You Get Hit in the Face! |
Alignment Mission |
Type |
Alignment Tip |
Place |
Rogue Isles |
Available to |
Vigilantes |
Level range |
30–39 |
Choice |
Villain |
You Get Hit in the Face!
Alignment Mission
A paper napkin smacks you in the face during a sudden wind gust, when you look at it to throw it away you see it is covered in a hand written message in Vietnamese.
Translate the message written in Vietnamese
You translate the message and it indicates that a Tsoo Tattoo Artist is ready to begin his work upon Sky Dragon, gifting him with mystical power. This power must be great if Sky Dragon is willing to work with the infamous Tsoo to get it. Sky Dragon is not deserving of such power. He will squander it to no useful end by attempting to adhere to his misguided sense of nobility. After realizing he is wasting the power he may go too far and end up using the power for evil. You cannot let such power be wasted or allowed to corrupt Sky Dragon to evil. The only sensible thing to do is to go to the Tattoo Artist's shop, stop Sky Dragon, and take the power unto yourself. Only you can ensure that it is used for good.
VILLAIN: Take the mystical tattoo power for yourself, so it is safe from evil
Sky Dragon means well, but his sense of honor is misguided at best. Tsoo tattoo magic is powerful. If it can be believed that they are going to waste it on Sky Dragon, then there is likely a hidden agenda at work here. Only you can be certain that the power wouldn't be wasted or used to do evil through you. You'll be doing Sky Dragon a favor.
- Take the tattoo magic for yourself
The Tsoo are untrustworthy, they must be planning to trick Sky Dragon with this promise of power, potentially even plotting to use the tattoo magic to control him! You need to stop Sky Dragon before he makes a big mistake, and then, if the power is real, take the tattoo magic unto yourself. Only you are worthy of such power!
Unnecessary Solicitation
Get to the Tattoo Artist's shop and stop Sky Dragon before it is too late. If the tattoo magic is real, then you must force the Tsoo Artist to bestow you with its mystical power. Nobody else can be trusted with such power.
Mission Objective(s)
The stink of exotic incense confirms that this warehouse is the Tsoo hideout you have been looking for.
- Take the tattoo magic for yourself
- Stop Sky Dragon
- Defeat Blood Moon
- Find the Tattoo Artist and talk with him
- Destroy the spiritual tattoo ink
You stopped Sky Dragon from obtaining the power of the Tsoo's mystical tattoo magic and destroyed it since its power could not be used by someone as responsible as yourself.
Notable NPCs
Sky Dragon dialogue
Before combat:
- Sky Dragon: I am unsure whether I should do this. It is a great gift of power, but the Tsoo are untrustworthy...
Combat start:
- Sky Dragon: Character? What are you doing here? No, I do not wish to fight you, but I will if you try to stop me from obtaining my ancestral power!
At 100% Life:
- Sky Dragon: Character! I am not working for the Tsoo, I am using them to grant me power that I can use for good, not evil!
At 75% Life:
- Sky Dragon: With this power that the Tsoo offer me I can do more to help the innocent than I ever could before.
At 50% Life:
- Sky Dragon: You have forced my hand, Character. Flee while you can.
- Sky Dragon: Blood Moon! Aid me!
At 25% Life:
- Sky Dragon: I will never remove this stain on my honor, fighting you along side the evil Tsoo. Why have you forced me to do this, Character?
- Sky Dragon: I see now... you knew that the power... would corrupt me... thank you for... returning me... to the true path...
Ambush! Blood Moon will attack when Sky Dragon's health reaches 50%.
Blood Moon dialogue
Before combat:
- Blood Moon: No harm shall come to Sky Dragon, the newest brother of the Hmong Tsoo!
Combat start:
- Blood Moon: I will strip the flesh from your bones for this insult, Character. Nobody attacks one of the Hmong Tsoo and lives!
At 100% Life:
- Blood Moon: Pathetic!
At 50% Life:
- Blood Moon: Sky Dragon's ancestor spirits are strong. They will make the Hmong Tsoo strong as well.
At 25% Life:
- Blood Moon: I curse you to the hell of being torn apart by a thousand demons, Character!
After Sky Dragon is defeated:
- Blood Moon: Your fate is sealed, Character. This attack will not go unanswered!
Tattoo Artist conversation
Speaking with Tattoo Artist
Sky Dragon's ancestors are eagerly awaiting to fight at his side. Why is it that you are here, Character?
The spiritual tattoos I create only work for those who are chosen by the spirits. The Ancestor Spirits must choose to answer the call to aid the recipient, as they have agreed to do with Sky Dragon. The ink I use to create the link between our two worlds requires the blood of the recipient in order to work. It is a great power to bestow upon Sky Dragon, one that I happily perform. I have trained all my life to perfect the art of linking the dead to the living. The spirits have assured me that there is a place of honor for me in heaven when my time comes. One day, my children's grand children will call upon my spirit to aid them in this world, and when the time is right aid them I shall.
- I am worthy of being chosen.
No. No! You are not chosen, this power is not for you, it is for Sky Dragon and no other! Hear you not my words? The spirits have chosen him to bestow their power upon. It will not work for you.
- Sky Dragon is unworthy, you will bestow their power unto me.
I will do no such thing! The power will not work for you. Now leave or I will force you to leave!
- Then it shall be destroyed!
Tattoo Artist dialogue
Before combat:
- Tattoo Artist: The power of Sky Dragon's ancestors are waiting to join him in his fight.
Combat start:
- Tattoo Artist: I cannot allow you to destroy my work. It is dedicated to Sky Dragon and his ancestors, not to you, Character.
At 100% Life:
- Tattoo Artist: You... You struck me!
At 75% Life:
- Tattoo Artist: My Silkworm style will confound you!
At 50% Life:
- Tattoo Artist: Painting Mantis style will destroy you!
At 25% Life:
- Tattoo Artist: You are strong, but wicked of heart, Character. The spirits will curse your name!
- Tattoo Artist: You have performed a great insult to the spirits. I curse you with a thousand lifetimes of pain and suffering for what you have done!
You may not have been able to get the mystical power from the Tsoo's Tattoo magic, but at least Sky Dragon isn't running around with it either. That fool would have probably ended up working for the Tsoo if you hadn't realized how unlikely it would be for the Tsoo to gift someone like him with such power. Perhaps now Sky Dragon will see the error of his ways and realize, as you have, that only the strong can be entrusted with such power.