Mission:Negotiations of the Living Dead - Talk to Orpheus

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Talk to Orpheus


They are meeting in the Bonny Morass. A strange venue, perhaps chosen because it is set apart from the most attractive gang territories, and thus could be considered 'neutral ground'. It does not come without dangers of its own, such as the roaming undead hordes of the Banished Pantheon. I need you to talk to a local expert on the undead, a warrior called Orpheus.

Mission Acceptance

Find out from Orpheus what the Warriors are planning to do about the zombie hordes infesting the Morass.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you talked to Orpheus yet? As Warriors go he seems unusually dependable. His single-minded focus on slaying the undead makes him easy to understand - and manipulate.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Meet with Orpheus


This man is strumming a genuine lyre.

The illustrious Character honors me. Someone told me you might swing by. I have heard of the meeting down in the morass. My brothers in arms have been preparing the spirit wards to block out the Banished Pantheon and their followers for weeks. It makes a true Warrior like myself sick to his stomach, to hear of Warriors hiding from the undead behind wards and altars instead of tearing them limb from limb with axe and blade and fury. I'd bring those wards down myself if I wasn't a Warrior, through and through.

The wards are special. Even destroying the altar won't end the protective aura immediately. You're going to need something equally powerful to collapse that protective circle. Fortunately for you, I know just the thing. There's a cult of the Banished Pantheon hiding out in a nearby crypt, guarding a Hand of Glory. Destroy them all and take that thing for yourself. It can open any lock, break any ward... you get the idea.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Orpheus told you what to do. Cleanse that crypt and retrieve the solution to our problems. Be on your way.

Mission Objective(s)

The smell of recently upturned soil lingers in the cloying air within this disinterred crypt.

  • Seek the Hand of Glory
    • Interrogate head shaman

You killed the head shaman of a Banished Pantheon temple and acquired the magical artifact they were hoarding.


Banished Pantheon

Notable NPCs

The Hand of Glory

According to occult tradition, a hand of glory is the hand of a murderer or hanged man, pickled and mummified using various salts and other alchemical substances. When combined with a candle made from the fat of the same man who provided the hand it is supposed to have all kinds of interesting properties. Lacking the identity of the man the hand belonged to, and such a candle, this hand is of limited use. However, according to the Warrior bard Orpheus it is able to break the protective wards his fellow Warriors have placed in the Bonny Morass to ward off the Banished Pantheon.


You have it. A hand of glory, supposedly able to unlock doors, break bonds, petrify the unwary and make the user invisible. According to Orpheus it can break the protective wards sheltering the meeting place in the Bonny Morass, which is all I care about for the moment. The time for the meeting approaches and you shall make a special appearance.