Mission:Gone in a Flash - Epilogue: Diamond for Sale

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Epilogue: Diamond for Sale

Editor's Note:

Players receive this mission after obtaining the Florentine Diamond.


The Miller! Now that he's free, thanks to you, he's going to be looking to get back into the game, right? Who better to fence the diamond than him? He'll probably be safer with the diamond than the bozos who let it get stolen in the first place and be able to get top dollar for it!

  • Let's get our money.

The Miller's hanging out over in St. Martial. I'm sure he'll be glad to see you.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You seen the Miller about the diamond yet?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to the Miller

The Miller

The Miller gives you a courteous nod as you approach him.

So you've found the Florentine Diamond, have you? I did not doubt that you would. You have quite a unique set of skills, Character.

You wish to employ me in selling it, yes? I can do so. It may take some time to find a buyer who can meet the price of such a rare piece. However, I shall begin my search immediately.

You should keep the diamond for now. Once I find a buyer, I will contact you.

  • Good doing business with you.


I knew that the Miller would be able to help us out, Character. Now, I know it might take a little while before that thing sells. You be careful with it, though! Don't want you to lose it like everyone else did. I'll be seeing you whenever you get your payday! And if you ever need to be vouched into the White Elephant, just come talk to me. I'll make sure you get a good table.