Mission:To Save a Soul - Take the mask to Sister Psyche
Take the mask to Penelope Yin
Cadao Kestrel recommended that you take that Carnival mask over to Penelope Yin. Perhaps she can communicate with the souls Cadao sensed trapped inside it.
Mission Acceptance
Penelope Yin's one of the smartest women I know. Even if she is a little prissy.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Penelope Yin may be able to communicate with the scraps of soul inside that mask. At least, that's what Cadao thinks.
Mission Objective(s)
- Take mask to Penelope Yin
There are fragments of a dozen souls imprisoned within this mask! Most are mere shadows of souls, too small to have much substance. Come closer, and I'll let you speak to those souls that are more assertive. There's one in particular who wishes to help you with your quest.

When Penelope Yin allowed you to contact the souls within the mask, you felt the soul of the Carnival's leader probe your mind with deadly psychic fingers. The mask contains only the merest scrap of the Carnival Mistress' soul, but you sense that it is enough to do great harm to an unguarded mind.

From its prison inside the Carnival mask, the soul of Nathan Crane told you:
'The Carnival minions all use the power of the Carnival mistress, and it weakens her. In order to fuel her power, she must drink the souls of other humans. Usually the carnies merely tug at the shadows of souls: the hidden fears, the guilty pleasures, all the subconscious emotions that rarely come to light.
'Occasionally, though, they drain the entire soul from the body. That's what happened to me. I have been stored in this mask along with these scraps of others' souls, until I can be delivered to the Carnival Mistress' psychic table. I thank you for rescuing me from that fate. In return, I will give you a clue to the Carnival's plan.
'Just before I died, I learned that the Carnival was researching an ancient artifact called the Sicilian Stone. If you like, I will guide you to a secret Midnight Squad library where we can find some tomes on the Stone. Perhaps together, we can learn the Carnival's plan.'
So, the Carnival is supping on souls, eh? Sweet, delicious souls.
You know, Character, I really wish you'd quit giving me that look.