Mission:Tip - Today's Newspaper
Today's Newspaper
Vigilante Morality Mission
You find a torn section from today's newspaper. Reading it over, your blood begins to boil.
- Frostfire, one of the city's most relentless super villains, is being released today from prison. As many of you know, he was on trial for killing nearly an entire dispatchment of Longbow before he was captured. However, when brought to trial, his lawyer got the case thrown out on a technicality.
- Frostfire is currently being held in a secret Longbow facility set to be released later this evening.
Looking more closely at the article, you notice some text scribbled underneath it:
- Location of 'Not So' Secret Longbow Base
- GPS coordinates: 37562153N 122292213W
As you look at the location of the base, you know you can't just let this go. If the System isn't going to bring him to justice for what he did, someone has to. That someone is you.
WARNING: This is a Morality Mission. Completing this mission will change your alignment to Vigilante. This means that the people of Paragon City will no longer see you as a Hero. Becoming a Vigilante means you will gain the ability to travel to the Rogue Isles, once you've completed this mission, yet doing so will mean you sever all ties with your hero world.
- Show Frostfire that Justice can't be thrown out on a technicality.
WARNING: This is a Morality Mission. Completing this mission will maintain your current alignment of Vigilante, removing any progress you may have made on any other alignments.
Are you sure you want to do this?
- Yes, I want to show Frostfire that Justice can't be thrown out on a technicality.
Briefing above is repeated.
- Accept
Feared Killer Goes Free
You have the coordinates for the base. Now it's time to take Frostfire down and show the citizens of Paragon that no one gets away with murder on your watch.
Unnecesary Solicitation
You have the coordinates for the base. Now it's time to take Frostfire down and show the citizens of Paragon that no one gets away with murder on your watch.
Mission Objective(s)
Longbow are all over the place. It's like protecting this criminal is more important than protecting the honest people of the city. It makes you sick.
- Bring Frostfire to justice.
- Get access to Frostfire's cell
- Overload computer system for cell door.
- Defeat Frostfire
Mission Accomplished
Notable NPCs

The Lawyer changed the codes on the cell door and he's not talking, even after you beat him into unconsciousness. It's time for plan B - overload the computer that controls the cell doors. This should cause them to open, one way or another.
- This is the Lawyer who got Frostfire off on a technicality. He convinced a jury that a villain such as him should be allowed to walk the streets with the innocents of the world. He is the face of this broken system you've tried so hard to overcome. He deserves anything you do to him.
There is no mission debriefing.