Mission:The Power to Control - Finale: This is the End
Finale: This is the End
Belladonna is no fool, Character. She tried to distract me with false leads, meant to simply delay me. In the end, I was able to track her and my other two agents down to two possible locations, meaning that you and I will have to split up to cover them. Belladonna will be at one location, at the other will be a decoy. Both of us will have support from members of the PPD whom I control. I will not risk Belladonna escaping, not this time. If you encounter her, Character, do not kill her. Just bring her in. She will not die... oh, no, she will not die, not when there is so much left to do. Here is the location where you will be going to find her.
- Looks like we'll see what happens, Sinclair.
Yes, luck of the draw. The exact situation that I am not fond of, which is exactly why she created it. We're almost at the end though, Character. We finish this, it mens the end of Project Phoenix, your rise to glory, and my chance to make things right.
Members of the Resistance working undercover for Calvin Scott should inform him of what is happening.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Good luck, Character. Let us hope this is not another trick by Belladonna.
Mission Objective(s)
According to Sinclair's information, if Belladonna is here, she'll be on the roof of this building.
- Capture Belladonna (Single Player)
- Defeat Belladonna
(No completion text)

Belladonna: Character. I should have figured that Justin would send you.
Belladonna: I was like you once. Until Justin tried to kill me. As you can see, it didn't take.
Belladonna: He wants you to capture me, but I'm here to give you a different offer, and some insight...
Belladonna: Once you become a threat, Justin will kill you, just as he has done to so many others in the past.
Belladonna: Join with me and the Resistance, and we will give you more power than you could ever dream of!
Belladonna: And... unlike Justin, we won't try to kill you when you get too powerful. What do you say, Character?