Mission:The Hearts of Darkness - Price of Victory: Striking the Wind
Striking the Wind
While I'm sure you are eager to reap the benefits of our benefactor's selection, I'm afraid your reward will be delayed somewhat.
Our benefactor has placed conditions upon your eventual meeting, the first of which is that you must seek out and kill all of the remaining contestants. Having seen your interactions with those contestants, I'm sure you won't object to this new caveat.
- Are you kidding? I've been itching to do this since we started.
Of course you have. Unfortunately, this otherwise simple task is complicated by one of your fellow contestants. As far as I can tell, Zephyr is immortal, and immortality can be quite the obstacle for a would-be assassin.
Thankfully, I have prepared for just this occasion. I have arranged for you to speak with a Fateweaver - an oracle of sorts - to aid you in defeating your enemy. If it is at all possible for Zephyr to be killed, the Fateweaver will know how.
Dr. Graves leans in close, his unblinking eyes focused on you.
Do be careful when speaking with the Fateweaver, Character. I have not informed her of our little game, as she is a member of Arachnos. I highly recommend you do the same.
Confer with the Fateweaver
Unnecessary Solicitation
Your newfound role as our benefactor's champion does not afford you to dawdle, Character. I suggest you speak with the Fateweaver immediately.
Character. You have come, as expected.
- Uh... yes. I need to ask you about-
I am aware. You wish to kill an elemental avatar - a bold plan, if a foolish one. One is as likely to stab the ocean to death as to slay a primal element. Your powers, though potent, cannot harm what takes no form.
- So... you're telling me it's impossible to kill Zephyr?
To kill him, yes. However, there are objects that bind the Avatar of Zephyrous Minor to his corporeal form. If those objects were destroyed, he would not die. He would, however, cease to exist in any meaningful way - to you, that is.
I can describe to you these objects, and direct you to them, but the Fates would demand an appropriate price as compensation for this gift.
- Price, huh? Do you want my soul? I'm not really using it...
Fool. The Fates have no need for a solitary mortal soul. What the Fates demand is balance.
In showing you Zephyr's weakness, I grant you the opportunity for great reward: namely, the ability to carry out your foolhardy mission.
To balance this, the Fates will demand greater risk, to justify this boon. You will find that Zephyr's powers have become stronger, that he has become more resilient... this will be the hand of the Fates. It cannot be avoided.
- So, I can learn Zephyr's weakness, but he'll become stronger when I do?
Essentially, yes. This is the price that the Fates ask of all. Are you willing to pay the price?
- I am, Fateweaver.
Very well.
The Avatar of Zephyrous Minor uses two anchors in this world: The Cardinal Altars, which bind him to the mortal realm, and The Eye of the Storm, which he wears as a belt to retain his corporeal form.
When you harm him, he will likely return to his natural state, where you will be unable to inflict damage upon him. Perform this ritual of summoning upon his altars, and he will return to a state where he can be harmed. Weaken him enough, and you will be able to remove and destroy The Eye.
The Fateweaver directs you to Zephyr's lair, where the altars are located.
Your fate is now in your own hands, Character. Do not falter.
- Zephyr's days are numbered.
Find and Banish Zephyr
Unnecessary Solicitation
I am not sure if Zephyr's banishment is an acceptable substitute for his death. Yet, if he is truly immortal, it seems your only option. I will confer with your benefactor while you are away.
Mission Objective(s)
From all the junk littering the entrance, you'd guess Zephyr has retained some of his Goldbricker devotees. Fantastic.
- Find and Banish Zephyr
- Weaken Zephyr
- Use the Altar of the East Wind
- Weaken Zephyr
- Use the Altar of the West Wind
- Bring Zephyr down!
- Force Zephyr to work for you!
You have recruited Zephyr in your plot against Dr. Graves!
Notable NPCs
Zephyr has dissipated, as the Fortunata indicated. Find an altar to resummon him!
You have summoned Zephyr back to the corporeal world!
You've got him on the run. Find another altar!
You have summoned Zephyr back to the corporeal world!
Alright, dude, you got me. You're a low-down jerk for using the Fates, but you did, and now I'm stuck.
I'm guessing they also told you the rest of it, too, huh?
- Yep. All I have to do is break your belt.
Aww, man. That is like, THE lamest thing ever. Using the Fates is, like, totally cheating. I mean, yeah, they made me stronger I guess, but that doesn't make it fair!
And it's going to take me SO freakin' long to make another body... this is, like, the worst day ever.
- Well... there's an alternative, you know.
What? C'mon, dude, don't play with me. I know you've been itching to get rid of me since, like, we first met. Just get it over with already.
- I'm only here because Graves sent me here.
Yeah, that's what I though- wait, what?
You explain to Zephyr what Graves sent you to do, and your intent to eventually betray him.
Dude, you are like, the shadiest villain I've ever met. You're gonna ambush him, after you already won? You're a new kind of crazy, I swear.
Well, if you're gonna let me keep my body, dude, I'm in. Just let me know when it's going down and I'll be there.
- I'll keep in touch, Zephyr.
Return to the Fateweaver
Unnecessary Solicitation
The Fateweaver has demanded that you return to her once your task is complete. Again, I must warn you, do not reveal too much. A Fateweaver learning of our contest would be disastrous.
So. You returned. And yet, the wind still howls. Your mission has failed...
You can feel the Fateweaver staring at you, despite the fact that you cannot see her eyes.
And yet, it has not.
- How... did you know...?
The Fateweaver chuckles at you. Her laugh sounds metallic, and hollow.
Fool. I am a Fateweaver. I possess knowledge that extends beyond time. I do not need your help in determining the outcome of your deed.
As you are no longer attempting to kill the Avatar, the Fates are no longer amplifying his powers. You may find, however, that the Fates may play a significant role in your future.
- How so?
You wish to attain power, as does any of your kind. The Fates can grant such power, but again, there is always a price.
If you wish it, I can allow you to reap greater rewards from your deeds - your powers would grow faster, you would acquire great riches, and you would become infamous. And yet, all this would come only at the cost of constant struggle. Each foe you face would be more formidable than the last, and your strength will never seem enough.
This is the price the Fates would ask of you. Should you wish to make a bargain, seek me out.
- I'll consider it, Fateweaver.

Notoriety Contacts are NPCs that can adjust the difficulty of your missions. They can change the level of enemies you fight, how many enemies will appear in the mission, and what ranks of enemies you'll be facing.
With the Notoriety Contacts, you can customize your missions to match the kinds of challenges you want to face!
So, you return. Our benefactor has decided that reducing Zephyr to a harmless gust of wind is sufficient. Most importantly, Zephyr has been removed as a connection between our benefactor and these illicit games.
Your next task will not be easy, but it should require less... creativity this time.