The Dragon's Whelp |
Alignment Mission |
Type |
Alignment Tip |
Place |
Rogue Isles |
Available to |
Vigilantes |
Level range |
40–50 |
Choice |
Villain |
The Dragon's Whelp
Alignment Mission
While browsing the web, you come across a profile on one of those 'Friend' sites with the following comment:
Totally jazzed at being picked by Sky Dragon to be his new apprentice! Look out criminals, Flamespout's comin' for ya! lol
The idiot not only posted his name, but what school he goes to, and even the names of his family members. If this Flamespout is Sky Dragon's new sidekick, he's going to be a liability to any and everyone involved with him. If Sky Dragon won't teach this kid some discipline, then you're going to need to be the one who will.
Villain: Pay the doctor a housecall
You getting sick and tired of all these new sidekicks showing up and then texting, friending, and tooting - or whatever it is they call it - to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that they're 'fighting crime'. The punks don't realize that any villain can just as easily get that information and do horrible things with it.
In other words, hyper slack-offs are considered cannon fodder to the kind of guy that'll kill you if you look at them wrong. Maybe you can't change this new generation of 'heroes', but you sure can scare the holy terror out of this one and set him straight.
- Set up the sidekick and scare the daylights out of him.
With a couple of calls, mysterious nighttime meetings, and a host of other preparations you manage to set up the perfect lesson for this little snot.
Let class begin.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You haven't yet dealt with Flamespout's irresponsible foolishness. With a couple of calls, mysterious nighttime meetings, and a host of other preparations you manage to set up the perfect lesson for this little snot.
Let class begin.
Mission Objective(s)
From the sound of it, Malta took the bait. Let's hope they've already managed to overcome Sky Dragon by using those Ultra-Magnesium bands you anonymously sent them. Now... To find Flamespout.
- Teach Flamespout a few lessons about villains
- Find Flamespout
- Talk to Flamespout
- Lead Flamespout to the Holographic Projector and use it
- Talk to Flamespout
- Kill Flamespout
The lesson didn't turn out exactly as you had planned. And sadly, it was Flamespout's final lesson...
Notable NPCs
- Flamespout (Longbow Warden)
Caption Dialogue
[Caption] Please! Let him go! You're hurting him... what did you... do to him?
[Caption] Shut up, punk! I'm sick of your whining. We got what we came for... now to get rid of you.
[Caption] Oh man... pliers? What... what are you going to do with the pliers?...
Flamespout Dialogue 1
- Flamespout: What are we going to do? They used this weird thing on Dragon and he disappeared. I think they... They disintegrated him...
- Flamespout: Character? They got Sky Dragon!
Flamespout Interaction 1
Speaking with Flamespout
There has to be something we can do for Sky Dragon!
- How do you think they knew Dragon's special weakness?
Weakness? Wait... Was that a band made from Ultra-Magnesium? Oh no... It was, wasn't it?
I sure hope they didn't let it set in the moonlight for nine days while it soaked it the tears of wise men. Dragon told me that would strip him of his powers permanently. I was the only one he trusted that information to, come to think of it.
Wait... what was the question again?
- *sigh* I asked you how you think Malta found out about the Band?
I have no idea. That information is a closely guarded secret, and no one is ever supposed to be told about it.
Kinda like what I just did. Oh, man... I'm so stupid. My grandma would smack me silly if she found out. Heck, if she found out that I was a superhero, she would have a heartattack!
Wait... where was I? Sky Dragon! Character! We have to save him!
- Follow me. I think I know a way.
Flamespout Dialogue 2
- Flamespout: A holograph? How is this going to help us?
Flamespout Interaction 2
Speaking with Flamespout
There has to be something we can do for Sky Dragon!
- Look at the display and tell me what you see.
...grandma? GRANDMA!
The display shows a live feed taken from Flamespout's house. Several Malta soldiers are ransacking the place, searching for something important. In the center of the room, oen soldier has a weapon pointed at Flamespout's grandmother. She looks distressed as she clutches the left side of her chest.
"...ohmygod... That's my house! AND THEY'RE HURTING MY GRANDMOTHER!
- Let's try this again. How do you think they found her?
What does it matter? They have my grandmother!? And she looks like she's hurt! It's like... It's like this was one big huge trap to get Sky Dragon and me!
- Bingo! One last time... How. Did. They. KNOW!?
I don't know, okay!? I mean, maybe I told a couple of people about Sky Dragon's weakness, okay? But they were friends of mine!
And I also told my online friends that I was Flamespout, but I only have three hundred of those kinds of friends, it's not like I have a thousand - and not ONE of them is into Malta!
Oh, yeah... and I told my tribe in that one computer game I play, too. BUT THAT'S IT! I didn't think it was going to hurt anyone!
Character, please... we gotta save my grandma!
You pull out a walkie-talkie and a voice disguising device. You say, 'Strike Team Delta has found target. All teams evacuate the area'. At the same time, the image shows the leader of the Malta group barking orders then everyone clearing the room.
'Wait a second... they just left after you told... Wait....
You were behind this, Character? But... but why?
- To teach you a lesson about keeping your mouth shut, you idiot!
Hold on... You had Sky Dragon depowered and kidnapped, risked my life so you could 'rescue' me, had my home invaded, AND put my grandmother in grave danger because... Because...
...You wanted to 'teach' me a lesson?
- Just imagine how things COULD'VE gone if I actually were a villain? Furthermore...
You explain to Flamespout that you had Sky Dragon taken to a hospital. You explain that you got all the information you needed on Flamespout's profile page, and told him that if he doesn't straighten up he'll get someone killed. You also tell him that Malta was given orders to kill no civilians, so his grandmother was safe the whole time.
- You're lucky it was me doing this, not a villain.
At that moment, the woman in the image clutches her chest even tighter than before. A look of fear crosses her face, then she slowly slumps to the ground... Unmoving. You look back at Flamespout and see murder in his eyes.
- Watch your mouth, kid. One more word and I'll kill you...
Flamespout lunges at you!
- Teach the kid the ultimate lesson.
Flamespout dialogue 3
- Flamespout: YOU MONSTER!!! You... You're WORSE than a villain!
Everything in your lesson to that kid went off without a hitch. You just weren't expecting his grandmother to be so... well, frail.
In the end, the kid didn't pay attention to the most important lesson:
Watch what you say. It just might get you killed.