Mission:Division: Line - Attack the suspected Restructurist conversion center
Attack the suspected Restructurist conversion center
The Traditionalist Rikti scientist C'Kelkah has been very communicative since you rescued her from the Nemesis Army. She has begun to tell us more about the growing division between Rikti factions present on Earth. She has even offered to assist against the Restructurists' faction forces. As proof of her good faith, she has provided us with the location of a facility currently dedicated to converting Lost into Rikti. I am not certain I can trust her, but it does seem that she is motivated to assist us. I have asked for and been granted authorization to sanction an attack on the suspected Restructurist Rikti conversion center to test the validity of C'Kelkah's claim, and would like to offer you the first option on this operation.
- Attack the suspected Restructurist conversion center
Your objectives are two-fold: First, you must secure the facility by defeating the facility's leader, a Restructurist commander called Po'Ken. Secondly, you must search for information about how lost are being funneled into the facility.
After the Nen'Kulf fiasco, I am hesitant to trust my instincts when dealing with other Rikti. However, I think that C'Kelkah may be telling the truth. If the rift between Traditionalists and Restructurists is as large as we are beginning to believe, this battle may be as important to them as the battle with Earth.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You must secure the facility by defeating the facility's leader, a Restructurist commander called Po'Ken. You must also search for information about how Lost are being funneled into the facility.
Mission Objective(s)
Though much of the machinery in here was manufactured by Earthly companies, it has been repurposed and rebuilt to accomplish Rikti objectives
- Defeat Po'Ken, find Lost info
You defeated Po'Ken and secured the facility. You also discovered interesting information about the Lost and the two Rikti factions.
Notable NPCs
- Po'Ken (Rikti Chief Soldier)

You found this handwritten journal along with several others, all written by Lost who were soon to undergo the transformation into full Rikti. This one was witten by none other than Nen'Kulf, the Lost convert who had given you C'Kelkah's location in an attempt to undermine the Traditionalists. There is some detail about how members of the Lost earn their conversion to Rikti, as well as descriptions of the strange changes to body and mind the process entails. The last line of the last entry sticks out to you:
"Regret:Betray Angus. Action:Necessary. Will become:Rikti. Wish that:he could understand. I will be so much more soon."

You found this handwritten journal along with several others, all written by Lost who were soon to undergo the transformation into full Rikti. This one details how he was recruited into the Restructurists, and his thoughts on the factions. you find the following passage near the end:
'The Traditionalists want more of us converts because they want to grow their ranks. The soldiers outnumber them by a lot. They'll educate you and find a good job for you, but you'll never be a 'real' Rikti as far as they're concerned. They're a sentimental favorite among a lot of the Rikti I've talked to. They don't have a lot of real power, though, because there aren't that many of them. Maybe one in ten.'
'The Restructurists, though, they have the power. If you do well in battle, they won't care if you were a human before. You can become anything. That's the path for me. I don't care what happens to the world. I want to be on the winning side.'
It appears that C'Kelkah's information was correct. The closure of that facility should slow down the rate at which the Restructurists are converting members of the Lost into new troops. The journals you found are being studied for further clues into Lost recruiting techniques and methods to counter-act the Rikti conversion process. Nen'Kulf's journal may be of particular help.
C'Kelkah has continued to talk with us. I believe that government negotiators may soon have a major intelligence breakthrough.