Mission:Self Restraint - Part Three: Just Because You Can...
Part Three: Just Because You Can...
The implant I dug out of Seer 0293 has four times the number of synaptic accelerator pathways, greatly extending the range of her telepathy, but making it so weak that even another psychic would have trouble picking it up in the same room. I have a theory in the works, but I need you to help me find some evidence to back it up.
- Help Steffard prove his theory.
At first I dismissed the design as flawed, but I'm starting to see a very real brilliance behind this device, Character.
The range is extended, that is key. This device attached to a class 11 Seer, like our friend 0293, has a range roughly about that of Imperial City, a stronger Seer could easily cover Praetoria City.
But here's the key that threw me off. The range is increased, but at the expense of power. With this installed, Seer 0293 couldn't read the mind of a fly, nor could she transmit a thought with any clarity beyond a foot. The device simply saps too much strength out of the psychic signal to do anything but travel distance. So why was she so powerful when you found her in that office building?
The answer to that, my friend, I hope you will find in M.I.C.I.R.'s Seer Facility over in Industry Avenue. According to Maxine, they're working on something she claims to be very similar to the device I showed her.
While you do that I'll do some tests with these Ghoul collars. I have a feeling that whoever is putting the Ghouls in these restraints has something to do with these Seer implants as well.
Unnecesary Solicitation
Get access to the database inside that facility and look for anything pertaining to synaptic accelerator pathways. If they're working on what I think they are, that will get you a lot of hits on your query.
Mission Objective(s)
Facilities like these are where the Seers go for psychic downloads and regeneration.
- Search Seer Facility in M.I.C.I.R
- Get synaptic accelerator pathway data
- Find mission exit
You got the data for Dr. Steffard, bring it back to him and figure out if his theory is correct.
Notable NPCs
- O'Connell (Loyalists Citizens) (Minion)
- Martins (Loyalists Citizens) (Minion)
- (Seers Visionary) x3 (Boss)

Dr. Steffard sent you into M.I.C.I.R. to recover any data you could find on Synaptic Acceleration Paths. Apparently the implants he found in Seer 0293's head were using very advanced SAPs, and he wants to know what they are using them for. They certainly aren't used to read minds.
You have the data?
Excellent, let me have a look at it...
Just what I thought, Character. They're using these implants to try and turn the Seers into command and control modules for the Ghouls!