Mission:No Room for Humanity - Part Two: My Name
Part Two: My Name
When I first tamed Marty, I was able to look at those collars he wears, see what exactly they're for. Have you tried looking at one before? It's difficult to do so; they deactivate once the ghoul's lifesigns are terminated. But it's fascinating technology, very advanced. Oftentimes, the PPD will hold down ghouls and place tracking devices in these little collars. We've been hit a few times by surprise PPD ambushes that way. But what goes around comes around, Character. If the PPD can rig these collars, so can we. I'm not talking about tracking. I'm talking about rigging them to explode.
- Exploding ghouls? Where would we get the technology for that?
Topside, in one of the labs in Imperial. That's where you come in. I'll need your help in retrieving the explosives from there. You and I are a team, after all. This plan is becoming as much yours as it is my own. The PPD know how to deal with ghouls, and they've got better ways to neutralize them.
If we install these explosives inside their collars, it will strike fear into the hearts of the PPD. They'll never know if the ghoul that's coming after them will blow up. The best part of it? We're killing two birds with one stone. The ghouls are serving our ends and we're cleaning up the tunnels. Here's the location of the lab. I'm going to have some of our boys ship Marty to the entrance in a box. He'll provide you with support. When you're done, you'll want to show the devices to Vagabond. He'll know how to hook them up.
Retrieve the Explosive Devices
Unnecessary Solicitation
Let me know if you need any more support on this, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
Marty bursts out of the box he was contained in and looks to you. Hatchet has trained him well enough that he seems to be willing to follow your orders.
- Retrieve the Explosive Devices
- 3 boxes to search
- Find information on Lucas Marcone (Optional)
- Defeat Investigator Soto
You've retrieved the detonators! Now to bring them to Vagabond for him to hook them up.
Notable NPCs
- Marty (Ghouls Painted One) (Lieutenant) (Ally)
- Investigator Soto (Praetorian Police Department Investigator) (Boss)
You found some background on Lucas Marcone.

NAME: Lucas Marcone
Date of Birth: 10/04/1982
Death: 04/09/10
BACKGROUND: Lucas Marcone enrolled in the PPD as soon as he was able to. He was a brave officer and a devoted husband. Lucas served Praetoria to the best of his abilities, but was killed in a firefight against the Resistance within the underground of Imperial City. He left behind his wife of ten years and two children. We will continue fighting the good fight for Lucas.
Speak with Vagabond
Unnecessary Solicitation
Good, you've gotten the detonators. Vagabond will know what to do with them.
Mission Objective(s)
- Speak with Vagabond
Eh? You're the guy / girl that Hatchet is goin' on about, huh? He's into a lotta hogwash, but this ain't one of them. Name's Vagabond. If there's been a war, I've been there to see it through. You got the detonators? I got the know-how to install them into the ghouls, learned all about technology during my time serving in Italy. This was before the whole business with the Hamidon Wars, you know.
- Here are the detonators.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented. (A)
- What do you know about a man named Lucas Marcone?
- Eh? I don't know too much, I'm not one to keep up on the hogwash of names. Hatchet told me that you found out that's the name of that alpha ghoul, right? Well, I ain't got much to tell you about it, aside from that you shouldn't bother to look any further into it. The ghouls are monsters, nothing more. You got a problem with using monsters, you can go sign up with those Wardens, but if someone is gonna bring change to Praetoria, it's going to be us.
- Alright. Here are the detonators. (A)
- Perfect! I'll get these rigged to our ghouls right away. Just make sure you're not around them when they go off!
- I'll make sure of that.
Vagabond should have the detonators all rigged to go. Alpha has given us plenty of ghouls. Or, I should say, we took plenty of ghouls with Alpha. They don't have a mind of their own, you have to understand. They're animals following a pack; we just happened to know how to make that pack follow. We've got alpha and four other ghouls, waiting to tear apart the PPD, or to be blown up by us. It's a wonderful thing, using monsters. Marty's head jerks to the side with a growl.
We couldn't do this with people. After all, that would make us the monsters and cost us another gun in a fight. If this works, we can turn all the ghouls we encounter into ammo. Cole will soon learn that there's no stopping the Resistance; we'll use every monster he throws at us to bring him down.