Mission:Just Prototypical - Find information about cargo ship

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Find information about cargo ship


I know that the Sky Raiders are storing the giant mech parts on a ship but I don't know which one. You need to access their secure network to find the identity of the ship.

Mission Acceptance

Pincher is sleeping off the effects of whatever they spiked her drink with, but she'll be ready to go after you have found the identity of the ship.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We probably shouldn't be talking right now - your opportunity for a safe approach to the Sky Raider air field is shrinking rapidly.

Mission Objective(s)

You've avoided the guards and made it this far unnoticed. While you're here you could look into what the Sky Raiders are planning with these robot parts.

  • Infiltrate the air field
    • Defeat the base leader
      • Find cargo ship manifesto
    • 3 plots to investigate (optional)

You have learned the identity of the cargo ship holding the giant mech parts.


Sky Raiders
Editor's Note:

The actual patrol dialogue seems to be chosen randomly. There are three patrols in each run of the mission, and for each patrol, the first mob says one of the Sky Raider 1 lines and the second one says one of the Sky Raider 2 lines. Other lines may also occur.

The Giant Mech Parts

The Sky Raiders managed to salvage the pieces of Burkholder's giant mech from the Council's volcano lair by airlifting them out while the Council forces were in complete disarray. Captain Roberts, the officer responsible for the daring raid on the volcano lair, was also behind the kidnapping of Dr. Francois, in order to determine the compatibility of the giant mech parts with the 'Crimson Prototype'.

The Crimson Prototype

In recent communication logs with Colonel Duray, the leader of the Sky Raiders, Captain Roberts put forth the idea that the giant mech parts could be used to improve on the 'Crimson Prototype'. Colonel Duray seems convinced enough that he has ordered the 'floating fortress' to perform a risky detour to Striga Isle in order to pick up the parts.

The Floating Fortress

You found some notes on the construction of the floating fortress, indicating that construction started shortly after the Rikti Invasion. More recent notes mention the addition of extremely powerful generators and materials misappropriated from Portal Corp and other companies working with dimensional science.

Cargo Ship Manifesto

According to the manifesto you found on the base leader's personal terminal, the giant mech parts will be shipped out to the waiting floating fortress on the CS 'Norn'.


So the Sky Raiders have a giant mech too, and they want to use these parts to improve on it. I guess we're really doing a good deed by stealing the parts away from those mercenaries, aren't we? Unless you're planning on unleashing a giant mech of your own to cause even greater death and destruction... Oh no! I mean... yay?

You have the name of the ship? Great, now we just have to wait for the tide.