Mission:Madeleine Casey - Stop the Carnival's party before they find the files
Stop the Carnival's party before they find the files
I just got word that the Carnival of Shadows is throwing one of their wild parties the office of City Councilman Klein. They're hypnotizing everyone inside, but that's only half the problem. Councilman Klein is on the oversight committee for the police department's undercover ops program. He has files that list the names of all PCPD undercover operatives, as well as the groups they're currently investigating. If the Carnival find those files, a lot of good men and women may never make it home to their families. Can you stop the Carnival's party before they find the files? Once you've got the files, take them over to Gordon Stacy. As police captain, he'll be able to keep them secure.
- Stop the Carnival's party before they find the files
The Carnival's wild bacchanals have a way of getting deadly. I'd be ready for anything if I were you.
Stop Carnival's wild party
Unnecessary Solicitation
I need you to stop the Carnival from tearing Councilman Klein's office apart!
Mission Objective(s)
The annoying bleat of a kazoo blends with a horrified scream.
- Stop Carnival's wild party
- find files
- 4 people to save
You found the files before the Carnival got to them.
Notable NPCs
- 3x Hypnotized office workers (Non-Escort Captive)
- Councilman Klein (Non-Escort Captive)

These dossiers, taken from Councilman Klein's office, list every undercover agent employed by the Paragon City Police Department. The comprehensive files contain each agent's name, photograph, home address, and distinguishing features. A note inside the top folder says, 'I'll expect my payment promptly.'
Take files to Gordon Stacy
Unnecessary Solicitation
Those files are one hot commodity, Character. You've got to get them to Gordon Stacy, pronto.
Mission Objective(s)
- Take files to Gordon Stacy
It certainly looks as though Councilman Klein deliberately left these files for the Carnival to find. It's heinous, Character. He planned to sell out all those undercover officers. Good work, deputy. I'm going to have him brought in right away.
Councilman Klein's claiming that he didn't help the Carnival deliberately; he says he was the victim of their strange hypnotists. We may never know whether he's telling the truth, but one thing is certain: we'll have to watch each other much more closely from now on. If the Carnival can truly make us act against our wishes, they may be your most challenging enemy yet!