Doctor's Orders |
Alignment Mission |
Type |
Alignment Tip |
Place |
Rogue Isles |
Available to |
Vigilantes |
Level range |
40–50 |
Choice |
Villain |
Doctor's Orders
Alignment Mission
You've come across a manilla envelope containing various legel briefs pertaining to a doctor working for Crey Industries:
'If it pleases the court, due to special circumstances, the prosecution accepts the defense's motion to grant Dr. Jonas Hanziger full immunity from charges in exchange for said defendant turning State's evidence against Crey Industries.'
The dossiers, briefs, and memos continue on, detailing the immunity being given to Dr. Hanzinger just so long as he reveals all the highly illegal experiments he's carried out working for them. In other words, as long as he points the finger at his bosses, everything he's done in the past gets swept under thet rug - and he'll be called a hero for it, to boot.
Villain: Pay the doctor a housecall
There is no way you're going to stand idly by as some ghoulish monster with a scalpel gets to walk free on the streets. Looking through the rest of the briefings, his self-admitted crimes against medicine and humanity are too numerous to list. Sure, his testimony may help to lock away other Crey monsters, or 'scientists' as they like to call themselves - but is it truly worth letting one of them go due to 'special circumstances', 'national security', and 'pre-emptive presidential pardon'? Whoever this guy is, he's connected to people in high places.
Which means that he's got a long way to fall after you 'fix' this issue.
- Prevent Dr. Hanzinger from gaining prosecutorial immunity!
The documents show that Dr. Henziger is still working within an off-site Crey testing lab in the nearby vicinity. From the looks of it, the good doctor's snitching hasn't been found out yet by his fellow employees. You could probably use this to your advantage as you track him down... and silence him permanently.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You still need to break into the nearby Crey laboratory and track down Dr. Hanziger. From the looks of it, the good doctor's snitching hasn't been found out yet by his fellow employees. You could probably use this to your advantage as you track him down... and silence him permanently.
Mission Objective(s)
From all the commotion you can hear down the halls, this is likely the place you'll find Dr. Henziger. Now all you need to do is find someone to kindly direct you to where the good doctor is.
- Take out Dr. Jonas Hanziger!
- Find the Head Nurse
- Get the information from the Head Nurse!
- Find the Chief Neurosurgeon
- Talk with Rodriguez
- Locate Dr. Hanzinger and defeat him
- Talk with Dr. Hanziger
Dr. Henziger lies dead, and with him so does the last five years of his life. If he only would have taken care of the problem like you had... He would still be here today.
Notable NPCs
- Head Nurse Darstin (Paragon Protector)
- Chief Neurosurgeon Rodriguez (Paragon Protector)
- Dr. Jonas Hanziger (Crey Scorpinoid)
Head Nurse Darstin dialogue
Before combat:
- Head Nurse Darstin: What on earth are you doing here, Character?
Combat start:
- Head Nurse Darstin: We are well within our rights to operate within this location. YOU are the one violating the law!
- Head Nurse Darstin: I... I'm not really trained for combat...
Head Nurse Darstin conversation
Speaking with Head Nurse Darstin
We're working out of the Rogue Isles to get AWAY from your kind, Character. Do your worst... I'll never talk.
- Bend back the Nurse's thumb... Painfully.
OW!!!owowowow... OKAY! FINE! I'll talk... What do you want to know?
Dr. Hanziger? You're here to hurt Jonas? Well, why didn't you say so? I never did like that smirk of his - always walking around the place acting like he knew more than you.
If you're planning on doing half of what you did to me, I'll be more than happy to help.
Dr. Hanziger is in his office preparing the review of the work we've been doing on kittens and baby pandas recently. However, only the Chief Neurosurgeon Rodriguez has the authority to page him, and only in case of emergency.
- I'm certain I can convince Rodriguez it's an emergency.
He's a stickler for protocol, and his kitten/baby panda bear combat models all managed to unlock their cages, forcing us to wear these defensive suits as we exterminated 6 months of his work. Needless to say, he's in a rather foul mood today. How do you plan on convincing him it's an emergency?
- I'll tell him you're severely injured...
What? But I'm not...
With cat-like grace, you put the Head Nurse in a sleeper hold. You make sure to put the Nurse's body in front of a security camera, knowing they'll send a doctor immediately.
Chief Neurosurgeon Rodriguez dialogue
Combat start:
- Chief Neurosurgeon Rodriguez: Character... It *was* you on the cameras...
- Chief Neurosurgeon Rodriguez: What did you do to my Head Nurse, you monster!
At 75% Life:
- Chief Neurosurgeon Rodriguez: You have no right to harass us! We're performing perfectly legal animal mutation/cloning/splicing experiments.
- Chief Neurosurgeon Rodriguez: Well, legal here in the Rogue Isles.
At 25% Life:
- Chief Neurosurgeon Rodriguez: I give up! I give up!
Chief Neurosurgeon Rodriguez conversation
Speaking with Chief Neurosurgeon Rodriguez
It's too late, you know. We've concluded our experiments and the head doctor is already preparing the results as we speak. By the time you get to him, he'll already have sent all the data to corporate headquarters. Not feeling so clever today, are we Character?
- I'm here for Dr. Hanziger.
I just told you, Character, you're not going to find him. There is no way he's coming out of his office without being given a good reason... And as much as you'd like to belive otherwise, headquarters does not agree that you wiping out our entire base constitutes 'a good reason'.
- Throw Rodriguez the legal papers
Rodriguez looks through the memos and legal briefs.
Why that no good, dirty, double-crossing, low-down, backstabbing SCOUNDREL! GAHHHH!!!
Why didn't I think of doing that!?!
No no no... There is no way I'm letting that ...opportunist... get away with this.
Now this... this is what is considered a 'good reason'. One moment as I page him.
[Caption] Paging Dr. Hanziger. Please report to the main lab and meet with Dr. Rodriguez.
[Caption] This is Dr. Hanziger. Esteban, this had better be important. Let me put on my containment suit and I'll be right out.
Grrr! I'll show him a thing or two. We've been together on this project for five years. Five years of dead body after dead body after dead body... And he turns all of this over to the police!? Without asking me to join in!? Oh... He's going down... when I get my hands on him I'm going...
What are you doing with that garotte, Character?
- Taking care of the other half of the problem...
With a quick tug, you manage to dispatch Rodriguez. Now the only one left is the man heading up this operation - Dr. Hanziger.
Ambush! Dr. Hanziger will ambush the player after Rodriguez is killed.
Editor's Note:
Despite being spelled 'Hanziger' throughout the mission, the NPC you fight is named Dr. Jonas Henziger.
Dr. Henziger dialogue
Before combat:
- Dr. Jonas Henziger: Esteban? I'm here. Now out with it. I have something VERY important I'm doing.
Combat start:
- Dr. Jonas Henziger: Character?! Why did they send you for me? Why wasn't Positron sent to extract me?
- Dr. Jonas Henziger: Wait... You're not here to help me, are you?
At 75% Life:
- Dr. Jonas Henziger: So... Crey found out, didn't they? After all this time, we were so close...
At 50% Life:
- Dr. Jonas Henziger: I have to stop you, Character. Too much is at stake!
At 25% Life:
- Dr. Jonas Henziger: NO! You... You're ruining everything...
Dr. Jonas Henziger conversation
Speaking with Dr. Jonas Henziger
Dr. Hanziger looks down at the red stain slowly spreading from a hole in the middle of his chest, then looks up at you with a questioning expression.
Why, Character? I thought you were on our side. I hope however much Crey paid you was worth it...
- I don't work for Crey. And you don't deserve immunity, you monster.
Monster? You dare call me a monster?! After you've destroyed years of careful work and *cough cough* planning - five years of my life gone - five years of other people's lives. *cough* Families. After the things I had to do...
After the nightmares I would wake up from, screaming... every night... gone... and now... now it's too late... Crey's automated security methods have likely already destroyed all the evidence because of your commotion...
And you - YOU - call me a monster?
- You can't run from justice Henziger.
Dr. Henziger looks down at the gaping wound then slowly looks back up at you.
Character, I am *cough* 'justice'.
I've been undercover *cough* for the past five years trying to finally put Crey... away once and...
The doctor's eyes stare straight ahead as his wound finally overcomes him.
It turns out that all of the special considerations that were being afforded to Dr. Hanziger was due to him being deep undercover, attempting to gather the evidence needed to put Crey Industries on trial.
What a waste. It took him five years to do what you did in twenty minutes...