Mission:The Anti-Matter Collision - Part One
Part One: Look into disturbance at a Portal Corp lab
I've got some weird scanner activity in one of Portal Corp's labs. The techs there are not answering the intercoms and sensors show dimensional instability off the freakin' charts. Gather some hero allies and get over there A.S.A.P., I don't want to believe the scanner readings are real so I need some eyeballs on the situation.
- Look into disturbance at a Portal Corp lab
The readings on the dimensional instability show that there are portals to the dimension classified as Upsilon Beta 9-6...
This could be really bad.
Unnecessary Solicitation
There is no time to waste, Character. Get over there!
Mission Objective(s)
You've grown accustomed to the smell and tinge of portal activity, but you've never felt anything like this before.
- Defeat raid leader & its crew
- 4 network nodes to secure
- Rescue technician!
- Defeat Raid Leader
- 4 network nodes to secure
You have secured the network. It looks like they were trying to steal schematics to large scale portal generators.

You can complete the mission without rescuing the technician.
Notable NPCs
- Cold Fusion (Anti-Matter's Clockwork) (Boss)
Excellent work, Character! You saved plenty of lives today, and stopped the Praetorians from stealing the tech behind our large scale Portal generators. Unfortunately it seems that this was a very coordinated attack. I picked up on the readings tipping us off completely by accident. Other labs all throughout Peregrine were infiltrated far more stealthily, and other pieces of Portal Corporation's tech were stolen.
But that's not the half of it. Check out these Dimensional Photon Shift readings. The DPS in and around Peregrine Island is off the charts. I'm going to need some time to piece all this together. Time I am not sure we have.

Tina Macintyre informed you that the Dimensional-Photonic Shift readings are currently off the scale. She is investigating what that means exactly in terms of the current invasion.