Squawk From An Arachnos Headset |
Alignment Mission |
Type |
Alignment Tip |
Place |
Rogue Isles |
Available to |
Vigilantes |
Level range |
20–29 |
Choice |
Villain |
Squawk From An Arachnos Headset
Alignment Mission
You overhear a dispatch on the helmet headsets of some Arachnos soldiers. You listen in.
Sigma Two Five this is Command. We have a situation. Wolf Spider Huntsman Westmore and Fortunata Seer Fairchild have been declared traitors, defectors, and enemies of the state! Inform all personnel that the subjects are to be taken alive. Be aware that they are considered extremely dangerous, and that they have already undermined the authority of Lord Recluse within at least seven different companies. Westmore was last spotted at the docks, but we have since lost contact with our hunter team. Command out.
Very interesting. You know all about Westmore. That man butchered his way up the ranks of Arachnos to his lofty position as a Wolf Spider Huntsman. Whatever reason he has to defect are meaningless. He will pay for his crimes! However, it sounds like tracking him might be difficult. From what you know of Westmore he has been very close with the other subject, Fairchild. You suspected for awhile that their relationship was less than professional. If you can find her then you are certain you can get Westmore to come out of hiding. If he was down at the docks, there is a fair chance that Fairchild is aboard one of those big cargo ships. It would be difficult to detect her psyche through the hull.
VILLAIN: Introduce Westmore to the concept of loss!
Huntsman Westmore is cautious, that's the only way he's been able to keep this little mutiny off of Arachnos's radar for this long. Unfortunately that caution is going to make things a lot harder on him. The surest way to get him to show himself will be to target his girlfriend, Fortunata Fairchild. You're counting on her psychically calling for help to draw Westmore out. Unfortunately, she's got a nasty Crab Spider as a bodyguard, so you'll have to deal with him first.
- Draw Westmore and his friends out to pay for their crimes.
Every member of Arachnos is guilty of innumerable crimes. That fact alone justifies everything you are about to do here today. You'll need to eliminate Fairchild's bodyguard, then draw her into the trap. Her cries of pain will draw Westmore to you like a spider to a fly, only you're a bug killer.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Westmore isn't aboard the ship, you're going to have to use his girlfriend to draw him back and into a proper showdown to pay for his crimes. You're going to enjoy this.
Mission Objective(s)
You've watched the ships for a few hours and decided to trip a door alarm on the vessel in order to draw out Fairchild's Crab Spider bodyguard, Robert Green.
- Lure Westmore into your trap
- Eliminate Robert Green
- Speak to Robert Green before finishing him
- Find Fairchild and capture her
- Speak to Fairchild before finishing her
- Find Westmore and defeat him
- Speak to Westmore before finishing him
You dealt with Westmore.
Notable NPCs
- Robert Green (Arachnos Soldiers Crab Spider Webmaster)
- Description: Robert Green was once just another faceless Crab Spider thug in the service of Arachnos. Then one day he was asked to go too far, to kill too much, and he snapped. Brittany Fairchild sensed his growing rebellion against Arachnos and together they have worked to find more people like them who want to get out and make a new life. Robert has served as Brittany's bodyguard ever since they met.
- Brittany Fairchild (Fortunatas Fortunata Seer)
- Description: Once a Fortunata Seer working for Arachnos, Brittany Fairchild had seen enough and wanted out. She began searching for others like her and found Alan Westmore. Together they have rallied together others who wish to leave Arachnos and make a new life for themselves in the United States, beyond Lord Recluse's reach.
- Alan Westmore (Arachnos Soldiers Wolf Spider Huntsman)
- Description: Once a Wolf Spider Huntsman in Arachnos, Alan Westmore found love and decided to flee from Lord Recluse's regime. Along his way he found a lot of like minded individuals, all of them wanting to redeem themselves for their service to the dictator of the Rogue Isles and head of the Arachnos criminal organization.
Robert Green combat dialogue
Before combat
- Robert Green: We've got an alarm on the cargo door. I'll handle it.
Combat start
- Robert Green: Character?!
At 75% life
- Robert Green: You don't understand, we're defecting!
At 25% life
- Robert Green: Man, they weren't kidding, you are tough!
- Robert Green collapses to the ground. Make him call for Fairchild.
Robert Green conversation
Speaking with Robert Green
- Stop! We're defecting! We're leaving our lives in Arachnos behind us. We're looking to do some good in this world now. Can't you see that? Can't you believe in that?
- I believe in good and evil, and you're evil!
- I was evil... But no longer. I've seen what Recluse would have me do and I want nothing to do with that madman any longer. All of us on this ship feel the same. We're through with Arachnos, through with Recluse, and through with the Rogue Isles.
- Now that that is sorted out, why are you here?
- You're going to help me get Westmore.
- Westmore? No way... I'm not telling you a thing, he's like a brother to me. There is nothing you can say or do that will make me betray him.
- "I think I have my ways." (Break Green's ribs)
- You unbuckled Green's chest armor and start wailing on his ribs.
- "Ugh... Ugh... Ufff! Gah! Gaaaah.... You son of a... Graaaah! Stop... My lungs... Ahhhh..."
- Green coughs violently and you see blood dribble out from under his helmet, you must have hit something vital. It looks like that really hurt.
- Are we on the same page now?
- "I don't have time for games." (Gouge out Green's eye)
- You wrench off Green's helmet and toss it aside, then dig your thumb into one of his eyes.
- "What are you... Ah! Aaaaaahhhhh! Stop-Stop-Stop!"
- Green clutches his face, blood streaked across his fingers as he howls in pain.
- Don't make me take the other one.
- "Oh, I think you'll talk." (Break Green's leg)
- You slam your foot down directly into the side of one of Green's legs. With a sickening pop his leg buckles, but his armor keeps him upright. He screams in unholy pain.
- "Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! You broke my leg... Gah! Ha... Ha ha... I can't believe you broke my leg... what is wrong with you!?"
- This can be the beginning, or the end, your choice.
- Alright! Alright... What do you want from me? Just... please... Just stop.
- First, shut down the alarm and radio an all clear.
- Alright, I'll radio in that the alarm was accidently set off. Is that all?
- Now, tell Fairchild to meet you in the bow cargo bay.
- Fairchild? Why do you want her? Alright alright... Just... Give me a moment and I'll have her meet us up front. Anything else?
- "Good, now... What?" (Shut him up)
- You stop Green's betrayal of your presence a moment too late, delivering a swift kick to the side of his head.
- "Now I'm angry!" (Kill Green)
- Before Green can recover from the kick you grab his head and yank it hard to the side. He goes rigid for a moment and then relaxes.
- I should have expected that from a traitor.
Brittany Fairchild combat dialogue
Combat start
- Brittany Fairchild: Everyone on high alert. Green's down, Character is here! Don't let him get through!
- Brittany Fairchild: You killed Green, Character. Don't you get it? We aren't with Arachnos anymore!
At 75% life
- Brittany Fairchild: If it's a fight you want, then you'll get one!
At 25% life
- Brittany Fairchild: Enough... Please!
- Fairchild collapses to the ground. Make her scream to draw out Westmore.
Brittany Fairchild conversation
Speaking with Brittany Fairchild
- What are you doing? I can't read you, all I see is death and anger. Please, we've seen enough of that. Let us start new lives. Have you no mercy?
- "There is no mercy for the merciless." (Twist her arm)
- Ahhhh! Stop! Stop!!
- Fairchild goes silent for a moment and you know that she is contacting Westmore mentally. Just what you wanted.
- "That's right, cry for help!" (Knock the wind out of her)
- Gaaaaaaahhh...
- As she gasps for breath, you can tell that Fairchild is having a difficult time keeping in contact with her boyfriend. No man could resist coming to the aid of his imperiled woman.
- You'll pay for this, Character...
- "You mean when Westmore shows up?" (Strike her in the temple)
- Fairchild staggers from your blow, you can tell she is in no condition to send a mental message. She's frightened.
- What? You... you wanted Westmore to show up? Oh no... what have I done? My love...!
- "We're all done here." (Kill Fairchild)
- Fairchild must have got some semblance of a message off to Westmore, because as you deliver the killing blow you hear Westmore bellow in the distance.
- Shhh, you'll be with him again soon.
Ambush! At the end of talking with Fairchild, a group of three Arachnos, including Westmore, will appear.
Alan Westmore combat dialogue
Combat start
- Alan Westmore: Character! You monster! I'll kill you!
At 75% life
- Alan Westmore: You killed her! You killed her! Why!? Tell me!!!
At 50% life
- Alan Westmore: You call yourself a hero?! Look at what you've done! Look!
At 25% life
- Alan Westmore: I can't... I can't fight anymore... just kill me... let me be with her... let me die...
- Westmore collapses before you. Give him his last rites.
Alan Westmore conversation
Speaking with Alan Westmore
- You... I don't even know... what to call you... Character... you're as bad as Recluse! No... you're worse! Recluse makes no claim to be a force for good... you masquerade as a champion... of the people, but in the end you're the monster that will be their doom.
- People like you never change, always blaming others for your misdeeds.
- You're wrong... people change all the time. In fact, Character, all you need to do... is look in the mirror to see... just how much you've changed... just how far you've fallen.
- Heh... I remember a time... when you were the hero you pretend to be. I used to admire you... your courage, your conviction to stand up... against the odds. You're the reason... the reason I decided to defect... why Brittany and Robert... why they followed me. They saw in me... what I once saw in you...
- What quality of mine could you possibly possess?
- Hope... Character... you gave me hope, and in turn... I gave that hope to them. Now they are dead... and I soon with them. Well, get it over with. I would rather die... at the hands of a hero... then live in the world... that they could justify doing so.
- "Then I shall grant this wish." (Kill Westmore)
- Westmore doesn't even struggle, he almost gladly gives his life, hoping that after this world he will again see his love in the next. But you know, there can be no love, no forgiveness, until one has been punished for their sins.
- Hope is for those too weak to act.
You think about what Westmore said to you before you ended him. You're nothing like Recluse. Recluse is a brutal tyrant who kills for his own ends. You are a merciless agent of vengeance who punishes the wicked. That Westmore saw the evil in Recluse and was horrified is commendable, but it does nothing to redeem him for the numerous crimes he performed in the name of Arachnos. There is only one true path to redemption; death, and you are the ferryman come to collect the toll.