Mission:Getting out Alive - Part Two: Complications
Part Two: Complications
I don't know why I'm given the tough stuff. Why couldn't it be homeless people to save? Getting a little suspicious, always throwing the difficult assignments on me, like I'm the one who can handle it, but if I'm the best, who is the worst? I'm not that good, not really good, so if I'm seen as others as that good, is it bad? Bad for us, bad for me, bad for everyone?
Okay so the thing is, Paolo's brother, Giacomo, part of the Syndicate.
Bad news for us, makes things harder, Syndicate are known to be very sneaky, very suspicious, could possibly all be a trap, not something to put by the Syndicate.
Paolo says his brother can't get out on his own, Syndicate keeps tabs on everyone's movements. Very difficult, once in Syndicate, always in the Syndicate, you only get out if you die, or worse, well, there's not much worse to dying. Maybe. I'd have to think on it for a while, maybe getting chomped by ghouls? That would be worse, much worse, or maybe...
- Okay, I get it. So what needs to happen to get Giacomo out of there?
Right, plan is simple, almost simple. But not simple enough to be called simple, just hard enough to be a pain.
Syndicate have tracking beacons on most of their higher operatives, Giacomo is a higher operative, very unfortunate for us, of course, he couldn't just be someone they don't care about. The computer controlling these tracking beacons is in Syfotine Industries. So you need to get in there and destroy that computer, that gives Giacomo a free pass to go anywhere he wants, at least until they get a back up system. But by then it'll be too late, unless it's all a trap, which case it's already too late for the both of us. Good thing to think of for our own futures.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I'm nervous that you're here talking with me, why are you talking to me, isn't there more important things to do? I don't like this, getting a bad vibe, you should get away!
Mission Objective(s)
This part of the office seems too clean - the Syndicate have gone out of their way to hide their presence.
- Destroy Syndicate's Tracking Computer
- Destroy the Tracking Computer
You've destroyed the tracking computer, only to discover that the Syndicate was one step ahead of you!
Notable NPCs
- Tracking Computer (Object)
- This computer controls the base's security systems, and must be destroyed.
You destroyed the tracking computer, but found some disturbing information.

You destroyed the tracking computer that the Syndicate had, but not before seeing a message appear on it.
Daniel Shapiro, VP of Public Relations in Syfotine Industries, has on him the location of every single person that the Resistance has helped to flee the city. He plans on using this list to force members of the Resistance to work for the Syndicate, acting as distractions for their own plots.
Good timing, Character. Just talked with Paolo, said his brother is with his father now, we've got one of our trams ready to get them out of the city. Have a little complication with Paolo though.
Huh? Problem on your end? No, no no no no, no problems on your end! Why are you having problems on your end?! We're not supposed to have problems, knew this smelled bad from the beginning, had a feeling, gut feeling! I can't handle this, I'm not supposed to handle this, not meant to handle this! Just supposed to bring people from A to B, not fight a giant crusade!
Syndicate know where ALL of the people we've helped to rescue are?! No, no no no no no! What do we do?! Too many complications! We're all gonna get chomped!