brown, but upon closer investigation you can see individual flecks of black, silver, and ruddy rusted metal. The Dust of Chains is said to have been acquired from the chains used to bind wicked souls in hell. You can only begin to imagine the complicated process by which said chains are acquired.
Have Cerulean examine the Book of Binding
Unnecessary Solicitation
Cerulean will need to read the Book of Binding to find the correct spell.
Mission Objective(s)
- Have Cerulean examine the Book of Binding
Cerulean examines the Book of Binding, quickly flipping between pages before settling on one.
Here, this is the ritual that Makwa needs. I will get to work on it immediately. Inform him that he will need a subject for the Dust of Chains to use as a basis for the magical ward's parameters. I believe he has a spirit snare. It should be useful in acquiring what is needed.
Blind Makwa chuckles as you relay Cerulean's message.
Yes, I anticipated the need of my spirit snare. With the Dust of Chains and your abilities I foresee no difficulty in protecting ourselves from these Apparitions.
But there is still work to be done and we should move quickly, the wind can blow west at a moment's notice, and in that direction there is only death and sorrow.
When the inevitable happens, Character, I would like us to be friends beyond even the grave. You will always be in my thoughts and in my prayers.