Mission:Gone in a Flash - Part Three: Going Twice
Part Three: Going Twice

Depending on the player's choices during this mission, they will get one of two different mission options for Part Four and Part Five (both paths lead to the same final mission).
Summary: For faster completion or to fight Warriors, don't hurt the auctioneer (slapping is okay). Getting the Auctioneer's Salary and Auctioneer's Name clues from the first room makes this easier. For maximum total XP or to fight Circle and Tsoo, hit the auctioneer. Note that auto-completing the mission counts as hitting the auctioneer.
Alright, so the Miller doesn't know anything yet, but that don't mean we've gotta give up! Eventually, he'll hear something, but until then, I got some news. While you were over in Paragon, I talked to my cousin Willy again. They don't know he was behind turning off the alarms, so he's been able to catch wind of what the Euphorium owners have been saying.
Bobby leans in close to you again, looking around as if someone is trying to eavesdrop.
They think someone received inside info. Now, funny thing, they don't suspect any Euphorium employees. But the only other people it coulda been are the owners of the diamond - and why would they steal it? - and the auctioneer. They haven't made a move on him yet, they're hoping he's gonna slip up and lead them to the real thief.
I say we get to him first and find out what he knows.
- Just tell me where to find him.
The auction house is run out of an office building here in Nerva. They've got their own private security working the place - don't worry, it ain't the same company Willy works for. All you gotta do is go in and ask him a few questions. I'm sure you got your ways to get a person to talk.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You talked to that auctioneer yet? He's gotta know who the thief is!
Mission Objective(s)
These offices are surprisingly plain for an auction house that deals in priceless artifacts.
- Interrogate the auctioneer
- Find the Auctioneer
- Talk to the Auctioneer
- Find the Auctioneer
You've learned the identity of the thief. Now it's time to track them down.
Notable NPCs
- Security Chief Xavi (Security Guards Private Security Captain)
- Security Chief Bill (Security Guards Private Security Captain)
- The Auctioneer

According to the pay records, the auctioneer has been paid the same salary for the past five years... and it's not that much.

You learned that the auctioneer is named Murphy from the auction house's transaction records.

You found this access key in the pocket of the security chief.

The auctioneer shrinks back from you as you approach him.
What do you want? I... I work for very important people!
- I need information.
- The auctioneer covers his head with his arms and crouches down.
- I don't know anything! I'm just an auctioneer, I just stand up on a podium and acknowledge bids!
- Stop cowering. I'm not going to hurt you.
- You're not?
- The auctioneer peeks out from behind his arms. When you don't do anything to him, he relaxes.
- I thought for sure you were going to do something terrible to me. After all...
- He looks down at the security guards you just took out. He starts to raise his arms back up to his face.
- Don't worry, they're just unconscious.
- On cue, one of the security guards lets out a groan of pain. He doesn't seem to be regaining consciousness any time soon, though. The auctioneer once again relaxes.
- Oh, good. I don't know them, but I'd hate to see them hurt. Well, hurt to death, I suppose. You said you wanted information? What about?
- The Florentine Diamond. Who took it?
- The auctioneer's eyes briefly go wide and he starts to say something, then he snaps his mouth shut.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Without the Auctioneer's Name clue:
- Don't lie. Just tell me what I want to know.
- The auctioneer starts to glance around nervously.
- I... I... don't know anything...
- The owners of the diamond suspect you. Better to just help me out.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- I'm getting fed up with you lying! Tell me what you know, or else!
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- With the Auctioneer's Name clue:
- Don't lie, Murphy. Just tell me what I want to know.
- The auctioneer's eyes go wide when you say his name. Then his bottom lip starts to quiver.
- You... you know my name. Does that mean you know about...
- He swallows heavy and looks down at his feet.
- Yes. I know.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- No. But I'm guessing the thief did.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- If you don't start talking, I'll stop being so nice..
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- You won't end up like them... as long as you cooperate.
- The auctioneer looks down at the unmoving bodies of the security guards and shivers.
- I... look. I don't want t... to get hurt. We don't keep m... money here in the offices. If you want, information, I don't know anything about the investors, I just -
- Shut up! Tell me about the Florentine Diamond. Now.
- The auctioneer flinches away from you.
- Please, don't. I d... don't kn... know anything. I swear. I swear!
- He suddenly falls to his knees, almost making obeisance to you.
- I can't t... tell you anything! Nothing! Nothing!
- Wrong answer. (Hit him)
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- You have five seconds to tell me. Four. Three.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- Just tell me who stole the Florentine Diamond.
- The auctioneer blanches, then snaps his mouth shut. He stares at you with wide eyes for a moment, but you don't conveniently disappear.
- I don't know anything.
- Wrong answer. (Hit him)
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- Really? Because your employers think you do.
- Th... they do?
- The auctioneer's face goes white.
- B... b... b... but I don't... I didn't... I had to! I had to!
- The auctioneer begins to let out a low, moaning whine.
- Calm down! Had to what?
- The auctioneer starts to breathe heavily, balls his fists up, and starts rubbing them against his eyes.
- That woman made me! I didn't want to, but she made me!
- He doubles over, hands on his knees, and starts to dry heave.
- Come on! Get it together! Tell me what you know and I'll help.
- The auctioneer heaves a few more times, but then takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and stands up straight.
- You're right, you're right. I'm sorry, I just get... so overwhelmed sometimes. And I've been so stressed by this all! The lying, the subterfuge, the guilt...
- He looks up at you with wet eyes.
- You must think I'm very foolish and weak, to be so worried about lying here in the Rogue Isles.
- Before you can reply, he presses on.
- It was a woman. I don't know who she was. She snuck up on me in my apartment and threatened to... Well, I couldn't refuse her. I took the key to the vault and told her when security was changing shifts. That's all I know.
- Are you sure? Nothing else?
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- What did she threaten you with?
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- You're getting hysterical! (Slap him)
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- I'm tired of this! (Hit him)
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- Calm down! (Slap him)
- The sound of your hand across the auctioneer's cheek is like a gun shot. The auctioneer immediately stops hyperventilating and his jaw drops. He touches the rising red welt on his face and quivers slightly.
- You... You slapped me!
- He takes a deep breath and lets it slowly out.
- I'm sorry, you're right. I was panicking. The truth is, a woman broke into my apartment and blackmailed me. She forced me to help her steal the diamond. But I don't know who she is! I never saw her face.
- That's all I know. I swear.
- Are you sure? Nothing else?
- No, I...
- He furrows his brow and bites his bottom lip.
- Wait, there was one thing. A name...
- He taps the side of his head a few times as he stares down at the floor.
- Amphitryon! Yes, that was it. The name of one of Sophocles's lost plays and a mythological Greek general. I heard her mutter the name under her breath. I think that and something about the Warriors. He must be one of those brutes, right?
- Sounds likely. Thank you. You can go now.
- Th... thank you!
- The auctioneer runs off without another word.
- (Leave)
- Sounds likely. Thank you. (Knock him out)
- Wait, wh -
- You clock the auctioneer across the jaw, sending him sprawling onto the floor. He briefly raises his head up to look at you, but his eyes roll back and he collapses back.
- (Leave)
- What did she threaten you with?
- I... it's personal. I don't want it to get out.
- His bottom lip starts to quiver.
- Please, I've told you what you want to know. Don't ask me any more.
- Are you sure you didn't learn anything else?
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- Enough with this! (Hit him)
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- You're lying! Tell me what I want to know, now!
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
With the Auctioneer's Salary clue:
- An auctioneer who is underpaid.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- Who stole the diamond?!
- The auctioneer lets out a yelp like a kicked puppy. He covers his head with his arms and crouches down.
- I... I... I...
- He swallows heavily with an audible gulping sound that might be comical in different circumstances.
- I don't know what y... you mean.
- Oh, don't worry! I'm not going to hurt you.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- Wrong answer. (Hit him)
- You drive your fist into the auctioneer's gut, doubling him over and driving all the air out of his lungs. His eyes bulge out in surprise as he lets out a wheezing gasp. As you pull away, he falls to his knees.
- He sucks in a few rasping gasps and looks up at you, eyes watering and fear plastered across his face.
- (Hit him again)
- Before he can say anything, you kick the auctioneer in the side of the head, sending him sprawling. He lays on the ground, staring up at the ceiling, mouth agape. For a moment it seems like he is going to fall unconscious, but then he curls into a ball and starts weeping.
- He lets out a long, keening whine, head tucked beneath his arms, knees pulled up into his stomach.
- P... p... please stop. I... I'll tell you everything.
- Too late.
- You bury your foot into the auctioneer's ribs, cutting off a terrified cry. You kick him a second time, then again, right in the same spot. The auctioneer tries to roll over to protect himself, but you just kick him in the other side even harder.
- The point of your foot creates a wet crunch as it connects with his ribs once again. The auctioneer lets out a subhuman groan. Another blow like that might kill him and you haven't gotten the name of the thief yet.
- Last chance. Who stole the diamond?
- For a few moments, the auctioneer lays on the ground, immobile. He's still drawing in ragged breaths, each one releasing a groan of pain from his throat. Finally, he speaks.
- It was a Circle of Thorns mage.
- His voice is thick and cracks as he speaks.
- The d... diamond is magic. They're using it in... in a ritual. He cursed me and said he'd only remove it if... if I helped him. He's in a cave up on Crimson Cove.
- You make him mark the location of the cave on a map.
- P... please, let me g... go.
- Sure. You should have just told me what I wanted to know.
- Remember to never cross me. (Knock him out)
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- You have ten seconds.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- Tell me what I want to know!
- He looks up at you, face and eyes wet with tears. He starts to speak, but his voice catches in his throat and he coughs roughly. He clears his throat and spits a wad of phlegm on the floor.
- It was a mage from the Circle of Thorns. He cursed me to make me help him.
- He looks down at the floor and squeezes his eye shut.
- The diamond is magic. He... he is going to use it for some ritual. There's a cave on Crimson Cove that he stays in.
- You make him mark the location on a map.
- P... please let me go. I told you everything I know.
- Sure. You should have just told me from the start.
- Remember to never cross me. (Knock him out)
- You lay the auctioneer out, sending him sprawling onto the ground. Hopefully he learned a lesson about being more forthcoming.
- (Leave)
- You have five seconds to tell me. Four. Three.
- As you start to say one, the auctioneer's eyes go wide and he jumps back to his feet.
- No, wait! Please! I told you, I don't know about the diamond! Please, believe me! Please!
- His pupils are small, as if he were staring into a bright light. His bottom lip quivers.
- Wrong answer. (Hit him)
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
With the Auctioneer's Salary clue:
- Important people who pay poorly.
- He blinks heavily when you say that.
- My... pay? What do you know about my pay?
- I know that you don't get paid what you're worth.
- The auctioneer frowns at you.
- I... I've been treated... fairly by...
- He trails off and looks at you, his mouth pressed into a thin line.
- Are you trying to bribe me?
- The Auctioneer's Name clue does not seem to be necessary to get this dialogue option:
- No, Murphy. Not a bribe.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- No. I want you to tell me who stole the Florentine Diamond.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- With the Auctioneer's Name clue:
- I know a lot of things, Murphy.
- The auctioneer's eyes go wide when you say his name.
- You know my name. You know my pay.
- He swallows and lets out a rough sigh.
- You must know my... secret, too.
- Yes. I know.
- His face furrows up as if he were just stabbed.
- So did she. I had to help her or she'd ruin my life. I didn't want to. And now... it didn't even matter. Two people know. Soon, everyone will.
- It could be only one person. If you help me find her.
- His eyes go wide when you suggest it.
- I...
- He stops and thinks for a moment.
- You're right. You could. I don't...
- He shakes his head.
- I'm sorry, I don't know who she was. She threatened me with... Well... threats and didn't show her face. But she mentioned something. A man, named Amphitryon.
- That's an unusual name.
- He shrugs his shoulders slightly.
- It's a name from Greek mythology. Sophocles wrote a play about him, though it's lost to time. He was supposed to be a great general. But I am pretty sure she didn't mean that. Have you heard about the Warriors? That gang from Paragon City? I think that's who she meant.
- I don't know anything else. But Amphitryon might. He can't know too many women diamond thieves.
- You're right. That's all I need. Thanks, Murphy.
- And that's supposed to mean?
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- But I promise I won't tell. She might.
- He shakes his head and laughs.
- You're right. What does it matter, huh? You two might even kill each other, then I wouldn't have to worry at all.
- I don't know who she is. She didn't show her face. The only thing I know is that she mentioned a Warrior named Amphitryon. I don't know anything else. I swear.
- Good enough. I'll find out who she is... and get my diamond back.
- Don't press your luck, Murphy.
- He raises his hands and shakes his head.
- N... no. Of course not. I think it's time for me to get out of the Isles.
- (Leave)
- No. But I'm guessing the thief did.
- He looks at you dubiously.
- You don't?
- He frowns and shakes his head.
- Why wouldn't you just lie to me?
- (Shrug)
- The auctioneer just stares at you blankly for a minute, then starts to laugh.
- You aren't just some villain, are you? Well, I appreciate the honesty nonetheless.
- He frowns and rubs his chin.
- Although... If you go after the diamond and take out the real thief, that would mean my secret is still safe. Unfortunately, I don't know much. She broke into my apartment and threatened me. I never even got a look at her face.
- But after I agreed to help her, I heard her muttering under her breath. Something like "I told Amphitryon and the Warriors that I could do it." Go after him and you'll find out who she is, for sure.
- Thanks, Murphy. Be safe.
- Hopefully that'll be enough.
- No point. Better to be straight with you.
- Th... That's very honorable of you. I guess only one person knows my secret then.
- He sighs and rubs his forehead. Then, after a brief pause, his eyes go wide and he looks up at you.
- Unless... You could take her out! You went through all the trouble to come after me, so you must really want that diamond! You could take her out and solve both our problems!
- But then the excitement drains from his face.
- But I don't know anything about her. She kept her face hidden. I just know her voice... and that she's a woman. I think, at least. Although...
- He snaps his fingers and points at you.
- She did say something that might lead you to her! "I told Amphitryon and his stupid Warriors that I could do it!" She muttered that right before she left. This Amphitryon must be involved somehow. Go see him and I'm sure you'll get to her next.
- Thanks, Murphy. Be safe.
- Hopefully that'll be enough.