Mission:The Library of Souls - Recover Zoria and Akarist
Recover Zoria and Akarist
Character, I just got word from MAGI. They've made contact with one of the souls in the strangely darkened crystal you recovered from the Greater Library of Souls. It claims to be the soul of Lord Frostimus, one of Baron Zoria's old allies from the 1920's. What's more, it claims that the Baron himself is also a prisoner in another soul crystal! It says that it was transferred from the Baron's crystal to make room for a special guest: a Circle of Thorns traitor named Akarist! If half of what Frostimus claims is true, this could be the biggest break we've ever had against the Circle of Thorns. Will you recover Zoria and Akarist?
Mission Acceptance
You should be able to find Zoria in a dark soul crystal, like the one you already recovered. I don't know whether Akarist's alive or dead, but keep your eyes peeled for him.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Have you recovered Zoria and Akarist? No? Well, get cracking.
Mission Objective(s)
You have seen much of Oranbega, but today the crushing weight of its age presses down on you as never before.
- Rescue Zoria and Akarist
You have recovered Baron Zoria and rescued Akarist.
Notable NPCs
- Akarist (NPC Ally) (Pet)
- Furias (Circle of Thorns Agony Mage) (Guarding Akarist)

It seems that Akarist must survive the mission. If he dies the mission cannot be completed.
The moment you pick up this crystal you can sense the tortured thoughts of a madman in Hell.

The lone prisoner within this dark crystal lashes out at your touch. You can sense the thoughts of the spirit trapped within:
'We were fools, we were deceived. We asked for their power, and they came. They gave us the thorns, telling us they were the key to great power.
'We stabbed the thorns into our hearts, never knowing that by doing so, we were giving up our souls. Some they flung to the void. Others they kept in these crystal prisons. Our bodies they usurped, our forms they wore as clothing. They were mere spirits, but we gave them flesh!'

When you rescued Akarist, he told you:
'Fool Zoria thought to invoke us as gods, for as such we have been worshiped. We clothed ourselves in their flesh, took over the bodies of those who sought our favor. As living people, we could once again summon demons and perform all our old magics.
We told ourselves we sought only security. But the truth is, we wanted power.
Oranbega is no lost city. No empty sepulcher of abandoned stone. Every hall, every chamber is filled with us. Invisible wraiths, we have floated through uncountable eons, here in the city we built before history, before we lost our own humanity. Oranbega is no ruin. Oranbega is a living city. A living city of the dead.
And through the gulfs of eons, I am the first to betray it. I must now leave Oranbega.'
So, the Circle's acolytes are really just hollow shells, inhabited by the spirits of long-dead Oranbegans? Uhg, Akarist was right. I almost wish I didn't know. This is mind-boggling, Character! All those ghosts, living under our feet for thousands of years! You've done the city a great service by uncovering this secret. Now that we know how they operate, perhaps we can strengthen our fight against the Circle of Thorns.