Mission:Revenge: Serve Chilled - Finale: My Enemy's Enemy
Finale: My Enemy's Enemy
After discovering Cerulean's secret magical portal into my mansion I realized that it was he who had been sneaking about stealing off with things all these years.
Well, he won't get away with it any longer! I've woven a ward into my mansion's hallowed walls so insidious that if Cerulean ever tries his little parlor trick again, he'll be reduced to his base elements!
But, that isn't the true testament to my triumphant translation of his transmutation trickery! I have learned how his doors work!
And what more, I have learned how to reopen them after his passing.
Character, I want you to go after Cerulean and either talk some sense into him so that he gives me back the Chronicles of Doom, or take them from him by force!
Hopefully the latter, the man has truly tested my patience this day and just a trifling bit more of his impudence is all I need to take me over the edge and send me into a berserker rage!
- I'm going after him.
You truly are without fear! I suspect that there will be an army of seductively clad Carnival ladies backed up by wizards of only moderate level. They will likely have standing orders to kill you on sight, so seize the initiative and sneak attack them before they can react!
Unnecessary Solicitation
Cerulean has made it clear that he is going to take Serene on without our help. What a fool! Anybody with a halfway decent intelligence knows that Serene is too powerful and beautiful to be stopped by the likes of him. Besides, that would be a totally lame ending and trivialize all of our hard work of late, which is just not how amazing adventures and quests for glory work!
Now that I have Cerulean's magical doors figured out we can put an end to his insanity!
Surely Vanessa DeVore will be thankful for us stopping Cerulean from taking half the Carnival to their deaths...
- What do you mean to their deaths?
Yeah, to their deaths. Definitely.
You know, because of the Talons of Vengeance?
And how they turn people against each other? It's all in the Chronicles of...
Which are currently in Ceruelan's hands...
- Tell me what you know.
So, it works like this...
The Talons of Vengeance are, you know, all about vengeance and stuff. Well, the way they swell their ranks is by recruiting angry and vengeful people. Except, well, they don't so much recruit as cause your thirst for revenge to be all-consuming and then you turn into a monster and join in the slaughter...
So, if you have a big army of angry and vengeful Carnival ladies all marching behind Cerulean on some sort of quest for revenge...
- ...then you are handing over new recruits to the Talons.
Yeah. It's pretty OP, huh? I mean, how do you fight something you can't get angry at?
Anyway. Cerulean is more of a liability fighting against the Talons than a benefit to the Carnival by chilling out.
If they aren't stopped then the Carnival is going to be fighting itself in short order.
- I need to stop Cerulean before it's too late.
Alright, but after what Cerulean did to my poor Midnight Masters I'm not going to be able to lend you much support.
Don't get me wrong, my omnipotent power could easily best Cerulean and his Carnival of War, but if you are going to have any chance at negotiating with him, then having me around displaying my awesomeness probably wouldn't help.
Just let me know when you're ready and I'll easily open Cerulean's little magic door for you.
- Open the portal, now! (Enter Mission)
Mission Objective(s)
You step through the mystical portal and into the tunnels somewhere beneath First Ward. After following the corridors you discover where Cerulean has been gathering the Carnival of War.
- Chase after Cerulean
- Stop Cerulean
- Return to Master Midnight
- Escape with the Chronicles
You tracked down Cerulean and retrieved the Chronicles of Doom, but at the cost of his and his Carnival of War's lives.
Notable NPCs
- Cerulean (Lieutenant)
It seems you may be too late, the Carnival of War has already started to turn upon itself.

The magical power surrounding the Talons of Vengeance has already caused the Carnival of War to turn on itself in a bloody melee. The few survivors in the tunnels have now joined with the Talons as the Carnival of Vengeance!
Cerulean was a formidable adversary. His death will be the stuff of legends...
But there is no time to mourn for fallen comrades. The Chronicles of Doom hold some secret to Serene's sinister plans and what she wants with Diabolique. I shall set to work at once studying it's pages and discerning the answers we require to confront our adversary and defeat her once and for all!
Oh, I envy you, Character. What I wouldn't do to be invited to work side by side with such a lovely specimen of the female variety as Vanessa DeVore. Perhaps you could put in a good word with her for me?