Mission:Dark Visions - Part Two: Reading Dirt
Part Two: Reading Dirt
Blind Makwa studies the bags of dirt each in turn before pulling a handful of dirt out of one and letting it sift down between his fingers. He let's out a thoughtful grumbling.
Good, good...
The dirt speaks to me of the seven sacred directions. North to sorrow, east to victory, south to peace, west to death, above us, below us, and the sacred fire at the center. Their eternal wisdom is a proven guide when you find yourself without direction.
Now, it is to the west you must go, to the land of death, the heart of the Sunken City where the dead gather. There you must seek out the Keystone Apartments, a place where the spirits often convene. Ask to be part of their circle and to discuss the troubles of the world with the ancestors. Discover what troubles them so that they would plague the living.
Take these censers and the grave dirt in this bag. For each censer place a handful of dirt within. Light the censers and the spirits will see that you come in peace.

Blind Makwa sifted through the dirt you brought him and formed neat little piles all with thoughtful grunts and contemplative hums. After a few minutes of crumbling incense and various herbs into his hands he scooped together this bag of dirt for you to use to speak with the spirits of the great ancestors.

Blind Makwa instructed you to take these mystical sticks, which appear to be old tree branches, and these metal censer dishes with you. Setting them up should be a snap, they're already tied at one end and the censer dish is easily hung from the top. Inside each censer you are to place a single handful of the mixture of grave dirt and incense that was given to you. The smoke will draw forth the spirits of the ancestors to speak peacefully with you.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The spirits will likely see you as a threat until you light all the censers.
Mission Objective(s)
A palpable malevolence hangs in the air, mixing with the reek of mildew growing between the building's rusted bones.
- Convene with the spirits
- 7 Censers to set up
- Speak to the spirits
- Listen to the spirits
You talked to the spirits and learned that the spirits of the dead are at peace, it is the spirits of the living who are angry.
Notable NPCs
- Ripped Specter (Lieutenant)
- Ancestor Spirits (Allies)

Rarely do the living take time to talk to us who have passed. Your fire is welcome, friend, tell me what troubles you.
- Why are angry spirits attacking the living?
I have heard and seen the tragedy of what you speak. But my story is but the story of one. We must hear all sides before we can see the truth...
- I just need to know how to stop them.
Patience is a virtue the living can never truly possess, and I do not expect it from you. The dead, however, often have a great love of patience, to a fault sometimes. I will call the others to the council fire and then you shall hear what is truth...
- Thank you.

You must help the spirits of the living to find peace, only then will south once again be south.
- I don't understand, the spirits of the living?
That I cannot help you with. All I know is that the spirits of the living are broken and angry. Find what broke them and you will calm the fire in their hearts.
- Thank you.
The ancestors told you that these Apparitions are the spirits of the living?
There is black magic at work here, Character,and I do not fully understand what has transpired.
Sometimes, to counter black magic, you must also use black magic, and I know where to find some of the blackest magic of all.
The laws of the spirit realm aren't so different from our own. There is, however, one rule that the dead must obey, and that is that the dead cannot change. But the living exist to do exactly this; everything we do causes change. The wind brought you to me as a wanderer, Character, but now you are a friend.