Mission:The Last Witch of Striga - Disrupt the rituals
Disrupt the rituals
I've tracked down the radiation from the Shivan fragments to another cave, and I'm detecting severe spiritual fluctuations from within. Put an end to the rituals.
Mission Acceptance
Once those rituals end the Unnamed will go on a rampage somewhere on the island. Watch your step when you leave the cave.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I've tracked down the radiation from the Shivan fragments to another cave, and I'm detecting severe spiritual fluctuations from within. Put an end to the rituals going on in that cave to unleash the Unnamed!
Mission Objective(s)
The power of the ritual magic is almost palpable.
- Disrupt the rituals
- 3 ongoing ceremonies
You have ended the attempts of the worshippers to control The Unnamed. A roar as from hundreds of strained voices rises somewhere outside the cave. The Unnamed is loose upon the world, all thanks to you. Your villainy truly knows no bounds.
Notable NPCs
- Ceremony Leader x3 (Banished Pantheon Shamans)

When the final ritual is disrupted an inhuman roar as from hundreds of strained throats seems to emanate from all around you. The Unnamed is set loose upon the world, all thanks to you. Your villainy truly knows no bounds.
Mage-Killer Tatiana seems practically giddy with anticipation.
The Unnamed walks the earth in physical form once more. Whatever that being once was - a long-forgotten god, some life-sucking spirit, doom incarnate - it matters not. Its presence is a blight upon the land and the last witch of Striga can feel it. She is a part of this island, bound to it by oath and blood. Every step it takes burns her, and she is already planning to deal with it with her allies among the Legacy Chain.