Mission:Maria Jenkins - Take down Chimera at his training facility
Take down Chimera at his training facility
Chimera. Manticore's evil twin as it were. He's just as big a mystery in Praetoria as he is on this world, but a woman named Belladonna knows exactly where to find him. Turns out she used to be one of his assassins, but now she's part of the Resistance. We can portal you in directly into the training facility and you can take down Chimera and drag him back here for incarceration. Simple job, but he is extremely deadly, so bring some help.
- Take down Chimera at his training facility
Chimera's ninjas are stealthy and smart. You'll have to be the same if you want to succeed.
Unnecessary Solicitation
That training facility was still in operation last time I checked.
Mission Objective(s)
Chimera's training facility is hidden away in this forgotten graveyard.
- Defeat Chimera & his guards
You defeated Chimera.
Notable NPCs

Chimera is always located on the central plateau. Defeating Chimera alone without defeating his guards (except perhaps the one immediately next to him) is sufficient to complete the mission.
That ninja camp you shut down was one of Praetorian Earth's best facilities for churning out smart, well-trained troops. With it gone, we can all breathe a little easier. We've got Chimera contained as best we can in the Zig. Some days I wish we could go back to the Cold Storage method of containing the really awful villains. It kept Reichsman off the street for the longest time.