Mission:Steven Sheridan - Stop the Rikti from killing the Circle of Thorns
Stop the Rikti from killing the Circle of Thorns
I just learned that the Rikti are mounting a raid against a Circle of Thorns base. They've even got some sort of electronic device that momentarily zaps the brain's language center. It'll be a whole lot harder for those mystics to defend themselves if they can't remember the words to their spells! I know the Circle hasn't exactly been a good neighbor, but if the Rikti push against them the Circle will push right back, and that would leave too many innocents trapped between them. I know it seems strange, Character, but you've got to stop the Rikti from killing the Circle of Thorns. It won't be long before this gets out of hand. The Circle can get reinforcements there in as little as 90 minutes.
Mission Acceptance
Another day, another epic battle. Take care of yourself, Character.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The Rikti are tearing up that Circle base. I need a hero presence there, stat!
Mission Objective(s)
You hear the fevered voices of the Circle's mystics casting rapid, desperate spells.
- Stop Rikti raid on Circle - 90 minutes timed
- 3 mystics to rescue
You stopped the Rikti from massacring the Circle of Thorns.

Even though it isn't a stated mission objective, this mission cannot be completed until all enemies have been defeated.

One of the Circle of Thorns mystics you rescued told you:
'They wanted to wipe us out, each and every one. They learned that in our legends we were taught magic by our ancient god, Ermeeth. The Rikti seem to fear gods, for as far as we know they have none of their own. They thought that if they destroyed us, they'd destroy Ermeeth as well. That's how they got rid of the gods on their own world: by wiping out anyone who believed in them. Gods can not exist without faith.'
So, the Rikti eliminated the gods on their own planet? How very strange. That could explain their extreme hatred of heroes as well; after all, many of you seem like gods to the people you protect.