Mission:Max - To Protect the Nation
To Protect the Nation
Max has fulfilled the task that was assigned to him: eliminate the rogue Knives of Vengeance, using any means necessary, even if it means working with Character. As soon as the task was finished, Max received information on his next assignment: resume his identity as a colonel within the Vanguard, and infiltrate one of their bases located in Siberia.
The Malta organization discovered that Vanguard is holding Battle Maiden within that cell. Her expertise on nanite technology could prove incredibly useful to the organization, which is finding itself losing the battle of technology. They had sent their best trained men to deal with the Praetorians in Nerva Archipelago, only to find the Praetorians and Incarnate powered supers rolling over their technology.
The Director in charge of Praetorian conflict has confirmed that Emperor Cole has no intention of recovering Battle Maiden, not when she disobeyed a direct order and attacked the center of the city instead of a military target.
Max's mission is to recover Battle Maiden's halberd and, if he can manage it, Battle Maiden herself. Malta will then work with her to improve their technology in order to better handle Incarnate-powered threats.
This is a non-combat, personal story mission. In this mission, you will assume the role of your contact. This is a solo mission.
- (Play Max's Personal Story)
Mission Acceptance
Max accepts the mission and heads off to handle the situation in Siberia. He will assume his role as Colonel Vanderby, a decorated and honored member of the Vanguard, who helped fight in the second Rikti War and has earned several medals for bravery in the field.
Malta will leave a teleporter in the submarine he will be taking. The base has several layers of security doors made of impervium, ready to shut in at a moment's notice to prevent any breakouts. The teleporter will silently get Battle Maiden out and leave Max enough time to get out of the base before any suspicion is aroused.
Mission Objective(s)
Max, disguised as Colonel Vanderby, arrives at the Vanguad base in Siberia.
- Retrieve Battle Maiden's Halberd
- Speak with Battle Maiden via the Communication Computer
Battle Maiden has agreed to help Malta in their quest to upgrade their technology!

Max activates the computer in order to communicate with Battle Maiden.
What do you want, worm? You are not one of the strong who bested me in battle, none of you deserve to be within my sight!
Marcus Cole of Praetoria shall return for me, and then I shall take delight in crushing you and your pathetic army one by one!
- Whoah, easy there lady, I'm on your side.
Max explains to Battle Maiden the situation, being incredibly blunt about everything that's happening.
So... I have been betrayed by Marcus Cole. I cannot say I am surprised. He lacks the will to do what must be done to send fear into your enemies.
Your group, Malta, will give me my freedom if I agree to utilize my nanites in your favor? Hah! I suppose this could be an interesting venture, at least more interesting than where I currently am.
- Do we have an agreement?
If it means getting out of here, then yes, we have an agreement, 'Colonel Vanderby'.
I accept your terms and swear to help your organization of Malta become true warriors!
- ... Right, okay, well, let me get you outta this place.
Upon completing this mission you are awarded the Nanite Man Badge.

You played through Max's personal story, witnessing the event where Malta recruited Battle Maiden to upgrade their technology with her nanites.