Mission:Melvin and the Mysterious Malta Group - Rescue Lester Chesterford
Rescue Lester Chesterford
A man was recently kidnapped from the British consulate here in Paragon City. His name is Lester Chesterford, and he recently arrived in the city on a diplomatic errand. Mr. Chesterford is a career diplomat with many powerful friends he's developed in his long career. He's also remarkably amicable, even giving candid interviews about historical people like, say MI6 director Neil McIntosh to young CIA historians and/or file clerks who politely request them. Lester Chesterford's abduction has thrown the British consulate into chaos. Mr. Chesterford needs to be rescued from his captors before he comes to further harm.
- Rescue Lester Chesterford
I'll give you the place where some mutual 'friends' of ours are holding Mr. Chesterford. You're objective will be to rescue Mr. Chesterford, and to defeat his interrogator, an operative code-named Paradox Black Gamma. You'll also need to take out Gamma's support team to make sure no information gets back to their bosses.
When you rescue Mr. Chesterford, you'll also need to give him this file. He'll understand. It's sealed, but I think I can trust you not to open it.

This manila envelope has Lester Chesterford's name on it and is held closed with a black wax seal showing a bird of prey. From the weight, it contains only a few papers.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Remember that you'll need to rescue Lester Chesterford and defeat Paradox Black Gamma, his interrogator. And don't forget to give Mr. Chesterford the file I gave you.
Mission Objective(s)
Indigo gave you no indication of how she knew the Malta Group would be holding Lester Chesterford in this cave, but she's a woman of many secrets. As long as those secrets help you fight the bad guys, it shouldn't be a problem.
- Rescue Chesterford & defeat his captors
- Rescue Lester Chesterford
You rescued Mr. Chesterford!
Notable NPCs
- Paradox Black Gamma (Malta Operatives Gunslinger)
- Lester Chesterfield (Hostage)

After you rescued Lester Chesterford from agents of the Malta Group, he took the sealed papers you had for him and read them on the spot. Afterward he told you:
'Well, well. If it weren't for your reputation, I wouldn't know if I should believe these papers or not. Crimson indeed! That's a name that's left a long and bloody shadow on several decades of recent history. But I'll make certain that I tell the proper story to the right people. Keep me out of danger, indeed. No worry! I'll ensure that in the official version of events, the records will show that Mr. Langley asked me about Mr. McIntosh, but that I didn't tell him anything about the intelligence conference on Malta, nor about the reaction in our spy community when your Might for Right act was overturned. Changes in records can change history as people know it, I'll make sure that the changes outlined here are made. And thank you again.
Oh, if you were to take my advice, you would move with care. You've done a lot of good for many people, but you're working for and against very dangerous individuals. Right now, the world could use a tale of heroism that does not end in tragedy.'
The British Embassy is very happy to have Mr. Chesterford back, Character. I don't know if you were listening to him and I don't know if he told you anything of interest, but for your safety and mine, I don't think that's something we should really talk about. The important thing is that everyone's safe. And that some people are a step closer to being safer.