Mission:The Most Dangerous Prey - Check the graves of Orpheus' kin
Check the graves of Orpheus' kin
Orpheus is tuning his lyre.
I hope that you might do me a favor in return for helping you out with your curse. The graveyards on Striga are filled with soldiers who died defending this rock against the Nazis during the Second World War. My own grandfather and two of his brothers were among them. The Banished Pantheon are robbing those graveyards to bolster their zombie hordes, and the thought of coming face to face with my own undead kin prevents me from hunting zombies like I used to. I need you to check that the graves of my forefathers remain undisturbed.
Mission Acceptance
I have learned from the local priest where the soldiers of my grandfather's regiment were buried. He agreed to help, despite our differences, for he remembered my grandfather and grand-uncles as good men. Should the worst come to pass, I need you to put my forefathers to rest and bring back their dogtags as proof.
The priest gave me some holy shotgun shells. I don't like to put my trust in magic, holy or arcane, so you can have them. Put them to good use.
Temporary Power
You will receive the Holy Shotgun Shells upon accepting the mission.

Ranged (Cone), Moderate Damage (Lethal), Special Damage vs. Banished Pantheon, Foe Knockback
Tobias Hansen gave you these holy shotgun shells to aid you in your efforts against the Banished Pantheon. These blessed shotgun shells do extra damage to Undead villains. Use them wisely, for you have only 75 shells.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Do not return without the dogtags of my ancestors, Character. I'm not in the mood for games.
Mission Objective(s)
The shuffling of countless shambling feet reveals that Orpheus' fears have come to pass.
- Learn the fate of Orpheus' ancestors
- Put all zombies to rest - or - Just take the dogtags
Orpheus was right - the graves of his forefathers had been disturbed. You took their dogtags to convince him that the job was done.

You found a large number of discarded dogtags in the mausoleum where Orpheus' grandfather was supposed to be buried. You did not have time to sort out which tags belonged to which stumbling corpse so you simply grabbed them all.

This clue can be obtained either by defeating all enemies, or by clicking a chest located deep inside the mission. The clue and dialogue are the same either way.
My grandfather's dogtags! And those of his brothers too! Now I may enjoy hunting my favorite game without fear of running into my own dead relatives. Thank you, friend.