Mission:Joining the Pack - Finale: On Whose Authority
Finale: On Whose Authority
You may think that my job is pretty cushy, huh Character?
Well it isn't all flexing for cameras and sippin' mimosas with the lady, let me tell ya. Sometimes, being in charge, you have to deal with some real steaming piles of red tape.
And now is one of those times. I want you to head down to Gravatech labs. I've got a job down there that needs your attention for detail. Can I count on you?
Mission Acceptance
Listen, it's nothing fancy, just a routine inspection of the labs. The thing is, I got wind that a PPD squad went in there to inspect the labs, led by Captain Duval from Precinct 5.
The PPD aren't scheduled to inspect the place for a few weeks, which makes me suspicious. Duval could just be trying to flex his muscle a little to show that he can still handle the job, but it could be something else.
Everyone sees me from a mile off, someone always snitches that the big dog is coming, so this time, I'm sending you to do the inspection for me. Might help to have someone who isn't smashin' the front door down, you know?
Just be careful. Some of the PPD guys don't like that my Powers Division boys are better than them and they might see you as walking in on their jurisdiction. Show 'em your teeth and they'll back down, just try not to hurt any of 'em too badly, we're supposed to be working together afterall.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Don't make the same mistake I did when bearing your teeth. I once bit a guy that got too close. True story.
Mission Objective(s)
It would appear that your surprise inspection has caught everyone off guard.
- Inspect Gravatech Labs
- Talk to Captain Duval
- Defeat Sergeant Callahan
- Stop the Resistance Plot
You inspected Gravatech and foiled a Resistance plot. Return to Marauder for debriefing.
Notable NPCs
- Sergeant Callahan (Praetorian Police Department Sergeant) (Boss)
- Warrant Office McKinley (Praetorian Police Department Warrant Officer) (Lieutenant)
- Justicar Easton (Praetorian Police Department Justicar) (Lieutenant)
- Captain Duval (Praetorian Police Department) (Boss)
- Captain Duval is younger than you expected, and he also appears somewhat nervous at your arrival.
- Windshield (The Resistance Veteran)
- Quinley (The Resistance Officer) (Boss)
How can I help you?
- I'm here to conduct Praetor White's inspection of this lab.
I see, how very unexpected.
Well, as you can see, we're inspecting the labs right now. So, there is no need for you to be here.
- I'm under strict orders, Captain.
I see. That is unfortunate for you then.
- You mean to push on the issue?
Not push, shove!
- -Really-?
Duval wasn't himself, he was an imposter!

You weren't too surprised that the PPD jumped you when push came to shove, but you get a sneaking suspiction that Duval would never say "chomp". It appears that the PPD officers inspecting Gravatech Labs aren't police officers at all, they are Resistance imposters!

From the looks of it, the Resistance were planning on creating a distraction so that their PPD imposters could effortlessly walk into a number of important governmetn officers and raid them for sensitive material as well. It's a good thing you stopped them because the average citizen knows better than to question the actions of the PPD.

You found this stolen Gravatech Labs Data on the imposter posing as Justicar Easton. It would seem that the theft of the Gravatech Labs data was basically a field test to see if their disguises would work. If you hand't shown up, they very well might have.
So, the terrorists made a play for one of our labs... They're getting brave, or desperate. Either way it's dangerous.
We've got clockwork set on cutting through the cell doors to free the scientists they sealed in the labs below. They'll have a lot of questions to answer on how this all went down.
Looks like you handled yourself pretty well in there, Character, you cracked some skulls, saved the day, and walked away in one piece.
I dare say, you almost impressed me, which is more than I can say for 'Captain Duval'.
You know what, Character? I like how you're not afraid to get someone else's blood on your fists. From now on, I'll be looking the other way when you bust them up, if you know what I'm saying... heh.