Mission:The Clockwork Captive - Take the note to the city representative
Take the note to the city representative
It's too bad you didn't get to the warehouse in time to save that kidnapping victim. But at least he was clever enough to leave us a note. Will you take the note over to the city representative? I'm hoping she can tell us if it refers to some location inside the city.
Mission Acceptance
Hurry back; we probably don't have much time.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Please deliver the note to someone in the city representative's office.
Mission Objective(s)
- Take note to city representative
Your friend was right. This is an intersection, though not of two streets. It's an old annex to the sewer system, off the main lines. Here, take this map back to your contact and see if you can come up with a plan.

This map is of an unused annex of the sewer system. It is labeled 'CVX-1701 junction RVB-0070.'
Aha, so the note did give us an address! Now that we have a map to his new location, we should be able to find the kidnapped man quickly.