Warm Brass and Cold Bodies |
Alignment Mission |
Type |
Alignment Tip |
Place |
Rogue Isles |
Available to |
Vigilantes |
Level range |
30–39 |
Choice |
Villain |
Warm Brass and Cold Bodies
Alignment Mission
The alley was strewn with spent bullet casings and a half dozen robed bodies. This is the work of Sarah Winters, a Longbow Officer who has dedicated her career to taking the Circle down.
You hear the report of an automatic weapon in the distance, it sounds like she could use a hand.
You've been following Sarah Winters's career with interest. She tends to get the job done no matter what, and where the Circle is concerned, she bends the rules. You see in her a kindred spirit, but even though she bends the rules, she hasn't learned when to break them. Now is the perfect opportunity to show her that where true evil is concerned, following rules can get you killed.
VILLAIN: Teach Sarah Winters that rules must be broken.
Sarah Winters, a Longbow Officer you know to have a personal vendetta against the Circle of Thorns, is taking on the Circle in a one woman war against them. Your hope is that her loyalty to Longbow won't prevent her from doing what needs to be done against these murderous cultists.
- Now is the time for Sarah Winters to finally make a difference.
Sarah Winters needs to learn to embrace her hatred of the Circle and deal with them in absolutes. The Circle cares not for our laws, so our laws should not be applied to them.
Unnecessary Solicitation
You need to show Sarah Winters the only way to deal with the Circle of Thorns!
Mission Objective(s)
Sarah Winter's hatred of the Circle has gotten the better of her, she's proceeded into the fray without backup. This is promising.
- Help Sarah Winters destroy the Circle
- Speak to Sarah Winters
- Lead Sarah Winters to the Altar of Darkness
- Speak to Sarah Winters
- Defeat Sarah Winters
Though you tried to convince Sarah Winters that her methods would never stop the Circle, she doubted the truth of your words and tried to stop you from delivering the only form of justice that the Circle understands; death. You tried to show her what her flawed sense of right and wrong would get her, but in the end she attacked you, falsely concluding that your methods were evil. In the end, her lack of conviction proved that she was too weak to defeat you, let alone her real enemies.
Notable NPCs
- Sarah Winters (Longbow Officer)
- Delgraza
First Sarah Winters... and now Character. The prophecy has come true! Now all that remains is your sacrifice to bring about a great evil into this world!
Sarah Winters dialogue 1
Before Combat:
- Succubus: Yes, master!
- Sarah Winters: This could go badly...
- Delgraza: Bring Sarah Winters to the Altar of Darkness to be sacrificed!
Combat start:
- Succubus: Mmmm, my pleasure!
- Sarah Winters: Character, am I glad to see you here!
- Delgraza: Stop Character! Seize him!
Combat Finish:
- Sarah Winters: Character... Sorry, I jumped the gun a little. That mage said something about sacrificing me on an altar. We should destroy it!
When lost:
- Sarah Winters: Character?
When found again:
- Sarah Winters: Thanks again, Character!
Sarah Winters conversation 1
Speaking with Sarah Winters
Character! You... You killed them... You destroyed them forever! You can't go around doing that, they're people too. We need to bring them into custody.
- Custody? They were about to kill you!
True, but as a hero I face dangers like this all the time. It is my job to bring villains such as the Circle to justice before a court of law.
- Law? The only law the Circle recognizes is death!
Death? I'll not kill the Circle, Character. Villains that they are, they are still people, and still deserve to be shown mercy. To deny them this is to be no different than them.
- You're wrong. They kill for themselves. I kill for the greater good.
Sarah Winters dialogue 2
- Sarah Winters: Wait... Wait! What are you doing, Character? We need to take the Circle cultists into custody and destroy this altar, not use it!
With Sarah Winters incapacitated, you will show her how great of a weakness mercy truly is.
- Sarah Winters: Aaaah! Soooo... coooold... what's... happening?
Sarah Winters conversation 2
Speaking with Sarah Winters
Character! You... You killed them... You destroyed them forever! You can't go around doing that, they're people too. We need to bring them into custody.
- This is what happens to those who show mercy to the wicked.
Wh... Why are you doing this? Didn't you hear that wizard? If I am sacrificed upon this altar then a great evil will come into this world!
- I'm not going to kill you, but you'll see what your mercy could allow.
You end the ritual prematurely, freeing Sarah Winters from the Altar of Darkness.
"I... I can't believe you would do that to me just to try and make a point! Character, you are better than this! You can't deal in such absolutes. What you're suggesting is that evil deeds can only be dealt with by other evil deeds. I cannot believe that! If I gave into such beliefs then what hope would there be for the world?"
- There can be no hope without victory. What good is hope if you are dead?
Victory at the expense of all that we fight for is just as good as letting evil win. Character, I fear that you have lost your way and are now walking down a path of darkness! I cannot, in good conscious, allow you to continue to fight with evil. I want you to surrender yourself to me so I can get you some help.
- You want me to surrender when I'm the one winning the war!?
The war you are fighting is in the name of evil, Character. I'm sorry that you cannot see this, but, I must stop you in the hopes that you can be redeemed.
- Redemption is what my enemies beg for before they die! Time to beg!
Sarah Winters dialogue 3
Combat start:
- Sarah Winters: No! I will NOT let you use the Circle's evil against them, no matter how great the benefit may seem. To do this is to be just like them, I cannot allow it!
You showed Sarah Winters how to deal best with the Circle of Thorns, and indeed, all villains. Even though the Circle wasn't willing to show her mercy, she was incapable of being as merciless as them. You had to show Sarah Winters the error of her ways, but she wouldn't listen. When did the heroes start defending evil doers?! You still don't understand what she was thinking, trying to stay your hand from striking the Circle down. But it matters no more, nobody will stand in the way of justice, not even a coward who is incapable of doing what needs to be done against the vermin of this world!