Mission:Gone in a Flash - Part Four: Jack of Diamonds
Part Four: Jack of Diamonds

Players only receive this mission after getting the auctioneer to talk without violence in the previous mission; a player who used violence to get the auctioneer to talk (or auto-completed the mission) will receive Part Four: Down in the Dark.

Players hoping to obtain the Bracers of Astrape temporary power should be careful not to kill Amphitryon in this mission. (Auto-completing the mission counts as not killing him.)
The Warriors are a rare sight here in the Isles, so when they do show up, that means people take notice. A couple of guys I know spotted a group of them heading into a warehouse near here, carrying some crates in. I dunno if this Amphitryon guy is hanging out here in the Isles with them, but maybe he is.
Maybe the thief stole the diamond for them, huh?
- I'll go check it out.
Hey, maybe you'll get really lucky and they'll have the diamond there! If you're a little less lucky, you'll find Amphitryon there and be able to figure out where the diamond actually is.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The Warriors don't come out to the Isles often. If they're here, that means something weird is going on. I'm sure they must be behind the diamond theft!
Mission Objective(s)
The Warriors seem to have converted this warehouse to store magical artifacts. Maybe the Florentine Diamond is among them.
- Interrogate Amphitryon
- Find Amphitryon
- Talk to Amphitryon
- Find Amphitryon
You learned from Amphitryon that the thief's real name is Bronte.
Notable NPCs
- Amphitryon (Warriors Hewer Elite) Amphitryon is one of the Warriors' newly promoted Elites. While the gang has never made much of an impact on the Rogue Isles, he is here looking to make a name for himself by establishing a Warriors foothold here in Nerva.

The beaten Warrior looks up at you from his hands and knees, pain etched across his face. He glances over to his axe, which he dropped with your last blow, laying just out of his reach. He speaks to you through gritted teeth.
Go on then. Finish me off.
- Not yet. I need information.
- He pushes himself back into a sitting position and looks up at you. His face is slightly turned away from you, looking at you almost out of the corner of his eyes.
- What sort of information?
- What do you know about the Florentine Diamond?
- The Warrior's brows pinch together as he thinks. Slowly he shakes his head.
- I have never heard of that. Is it a magical diamond? Regardless, if you have heard the Warriors have it, then I am not the one who does.
- The thief, whoever she is, mentioned you by name.
- Thief? I am telling you, I don't -
- Suddenly, Amphitryon's eyes go wide and his mouth falls open. He mutters to himself and shakes his head.
- Bronte, you're an idiot...
- Bronte, you say?
- The Warrior cringes as soon as he realizes that he let the name slip. Then he looks at you with hard eyes.
- I will tell you nothing, Character.
- Fine. A name is all I need.
- The Warrior clenches his fists together and takes a step toward you, but that's all. He looks down at his feet and then turns away.
- She must clean her own messes.
- As you turn to leave, you can hear what sounds like soft weeping.
A Warrior's RegretAmphitryon refused to talk even after you beat him down, but he did let slip the name 'Bronte'. You let him go and went to track down this Bronte woman.
- (Leave)
- Tell me everything or face the consequences.
- The Warrior stands firm, raising his head and pointing his chin at you.
- Do your worst.
- Forget it. A name is all I need.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- Alright. (Hit him)
- You deck the Warrior, sending him reeling back. He just spits a wad of bloody spittle onto the floor and grits his teeth.
- Talk! (Hit him again)
- You punch Amphitryon again, this time hitting him hard enough to make him stumble backward. He trips over his own lost weapon and goes sprawling on the ground. You pick the axe up and walk forward.
- He simply stares up at you, lips pressed tight, face locked in a scowl.
- Last chance! (Hit him again)
- You swing the axe down at him, stopping only a hair's width from his face. For his part, he does not flinch, merely staring at you.
- You. Get. Nothing.
- Fine. The name is good enough. You've got guts.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- Oh well, I guess the name will have to do. Bye, failure. (Kill him)
- You bring the axe down again, this time not stopping until it is buried in his chest. He lets out a gurgle and falls back, unmoving. His angry, defiant expression goes slack and he lets out one final weak cough. A pool of blood begins to spread from beneath his limp body.
A Warrior's LamentAmphitryon refused to talk even after you beat him down, but he did let slip the name 'Bronte'. His refusal to just talk cost him his life and won't protect this Bronte woman for long.
- (Leave)
- This is getting me nowhere. Thanks for the name.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- This is getting me nowhere. Thanks for the name.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- I don't believe you.
- Amphitryon glowers at you.
- I am no liar! I won't have my honor challenged by the likes of you!
- Calm down! The thief mentioned your name.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- Need I remind you how we got to talking in the first place?
- He grunts and crosses his arms.
- I told you to finish me off, so do what you will! But I don't know anything about your diamond.
- The thief mentioned you! She said your name!
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- Eager to die?
- Want it? No. But a real Warrior does not fear death. I enter every battle knowing it may be my last. If I should fall, it is because I wasn't worthy enough to stand.
- He shakes his head.
- So end me. Or show mercy and let me go, knowing that I shall seek vengeance. Your choice.
- Not until you tell me about the Florentine Diamond.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- What are you doing in the Isles?
- He looks up at you with a sneer.
- Vacationing with the wife and kids. You know, taking in some local color.
- Haha, very funny. Talk, unless you want to be hurt more.
- Fine. The Warriors are here for artifacts. What else? We are trying to increase our power in Paragon City with magic from beneath Thorn Isle.
- He shakes his head and looks away, face scrunched up in annoyance.
- That was the plan, at least. We have yet to find anything worth our time.
- I don't care about artifacts. Tell me about the Florentine Diamond.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- Oh, nice. It's a good time of year for it.
- He stares at you for a moment, narrowing his eyes slightly.
- Yeah, Alceme's always wanted to come, but the twins have school for most of the year, and summer prices are so high! But this year, things just worked out and we were able to make it.
- You know how it is.
- Haha, anyway, back to why you're in the Isles.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- Well, you picked a good time to come! The weather is lovely this time of year.
- The Warrior pushes himself back to a sitting position. He remains on the floor beneath you, but looks up slightly more relaxed, though his brows are still furrowed.
- Yes, we've been enjoying it so far. We did a tour of Port Oakes yesterday. Iphicles really loved seeing the burning boat. He kept asking how long it's been on fire. Tomorrow we're going hiking on Mount Diable.
- Oh, yeah, I love the outdoors. Have you visited the Flop yet? Great fun for kids.
- Oh, yeah, that's next on our list. We're going to - Ok, I can't do this any more.
- Amphitryon stands back up and crosses his arms.
- The Warriors are here on the Isles looking for artifacts from Thorn Isle. So far... we haven't found very many. Nothing worth attacking us over, at least.
- So why come in here, attack me and my men, then waste time with...
- He waves his hand around.
- Whatever this has been?
- That doesn't sound like a safe activity for kids!
- I can't tell if you're crazy or just messing with me. I don't have any kids. I don't have a wife. Now, are you going to get to the point or should we just continue this charade?
- What do you know about the Florentine Diamond?
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- I'm here for information on the Florentine Diamond.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- (Hit him)
- You kick the Warrior in the side of the head, sending him sprawling down onto the ground. He grunts and pushes himself back to his feet, shaking his head slowly.
- No sense of humor, huh?
- Just give me the information I want.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- That eager to die?
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
Bronte, huh? That's a pretty weird name, ain't it? I don't know too many Brontes myself. That should make it easier to track her down, at least. I guess I'll get on social media and start -
Bobby's phone chimes with the familiar sound of a newly received text message.
It's the Miller. I gotta give him a call.