Mission:Division: Line - Attack the Rikti base to discover their target point
Attack the Rikti base to discover their target point
I have been unable to get solid information on locations Nemesis forces may be holding the Traditionalist Rikti leader C'Kelkah. However, I have discovered a location where Traditionalist Rikti forces appear to be preparing a strike against Nemesis Army forces. It is my belief that they are preparing to stage a rescue of C'Kelkah. As the agent on the scene, I am authorizing an attack on the Rikti base to discover their target point. If you can find planning details at this location, you may be able to locate where Nemesis is holding the Traditionalist leader C'Kelkah.
- Attack the Rikti base to discover their target point
We still have very limited intelligence on this situation. I am hesitant to send you into the field in such a circumstance, but there is no choice. You must look for a clue to C'Kelkah's location at the Rikti staging point. If you find one, proceed immediately to strike against Nemesis and retrieve her from the Nemesis Army.
Find C'Kelkah's location
Unnecessary Solicitation
You must look for a clue to C'Kelkah's location at the Rikti staging point. If you find one, proceed immediately to strike against Nemesis and retrieve her from the Nemesis Army.
Mission Objective(s)
Though much of this building remains long abandoned, you can find the floors where the Rikti have set up a temporary rallying point.
- Find C'Kelkah's location
- Look For Clues
You found where the Rikti think C'Kelkah is being held by Nemesis. Now you must recapture her from the Nemesis Army.
Notable NPCs
- Traditionalist Chief Mesmerist (Rikti Chief Mesmerist)

You found these precisely drawn diagrams at a Rikti staging area for an attempted rescue for C'Kelkah, a Rikti scientist and one of the leaders of their "Traditionalist" faction. The plans are very easy to follow, drawn with scientific precision and noted in a simplified version of the Rikti language. Almost as if they were written for people not completely familiar with the intricacies of Rikti thought and language.
Recapture C'Kelkah
Unnecessary Solicitation
The Traditionalist Rikti leader C'Kelkah's recapture from the Nemesis Army is your sole priority. Not only is she politically important to the Rikti, but do not forget that her scientific acumen could easily be re-purposed under Nemesis' control.
Mission Objective(s)
Deep beneath the ground, this subterranean lab and base is hidden from any detection. You have to wonder how the Rikti even found this place.
- Recapture C'Kelkah
You recaptured the traditionalist C'Kelkah from the forces of the Nemesis Army. You also found some coded plans on one of the defeated Nemesis soldiers.
Notable NPCs
- (Nemesis Fake Nemesis) x2
- C'Kelkah (NPC Hostage)
- (Nemesis Warhulk) (Guarding C'Kelkah)
- Although labelled a Boss, C'Kelkah will not fight.

After C'Kelkah was recaptured from the Nemesis Army, she tried to communicate with you. Though much of it was difficult to comprehend, you were able to understand some of what she said:
"My thanks: Yours. Nemesis: Madman. Danger: Rikti, Human.
Role: Original: Adviser. Current Role:1/6
Traditionalist Leader. Goal: Rebuild Rikti Society. Rikti here: Cut off. Society: Militarized; Unstable. Rikti Society: Stable. Home Earth: Mostly Stable. Military:Small. Lineage of War: little power. Human/Rikti conflict caused: Military increase: Power/prestige. Restructurists: Led by: Military Leaders. Most Rikti: in Human Earth force Soldiers. Military Leaders: Seek to: Retain command/control/power/prestige. Build:Society they rule. Hero: Used by: Restructurists."

You found this document on one of the Nemesis soldiers you defeated during the recapture of the Rikti Traditionalist faction leader C'Kelkah. The code the plans have been encrypted with makes them completely impenetrable at first glance, but it's likely that it could be broken with enough time and effort.
C'Kelkah is under guard once more. Your actions were highly successful. She is much more communicative after her experience with Nemesis. The picture she has painted of the Rikti Traditionalists and Restructurists is very different from the one promoted by Nen'Kulf. I am uncertain which is more accurate, but there may be more information soon. I have also passed the documents you found along to the appropriate parties. The Nemesis Army regularly monitors other villain organizations, their plans against the Rikti may reveal elements we are currently unaware of. I do not think that this situation is complete at this time.