The Mooks are an enemy group in City of Villains.
Mooks official info ( Copied from the City of Heroes official website [1]):
Two warring factions currently dominate organized crime in the Rogue Isles. The Mooks and Marcones were once united under the powerful leadership of Manuel Marcone. A master of both subtle intimidation and brutal aggression, Marcone was the undisputed leader of this faction of the Family. As the governor of Port Oakes he ruled with ruthless efficiency, developing strong ties to the North American and European underworld. Marcone maintained a respectful relationship with Lord Recluse and in return was able to utilize the legitimacy of his position to enforce his will across Arachnos territory.
Interpol eventually learned of Marcone’s global network and carried out an elaborate plan to capture him. For many years, the Spanish superhero El Toro went under cover, infiltrating his most trusted circle of advisors, working his way up its ranks. El Toro discovered that, born from an undisclosed event from Marcone’s childhood, Marcone harbors a private and very personal hatred of the Vampyri. As a trusted associate within the organization, El Toro lured Marcone to Lisbon with the promise that he could help Marcone destroy the Vampyri once and for all. As Marcone emerged from his private jet onto the runway, he was met by Spanish and Portuguese authorities. Charged with racketeering, trafficking, weapons smuggling, money laundering, and corruption, Marcone was sentenced to 35 years in a European prison.
Marcone’s arrest sent shockwaves across the world of organized crime leaving a dangerous power vacuum in Port Oakes where Marcone once reigned supreme.
Two figures have attempted to step into the void to become the governor of Port Oakes and leader of this faction of Family. Emil Marcone, the impetuous son of Manuel Marcone, is a viciously brutal man who believes he has a blood right to his father’s position. Renowned for taking pleasure in acts of violence, Emil lacks the experience and intelligence to manage the complex affairs of the Family. Despite this shortcoming, his deranged ego coupled with a sense of right to succession makes Emil Marcone and his faithful followers, the Marcones, dangerous enemies.
The second contender for Manuel Marcone’s position is his former consigliere, Guido “The Mooch” Verandi. Acting as Manuel’s top advisor for decades, Verandi has the experience, skill, and ruthless nature to step into Marcone’s place. An effective enforcer, Verandi has gathered his own band of followers who struggle to place him as governor. These followers, the Mooks, believe that bloodlines mean nothing in the world of Arachnos where might makes right. Convinced that Lord Recluse will award him Port Oakes if he first takes Port Oakes, Verandi hopes to destroy Emil Marcone thus ushering in a new era of prosperity and global influence for his organization.
The reckless Marcone and the calculating Verandi encourage their followers, the Marcones and Mooks, to battle for control of the streets of Port Oakes. In bands led by Capo strongmen, groups of Mook and Marcone thugs struggle for territory using everything from brute force to blackjacks and shotguns. In protecting their territorial claims, these thugs will turn against anyone that intrudes upon their turf.
For now, Lord Recluse chooses to enjoy this battle for control. Under Manuel Marcone, Recluse believed that the Family had become too powerful and eroding their overall strength suits him well. With the knowledge that he could easily end this pointless fight by simply appointing a governor, his firm belief in “survival of the fittest” encourages Recluse to wait and see who earns the governorship. In the mean time, the battle for control between the Mooks and Marcones continues to rage on the streets of Port Oakes.
Enemy Types
When former Governor Manuel Marcone was nabbed by Interpol, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi decided to take over from his son, Emil. It seems Lord Recluse is content to see who wins this gang war, as he's issued no official proclamations as to who should succeed Manuel.
Levels: 5-10
Brawl Melee, Light Smash Damage
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.
Revolver Ranged, Moderate Lethal Damage
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.
Mook Blackjack
When former Governor Manuel Marcone was nabbed by Interpol, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi decided to take over from his son, Emil. It seems Lord Recluse is content to see who wins this gang war, as he's issued no official proclamations as to who should succeed Manuel.
Levels: 5-10
Brawl Melee, Light Smash Damage
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.
Blackjack Melee, Moderate Smash Damage, Foe Disorient
The Blackjack has Disoriented you.
Revolver Ranged, Moderate Lethal Damage
Small caliber side arm. Not very accurate.
Mook Buckshot
When former Governor Manuel Marcone was nabbed by Interpol, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi decided to take over from his son, Emil. It seems Lord Recluse is content to see who wins this gang war, as he's issued no official proclamations as to who should succeed Manuel.
Levels: 10-15
Shotgun Ranged (Cone), Moderate Lethal Damage, Foe Knockback
Good at close range. Fires a cone of buckshot pellets and can knock some foes down.
Heavy Brawl Melee, Moderate Smash Damage
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.
Kick Melee, Moderate Damage(Smash), Foe Knockdown
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.
Mook Gunner
When former Governor Manuel Marcone was nabbed by Interpol, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi decided to take over from his son, Emil. It seems Lord Recluse is content to see who wins this gang war, as he's issued no official proclamations as to who should succeed Manuel.
Levels: 10-20
Burst Ranged, Moderate Damage over Time(Lethal), Foe -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.
Rifle Butt Melee, Moderate Smash Damage
A smash with the butt of your rifle.
Kick Melee, Moderate Damage(Smash), Foe Knockdown
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.
Mook Muscle
When former Governor Manuel Marcone was nabbed by Interpol, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi decided to take over from his son, Emil. It seems Lord Recluse is content to see who wins this gang war, as he's issued no official proclamations as to who should succeed Manuel.
Levels: 10-20
Boxing Melee, Light Smash Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Kick Melee, Moderate Damage(Smash), Foe Knockdown
A modest kicking attack that has a small chance to knock opponents down.
Automatic Pistol Ranged, Moderate Lethal Damage
Small caliber side arm.
Mook Hitman
When former Governor Manuel Marcone was nabbed by Interpol, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi decided to take over from his son, Emil. It seems Lord Recluse is content to see who wins this gang war, as he's issued no official proclamations as to who should succeed Manuel.
Levels: 5-9
Automatic Pistol Ranged, Moderate Lethal Damage
Small caliber side arm.
Heavy Brawl Melee, Light Smash Damage
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.
Mook Hitman
When former Governor Manuel Marcone was nabbed by Interpol, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi decided to take over from his son, Emil. It seems Lord Recluse is content to see who wins this gang war, as he's issued no official proclamations as to who should succeed Manuel.
Levels: 10-20
Sniper Rifle Ranged (Sniper), Superior Lethal Damage, Foe Knockdown
Sniper Rifle is a powerful piece of hardware. It is very accurate and has a very long range. The impressive round can knock down its target.
Heavy Brawl Melee, Light Smash Damage
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.
Snipe Auto, Self Afraid
Marcone Hitmen will try to run away to snipe you from a distance.
Resistance Auto, Prot( Co 3.0 Fr 3.0 )
Marcone Hitmen are resistant to Taunt, Confuse and Terrorize.
Mook Capo
When former Governor Manuel Marcone was nabbed by Interpol, Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi decided to take over from his son, Emil. It seems Lord Recluse is content to see who wins this gang war, as he's issued no official proclamations as to who should succeed Manuel.
Levels: 5-20
Burst Ranged, Moderate Damage over Time(Lethal), Foe -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.
Full Auto Ranged (Cone), Heavy Damage over Time(Lethal)
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.
Jab Melee, Light Smash Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Punch Melee, Moderate Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.
Haymaker Melee, High Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.
Assault (Only Level 10 and up) Auto, Point Blank Area of Effect, Team +Damage
While this power is active, you and your nearby teammates deal more damage.
Elite Bosses
Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi
Main article: Guido Verandi
Guido 'The Mooch' Verandi is the head of the Verandi Family on Port Oakes. Typical of the Family, he is ruthless, efficient and deadly. He has often crossed paths with the Marcone Family.
Levels: 6-12
Jab Melee, Light Smash Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Punch Melee, Moderate Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.
Haymaker Melee, High Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of Knockback.
Burst Ranged, Moderate Damage over Time(Lethal), Foe -Defense
Your defense has been reduced by the Tommy Gun.
Full Auto Ranged (Cone), Heavy Damage over Time(Lethal)
You are taking Lethal Damage over Time from the Tommy Gun.
Frag Grenade Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate Lethal/Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
The explosion from the Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.
Assault Auto, Point Blank Area of Effect, Team +Damage
While this power is active, you and your nearby teammates deal more damage.
Named Enemies
Bloody Vicious (Boss)
Main Article: Bloody Vicious
Bloody Vicious is an elite enforcer for the Verandi Family on Port Oakes. While adopting an effete manner, he is quite a deadly combatant with his razor-sharp katana. He has often crossed paths with the Marcone Family.
Levels: 6-12
Katana Hack Melee, Moderate Lethal Damage, Foe -Defense
Bloody Vicious' Katana reduced your Defense.
Katana Slash Melee, Moderate Lethal Damage, Foe -Defense
Bloody Vicious' Katana reduced your Defense.
Whirling Katana Point Blank Area of Effect, Moderate Lethal Damage, Minor Damage over Time(Lethal), Foe -Defense
Bloody Vicious' Katana reduced your Defense.
Shuriken Ranged, Moderate Lethal Damage
Small throwing weapon.
Reconstruction Self Heal, +Resist(Toxic)
Bloody Vicious can concentrate for a few moments to heal themselves.
Named Bosses
- Alfie
- Big Shoes
- Bobby Ears
- Fat Freddy
- Fernando Verandi Found on the Talk with Emil Marcone mission from Billie Heck
- Fury
- Gamuche
- Guido
- Joey Hamburger
- Leonardo
- Louie Big Eyes
- Luigi
- Pesco
- Skinny Freddy
- Tony Moustache
Related Badges

Dese guys is part of your crew.