Mission:Vickers - D.U.S.T. Is Growing Bolder
D.U.S.T. Is Growing Bolder
D.U.S.T. has been getting bold lately and sending teams further and further from the Free-Fire Zone where they are in control. Hitting their sweep teams here in Eltentown will just incite them to send out more patrols. I want you to head into the FFZ and hit them where they think they're safest. That should force them to reconsider their security and pull back for awhile.
- Attack D.U.S.T. in the FFZ.
Mission Acceptance
If you take out two squads worth; about 10 men total, then that should do the trick. Remember, it has to be in the Free-Fire Zone in order for this plan to work.
Unnecessary Solicitation
D.U.S.T. has the FFZ completely under their control, or so they think. Prove them wrong.
Mission Objective(s)
- Attack D.U.S.T. in the Free-Fire Zone
- Defeat 10 D.U.S.T. soldiers
You've forced D.U.S.T. to reconsider their bold expansion into Eltentown!