Mission:Troubled Times - Epilogue: Captured

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Epilogue: Captured

Editor's Note:

You receive this mission if you chose to return Marcus to Dr. Stribbling.


Excellent! Is the mutant on the way here?

  • About that...

What did you just say? Sorry, my connection must be bad down here in my lab...

The call disconnects. Did he just hang up on you?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Call the doctor again


Hello, Character? Ah, excellent. This connection is much better. Unfortunately, underground labs tend to act as Faraday cages! Anyway, about the mutant...

  • He should be in your lab now.
Excellent! Ah, yes... I have him here now. Excellent work! Hmmm, some obvious injuries to him. But I suppose it was too much to hope that he would not put up a fight. Fair work, nonetheless, Character. I'll have to run some tests, obviously, to make sure there are no additional internal injuries...
But I think I'll be able to start experimenting very soon! Then, hopefully, one day soon you'll hear about how Dr. Chris Stribbling was able to help make Paragon City... no, the entire world a safer place by preventing dangerous villains from using their super powers. And you helped make sure it happened, Character. I'll make sure everyone knows that.
  • Now what?
Well, now I repair my original lab and get back to work. Then, hopefully, one day soon you'll hear about how Dr. Christian Stribbling was able to help make Paragon City... no, the entire world a safer place by preventing dangerous villains from using their super powers. And you helped make sure it happened, Character. I'll make sure everyone knows that.
  • Good. Don't forget it.
Oh, uh. Yes. Of course, I won't. Well, I had better get working. The sooner I get my lab back in order, the better. Goodbye, Character. Hopefully you'll never have to pull my bacon out of the fire again.
  • I hope not. Bye, doctor.
  • No. No one can know I helped you.
Ah! Yes. Of course. I understand. Many people still have a... negative view about your activities and how you handle things. People might get the wrong idea if they knew about your involvement. Very noble of you, Character, to refuse any credit for helping me. Thank you.
  • ... Yes. Exactly. Goodbye, Stribbling.


The phone rings twice, then the operator picks up and informs you the number has been disconnected. It seems the doctor prepared for the eventuality that he'd need to disappear quickly.