The Two-Timing-Twirler |
Alignment Mission |
Type |
Alignment Tip |
Place |
Rogue Isles |
Available to |
Vigilantes |
Level range |
40–50 |
Choice |
Villain |
The Two-Timing-Twirler
Alignment Mission
You come across a dry-cleaner's receipt signed by an up-and-coming hero. However, the item being cleaned was a villain's costume. You interrogate the dry cleaner staff and come up with the following information:
"Yeah, Ghost Twirler was here an dropped off the Ghoulish Delight's costume. Mumbled something about having to fill in for his brother or something like that. When he picked it up, I swear I saw him change outta his costume and into the Ghoulish Delight's costume.
It seems that Ghost Twirler has been moonlighting as a villain lately. If there's one thing you can't stand more than evil walking the street, it's when someone is claiming to be a 'good guy' and doing the same acts as they claim to hate. Why not take care of the scum?
Villain: Teach the 'hero' a lesson about morality
If you remember correctly, Ghoulish Delight has been hanging around with some two-bit lowlifes - Polar Shift and Flambeaux, specifically. You've been wondering why he's hooked up with their gang, but now it makes sense. Can you imagine how angry those two might get if they were to find out their 'friend' is actually a hero during the day? Why, you can imagine it might be enough to drive them to do something drastic - like, say, beat him severely at the very least.
- Tell the two twits the secret identity of Ghoulish Delight
You're likely not going to be able to convince the two who Ghoulish Delight actually is. However, if they think he's there to apprehend them, that should be convincing enough.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You still need to tell the hot and cold twits that Ghoulish Delight is actualy Ghost Twirler. You're likely not going to be able to convince the two who Ghoulish Delight actually is, though. However, if they think he's there to apprehend them, that should be convincing enough.
Mission Objective(s)
You didn't realize that these idiots have been working *AGAINST* Arachnos. What were they planning on accomplishing? It doesn't matter - go find one the airheads and start setting the stage for the dramatic reveal.
- Reveal Ghoulish Delight's identity
- Find Flambeaux
- Talk to Flambeaux
- Defeat Flambeaux
- Find Polar Shift
- Talk with Polar Shift
- Defeat Ghoulish Delight
- Survive the Arachnos ambush
You defeated Ghoulish Delight, or rather the Ghost Twirler. Maybe this will teach him to quit sitting on the fence. You're either a good guy, or a bad guy. You can't be both...
Notable NPCs
Flambeaux dialogue 1
Before Combat:
- Flambeaux: Character? Okay... I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing...
- Mu Guardian: You will open your mind to us and reveal why you are here...
- Flambeaux: Over here!
- Mu Guardian: Another one of your lot... No matter, we shall collect Character as well.
Flambeaux conversation
Speaking with Flambeaux
Oh, wow! I thought you were going to go all psycho on me there like you're known to do. So... Why did you help me out? And what are you doing here, by the way?
- I'm here to put a stop to Ghoulish Delight.
Ghoulie? I hate to break it to you, but he's my friend, so I've got his back.
Okay, maybe 'friend' was a bit too strong of a word. We're more like partners who like working with each other.
Okay, 'like' was also not the word I was looking -
Fine... he's all yours. So, like, why are you gonna pull the whole Angel-of-Justice-and-Punishment-and-Lurking-and-Brooding act on Ghoulie?
- He's not Ghoulish Delight. His brother is masquerading as him.
His brother? You mean that wierdo who twirls that baton around like one of those guys that leads a parade - oh yeah, Ghost Twirler?
Are you trying to tell me that I've been making out with that wimpy little - Wait a second... This is just a trick, isn't it? You're trying to distract me and then you're going to do the Mentally Unstable thing after all, aren't you. Nice try, Character, but it ain't gonna work. Whaddya think I'm stupid?
Oh no you didn't! That's it! IT'S ON!
Flambeaux dialogue 2
- Flambeaux: I'm stupid, am I? Well - well - You're one-hundred percent dumber!
Polar Shift dialogue
Combat start:
- Polar Shift: Character... You gotta save me! I'll make it worth your while.
- Mu Guardian: Reveal your plan and your friends may live.
Combat Finish:
- Polar Shift: Okay... Now for that payment - um - I left my purse in my other costume.
Polar Shift conversation
Speaking with Polar Shift
Huh? You don't want to get paid? Then what are you doing here?
Oh no...
You're going to try to turn me in to the authorities, aren't you?
- Nope. That's Ghoulish Delight's job.
Ghoulish Delight? You're out of your mind, Character. Ghoul is working with us. Actually, he's the one doing all the real work, to be honest. He's a bit more gung-ho about this job than he usually is.
- (Show her the costume and tell her the story)
I can't believe I was such a fool! Of course that's why he's doing all the work. All of this was just one huge set-up to arrest us!
And Flambeaux would be an unholy terror right now if she hadn't already been arrested as you say - I mean, look at how much of her costume was torn! Anyone who did this would be incinerated on the spot.
That's it... I'm taking down that fraud by myself!
- I'll lend a hand this once...
When this is all done, maybe you might want to join up with our group. We could use someone as heartless as you.
- I'm a hero, Polar Shift... Not evil like you.
After conversation
Polar Shift: Whatever you say... Oh, look... Here they come...
Ambush! Arachnos will attack after the conversation with Polar Shift.
Arachnos ambush dialogue
- Mu Guardian: Return the weapons and we will let your friend go.
- Mu Guardian: Your plan has failed. We have captured the Ghoul. Return what is ours we will make his death quick.
- Mu Guardian: Very well. We tried to be reasonable. Now you will all die... Painfully.
Ghoulish Delight dialogue
Before combat:
- Ghoulish Delight: Hey, girls! I got away from them AND have the subsonic devices!
- Ghoulish Delight: Character? Why are you looking at me like that?
- Ghoulish Delight: Don't you know I'm an evil, demonic demon undead guy?
At 50% Life:
- Ghoulish Delight: Look, I owe my brother a favor, okay?
He's getting his appendix out and my mom's final wish before she died was to help my brother if he was ever in the hospital.
- Ghoulish Delight: What was I supposed to do, Character? Risk having my mom come back from the dead? And she would, too - I've seen her do it A LOT!
What was meant to be nothing more than a little lesson in the ways of morality for a hero moonlighting as a villain wound up turning out to be a successful mission all around.
By targeting a hero rather than a villain, you were able to steal weapons from Arachnos, take down an annoying twit of a villain, and turn another against their other villainous friend.
Mom would be proud.