Mission:The Trash Collectors - Part Two: Dangerous Liaisons
Part Two: Dangerous Liaisons
We got some good intel out of those Resistance members you apprehended in Holon Technologies. According to their cell leader, Tire Iron, a second team of terrorists are raiding Lodestone Technologies.
I'm going to be frank with you, Character. I don't know what is in this lab, but I've been given instructions by Praetor Sinclair himself that this lab contains sensitive material and that it must not be allowed to fall into anyone's hands. I'm sending you in to stop the Resistance and ensure that nothing leaves Lodestone.
- Stop Resistance in Lodestone Technologies
We are not sure whether the Resistance is aware of what is in Lodestone's mainframe, but I've been told that if they find the data then it will not take them long to realize how important it is.
I need to be very clear on this. Do not let them escape with this information. No matter the cost, this data must either be recovered... or destroyed!
I'll stay in contact with you via the Seer Network. If anything changes, we'll let you know.
Stop Resistance in Lodestone Technologies
Unnecessary Solicitation
Praetor Sinclair was very clear, Character. The Resistance in Lodestone Technologies must be stopped.
Mission Objective(s)
The Resistance didn't leave a door guard. Their mistake.
- Stop Resistance in Lodestone Technologies
- Stop Decker
- Destroy the mainframe
Whitworth reported that the Syndicate bounced the data to another system via burst transmission. Though fast, it was easily traced back to the Kearney-Lansing building. Get there immediately.
Notable NPCs
- Decker (Syndicate Telekineticist) (Lieutenant)
The connection has been severed!

Despite annihilating the mainframe in order to physically sever the remote hack, you were unable to stop them from downloading sensitive files.
Stop Hackers in the Kearney-Lansing building

Whitworth traced the source of the remote hack back to the Kearny-Lansing building. Time to pay these hackers a visit.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Get over to the Kearney-Lansing building, there's no telling how much longer the hackers will stick around.
Mission Objective(s)
It looks like you arrived just in time to stop your quarry from leaving.
- Stop Hackers in the Kearney-Lansing building
- Find the Syndicate Hacker
- Stop the Data Courier
You stopped Blueshift and his Resistance compatriots from escaping with the stolen Lodestone Technologies data. However, Blueshift mentally transferred something to you that is very, very confusing.
Notable NPCs
- Blueshift (Syndicate Suit) (Boss)
- Blueshift is a notorious Syndicate data courier who disappeared from the grid two years ago. The PPD reported him killed during a botched raid on a Syndicate hideout, but apparently they got somebody else instead.

It sounds like the hackers have uploaded the stolen data to a data courier; a person who has had cybernetics installed allowing them to carry sensitive data securely and secretly to their intended recipients.

You took down the data courier, an unscrupulous individual named Blueshift, but the data will have to be electronically removed from his cranial data storage device. Fortunately that's a job for the MICIR technicians and the Ministry's interrogators.
The hacker is... a computer?

You were sent to arrest the hacker responsible for stealing the Lodestone Tachnologies data, but it would appear that the hacker is actually a rudimentary AI residing inside this computer system. As far as you can recall there is no law written to specifically imprison such an AI. Clockwork, Cyborgs, Androids, yes. Self-aware software, no. It sounds like new legislation may be in order.
That was a close one, Character. It would appear that Sergeant Iminez is a much more dangerous liability than we initially suspected. He will have to be dealt with.
On the plus side you apprehended two of our Syndicate most wanted. Ministry Interrogators will be overjoyed to hear that we have two new visitors for them.
However, it looks like Lodestone Technologies will have to wait for our Ministry technicians to get their data out of Blueshift's cranial storage casing. He'll undergo interrogation and then memory removal and storage before he's mind wiped and integrated back into the Ministry. It has been some time since he worked for us, it will be good to have him back.
Do you realize that if we had more people like you in Praetoria, Character, we wouldn't have as much crime with all these gangs and outlaws.