Mission:Ephram Sha - Enemy of My Enemy
Enemy of My Enemy
My Midnighter colleagues have alerted me to a disturbing trend. We've been keeping tabs on all Knives of Artemis cells operating in Dark Astoria, but recent activity has dropped off. We believe that they are being hunted by their former sisters-in-arms.
If the Knives of Vengeance are hunting their comrades, that can only mean one of two things: either they're killing them, which strengthens Mot, or they're converting them. Either way, it will make our lives more difficult in the long term.
As strange as it seems, we're going to have to stage a rescue for the Knives of Artemis.
- Rescue the Knives of Artemis
We tracked a cell of the Knives of Artemis to this location. That was the last time we saw any of them. If you're going to search, I'd start there.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Were the Knives there? It's possible the trail has already gone cold.
Mission Objective(s)
This place has definitely seen recent activity. If you're lucky, you'll find the Knives of Artemis intact.
- Rescue the Knives of Artemis
- 3 Knives to rescue
You have prevented the Knives of Artemis from being converted!

Once rescued, the Knives become NPC Allies who fight with you.