Mission:Gone in a Flash - Part Five: Fine Arts

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Part Five: Fine Arts

Editor's Note:

This mission follows Part Four: Down in the Dark. Players who completed Part Four: Jack of Diamonds will receive Part Five: Diamonds and Guns instead.


Alright, Character, I just got off the phone with the Miller. Ever heard of Kue Xob? He's a big wig with the Tsoo and apparently likes his art. The Miller got word that a woman reached out to Xob and tried to arrange a buy for a 'lost treasure' here in the Isles. I guess whoever our thief is figured 'art guy' also means 'diamond guy'. Apparently, the buy didn't go down, but the Miller doesn't know why.

Now the Tsoo usually ain't the most forthcoming types with information, so you might need to put the press to them a bit before they give up the gold. I've got word that Kue Xob is still in the Isles for a few days, probably training some of their ninjas or something like that. They got a den not very far from here that they're working out of.

I figure you go, bust a head or two, get this Kue Xob to tell you all he knows.

  • Maybe I can pick up a few antiques while I'm there for my trouble.

Bobby grins and nods as you get ready to head off.

Never much liked them Tsoo guys none any. Bad tippers. If you see a guy named Vang, pop him one for me. He got handsy with a waitress in the White Elephant, then teleported out before I could toss him out. Damn sorcerers.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You talked to Kue Xob yet? I hear that ninjas get weaker if you fight more of them at once. Dunno if that's just a rumor or not, though, so if you get ganged up on, don't blame me.

Mission Objective(s)

The thick scent of incense hangs in the air of this warehouse, a plain giveaway that Tsoo initiation rituals or occuring.

  • Question Kue Xob
    • Find Kue Xob

A hero named Arc Flash stole your diamond! Time to track her down and get it back.



Notable NPCs

Kue Xob

You come here, interrupt our rituals, and bring violence upon my students. We have done nothing to you, so why do you attack us?

  • I'm just here for information. You attacked first.
A sour expression crosses the face of the Tsoo master. His mouth squirms for a moment before he speaks, slowly.
I will concede that we attack those who come here uninvited. The question is why you came.
  • Tell me what you know about the Florentine Diamond.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Tell me all you know about the Florentine Diamond.
He raises an eyebrow.
Did the girl send you? I suppose the infamous Character is a more likely seller than a heroine, but even so, I do not wish to buy it. It is a gaudy thing with no aesthetic value.
  • I'm not with her. What do you mean, a hero?
His other eyebrow raises.
Then a smile slowly spreads across his face.
Ahh. That explains much, then. Here is my offer, then. I will tell you who has the diamond and you will leave here. Deal?
  • You're in no position to bargain.
Nor are you. Not if you want to learn the identity of the diamond thief before she finds a less discerning buyer.
  • Fine. Deal.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Deal.
Her name is Arc Flash, or so one of my students said. She came here to try to sell me the diamond, but her behavior was strange. She was nervous and jumpy. At first, I simply thought her some sort of drug addict, perhaps with a small gem she wished to trade for Rage...
He shakes his head.
But when I saw the diamond she carried, I knew no ordinary addict would be capable of stealing it. I consulted with my men and one identified her as a heroine from Paragon City named Arc Flash.
I assumed some sort of inexpert trap and ordered my men to attack. She fled and we let her go; I had no interest in the diamond, after all.
There, I have told you all I know. Now, leave here.
  • Very well.
A Lost Hero

You spoke with Sun Xiong, a Tsoo master with a taste for the arts. He told you that a woman tried to sell the gem to him, but after one of his men recognized her as the hero Arc Flash, they chased her off.


Arc Flash? She's a hero, ain't she? Why would she be stealing a diamond and trying to sell it to criminals, huh?

Bobby rubs the bridge of his nose, then shakes his head slowly.

I tell you, Character, things are getting more complicated here in the Isles every day. You got heroes committing heists, you got people from other dimensions running around... What's next, we gonna have villains volunteering at the free clinic?