Mission:Power of the Mind - Part Two: Brief Aside
Part Two: Brief Aside
We have some time before the seers are prepared for what must be done, Character. This is something I hate. I am not someone who enjoys waiting for things, especially given the death sentence under which I live. That is why we're going to go off and get some more work done on the side, all to further Wardog's plan. He's been very secretive about it; sometimes I believe he thinks one of us is a traitor, but that is impossible.
At any rate, Wardog has requested that you and I assist him on retrieving information. He asks now because of an attack the Destroyers have launched on a facility in Imperial City.
- What sort of information are we after?
It is information regarding the Hamidon. I've probed Wardog's mind, but he is an expert at keeping me, and Mother, out. He claims this will help us down the line, but I do have to wonder how it will help us. Anything regarding the Hamidon is dangerous, that much I know. Once, I accidentally allowed my mind to wander into that of the beast; what I saw was nightmarish.
Wardog has given me the location of a PPD lab. You'll need to hack the computers in there for any information on Hamidon and 'retrieve' any paperwork from the PPD, though I imagine that the Destroyers may have already destroyed most of what's there. You had better hurry.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Do you have that information yet?
Mission Objective(s)
The Destroyers have already made a mess of this place. Hopefully that information on Hamidon is still usable.
- Find information on Hamidon
- 2 computers to search for information
- Steal information from the Destroyer leader
- One minute until PPD reinforcements arrive
You've recovered the information that Wardog needed.
Notable NPCs
- Sewer Smasher (Destroyers Top Dog) (Boss)
PPD reinforcements have arrived!
You found some files on Hamidon!

You found a file that gives a brief overview on Hamidon's monsters. It seems they roam the wild, destroying anything in their path. One of the more important notes here is that they appear to be organic beings. The file ends by saying that the best weapon to 'clean them up' would be one that can eliminate purely organic life without damaging any structures.
You took down Big Bad Man and found a torn apart dossier.

Sewer Smasher had this torn up dossier on Hamidon. Most of the information can't be read anymore, save for one small sentence.
'Sometimes, when I look out to the forest, I can see it. I can only hope the production is done in time.'
Hrm... well, this is all interesting information, but I don't see how this pertains to anything we're working on. Unless Wardog is planning on somehow controlling the Hamidon to destroy Cole. But that would be idiotic.
Whatever, I'll get him this information. For now, however, you and I have bigger problems. Mother.