Option Names List

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For Use With /OptionSet


Option Name Description
ArchitectAutoSave Turns on (1) or off (0) autoSave while creating or editing an Architect mission.
ArchitectBlockComment Unknown Functionality?
ArchitectNav Unknown Functionality?
ArchitectToolTips Unknown Functionality?


HideFee Show (0) or Hide (1) the warning that appears if you try to post an item to the auction house which will result in a fee greater than 100,000 inf.


BuffSettings UI settings regarding buff icon display.


CamFree Enable (1) or Disable (0) Free Camera Movement. Default=1. The free camera will not automatically rotate when you are in follow mode.
DisableCameraShake Enable (0) or Disable (1) Camera Shake. Camera shake is an effect that occurs when certain powers activate that simulates the ground shaking.


AllowProfanity Enable (0) or Disable (1) Profanity Filter. When enabled, the game will attempt to bleep out any word it considers profane.
ChatBubbleColor1 Chat Balloon Text Color. Color values are the signed 2's complement (s2c) equivalent of 8-digit hexadecimal numbers following the notation RRGGBBAA (RR=Red, GG=Green, BB=blue, AA=alpha or transparency). /option_set cannot change the alpha value.
ChatBubbleColor2 Chat Balloon Background Color. Color values are the signed 2's complement (s2c) equivalent of 8-digit hexadecimal numbers following the notation RRGGBBAA (RR=Red, GG=Green, BB=blue, AA=alpha or transparency). /option_set cannot change the alpha value.
DefaultChatFontSize Chat Font Size. Values range from 6-20.
DoNotSeeEnemyLocal Hide (1) or Show (0) Enemy Local Chat. This lets you decide if you want to see messages from enemy players in the local channel.
EnableChatLog Enable (1) or Disable (0) Log Chat. This enables chat logging. Chat files are saved to your local computer as plain text.
HidePromptCoop Hide (1) or Show (0) Cooperative Zone Dialog.
LogPrivateMessages Enable (1) or Disable (0) Logging Private Messages. This enables private message logging. A file is created for each account you send or receive private messages with.
SeeEnemyBroadcast Show (1) or Hide (0) Enemy Broadcast Chat. This lets you decide if you want to see messages from enemy players in the broadcast channel.
ShowBallons Show (1) or Hide (0) Chat Balloons. This option allows you to set whether you would like to see comic-like chat balloons when players and NPC's talk.
ShowEnemyTells Show (1) or Hide (0) Enemy Private Chat. This lets you decide if you want to receive private messages from enemy players.
StaticColorsPerName Show (0) or hide (1) Individual Name Colors. This option will pick a unique color for every name seen in the chat window. Its most useful for following conversations with a particular person in a busy channel.


ContactSort Sort Contacts by Name (1), Zone (2), or Relationship (3). Setting takes effect after game client is restarted.
HideContactIcons Hide (1) or show (0) Contact Icons. This option will hide the mission indicator icons that appear above Contacts in the game world.


CursorScale Cursor Scale. Values range from 1.0-2.0. Changes the size of the displayed cursor. This option does not work on all computer setups. If it does not function, the slider in the Options window may work.
DisableMouseScroll Disable (1) or Enable (0) Mouse Scroll. This option disables the mouse scroll wheel that moves the scroll bar of the area the mouse is over.
EnableClickToMove Enable (1) or Disable (0) Click-To-Move. This allows a click to move feature. When Enabled your character will move towards any point you click in the world.
EnableJoystick Enable (1) or Disable (0) Joystick Input. This allows you to enable the joystick as a means of input.
MouseButtonReverse Enable (1) or Disable (0) Reverse Mouse Buttons. This option allows you to reverse how the game interprets left and right mouse clicks.
MouseInvert Enable (1) or Disable (0) Inverted Mouse. When enabled, moving the mouse down will make the camera pitch down (now called "normal"). When disabled, moving the mouse down will make the camera pitch up (now called "inverted")
MousePitchSetting Look Up and Down. These are options for controlling the mouse pitch. Free Look (0) places no restriction on pitch. Center When Moving (1) will return the camera to the default pitch whenever your character moves. Always Centered (2) locks the camera pitch to the default angle.
MouseScrollSpeed Mouse Scroll Speed. Values range from 1-400. Default = 20. This option controls how much a scrollbar will move for each tick of the mousewheel.
MouseSpeed Mouse Look. Values range from 0.5-2.0. Default is 1.0. This slider controls how much the camera will move when you move your mouse during mouse look.
SpeedTurn Turning. Values range from 1.0-10.0. Default is 3.0. This slider controls how fast you will rotate when using the keyboard to spin (typically by using the Q and E keys).


DisableEmail Enable (0) or Disable (1) In-Game Email. This option allows you to remove your ability to send and receive local emails in game.
FriendSGEmailOnly Enable (1) or Disable (0) Friends and Supergroup Only Emails. This option will block local game emails from any character not on your local friends list or in your supergroup.
GmailFriendOnly Enable (1) or Disable (0) Global Mail Only Accepts Global Friends. This option will block in game global emails from any character not on your global friends list.


HideConvertConfirmPrompt Hide (1) or Show (0) Conversion Prompt. This allows you to hide the confirmation dialog when converting an enhancement.
HideEnhancementFullMsg Hide (1) or Show (0) Enhancement Full Warning. This option can disable the large floating text that appears when you are rewarded an enhancement, but your enhancement inventory is full.
HidePromptBooster Hide (1) or show (0) Enhancement Booster Prompt. This allows you to hide the confirmation dialog when applying an Enhancement Booster.
HidePromptCatalyst Hide (1) or show (0) Catalyst Prompt. This allows you to hide the confirmation dialog when applying an Enhancement Catalyst.
HidePromptDeleteEnhancement Hide (1) or Show (0) Delete Enhancement Prompt. This allows you to hide the confirmation dialog when deleting an enhancement.
HidePromptPlaceEnhancement Hide (1) or Show (0) Place Enhancement Prompt. This allows you to hide the confirmation dialog when locking an enhancement into place.
HidePromptUnslotEnhancement Hide (1) or Show (0) the confirmation dialog when unslotting an enhancement.
ShowAllStoreBoosts Enable (1) or Disable (0) Show All Enhancements in Stores. This option will cause stores to ofer you all the enhancements they stock, even if they are the wrong origin or outside of your level range.


DisableLoadingTips Enable (0) or Disable (1) Loading Screen Tips. This option can be used to disable the hints and tips that appear on loading screens.
ForcedPopHelpDisable Enable (0) or Disable (1) Automatic Help Popups. Disabling automatic help popups will prevent the pop help system from automatically displaying the full popup dialog of certain help topics.
PopHelpDisable Enable (0) or Disable (1) Pop Help. Disabling Pop Help will prevent the pop help side window from being displayed.
ToolTipDelaySec TooTip Delay. Values range from 0.01-1.0. Default = 0.1. This sets the time that the mouse must hover over an item before the tooltip will appear.
UseToolTips Enable (1) or Disable (0) Tooltips. This can be used to enable or disable tool tips, the small text boxes that appear when mousing over certain items.


HideInspirationFullMsg Hide (1) or Show (0) Inspirations Full Warning. This option can disable the large floating text that appears when you are rewarded an inspiration that fills the last empty slot in your inspirations tray.


MapOptionRevision Used to initialize the MapOptions and MapOptions2 values to handle new defaults we want to set.
MapOptions Bitfield - Map display options
MapOptions2 Bitfield - Map display options


HideStorePiecesState State of Hide Store Pieces in Tailor. The states of Unitialized (0), Unchecked (1), and Checked (3) allowed the player to see or hide purchased and unpuchased (locked or unlocked) costume items in the Paragon Market. Option is disabled at Homecoming to allow all items to be seen by players.
LoyaltyTreeAccessButton Hide Paragon Rewards button. This button appears on the main game screen and allows you quick access to unlock rewards. Disabled at Homecoming.
StoreAccessButton Hide Paragon Market button. This button appears on the main game screen and takes you to the Paragon Market. Disabled at Homecoming.


AdvancedPetControls Enable (1) or Disable (0) Advanced Pet Controls. This option controls whether to display the advanced command controls (Passive, Defensive, Aggressive, and Attack My Target, Go To, Follow Me, Stay, and Dismiss) or the standard command controls (Attack, Follow, and Heel) in the pet window.
ChatDisablePetSay Hide (1) or don't hide (0) Pet Response Text. Mastermind pets have an acknowledgement response to any command they are issued. This option prevents you from seeing those responses from your own pets or those of your teammates.
ChatEnablePetTeamSay Pet Response Text. Show Only Pets You Own (0) or show Owned and Teammate Pets (1). Mastermind pets have an acknowledgement response to any command they are issued. This option shows those responses from your own pets or those of your teammates. Will not work if ChatDisablePetSay is enabled. So to cover all your bases, probably best to disable ChatDisablePetSay first. For example, /optionSet ChatDisablePetSay 0$$optionSet ChatEnablePetTeamSay 1.
gShowPetBuffs Hide (0) or show (1) the buff icons on the left side of the Pets Window.
HidePetNames Hide (1) or show (0) Pet Names. This option controls whether you see the player-given or default pet names above their head.
PreventPetIconDrag Enable (1) or Disable (0) Pet Controls Lock. This option can be used to keep the command icons in the pet window from being draggable.
ShowPetControls Show (1) or Hide (0) Right-Side Pet Control Icons. This option controls whether to display the command control icons to the right of each pet name in the Pet window.
ShowPets Show (1) or Hide (0) Pet Window Button. This option will show the pet button on the team window. The pet window is usually only relevant for controllers or masterminds, but there are temporary powers that can spawn pets. Option disabled at Homecoming. The feature is now always enabled.


DisableDrag Enable (1) or Disable (0) Power Icon Lock. Locks power icons in the trays by preventing the mouse from dragging or moving power icons.
LockTrayNumbers Enable (1) or Disable (0) Lock Tray Numbers. Default=1. This option can be used to remove the arrows at each side of your power tray numbers. The active tray can still be changed using slash commands.


HidePromptDeleteRecipe Hide (1) or show (0) Delete Recipe Prompt. This allows you to hide the confirmation dialog when deleting recipes.
HideRecipeFullMsg Hide (1) or show (0) Recipe Full Warning. This option can disable the large floating text that appears when you are rewarded a recipe, but your recipe inventory is full.
RecipeHideMissingParts Hide (1) or show (0) all recipes in your character's inventory that can not be crafted due to missing salvage parts.
RecipeHideMissingPartsBench Hide (1) or show (0) all recipes in the Workbench that can not be crafted due to missing salvage parts.
RecipeHideUnowned Hide (1) or show (0) all recipes in your character's inventory that you do not own. This option appear to no longer have a function as only recipes that are owned are shown.
RecipeHideUnownedBench Hide (1) or show (0) all recipes in the Workbench that you do not own.


ShowArchetype Player Archetype/Origin. Hidden (0), Always (1), On Mouse Over (2), When Selected (4), When Selected or On Mouseover (6). This chooses when you want to see the archetype and class icons above the heads of friendly players.
ShowAssistReticles Auto-Assist Reticle. Hidden (0), Always (1), On Mouse Over (2), When Selected (4), When Selected or On Mouseover (6). This chooses when you want to see the reticle around your target's target.
ShowOwnerName Show (1) or Hide (0) Personal Player Name. This chooses when you want to see your character's name above their head.
ShowPlayerBars Player Health. Hidden (0), Always (1), On Mouse Over (2), When Selected (4), When Selected or On Mouseover (6). This chooses when you want to see the health and endurance bars above the heads of friendly players.
ShowPlayerName Player Names. Hidden (0), Always (1), On Mouse Over (2), When Selected (4), When Selected or On Mouseover (6). This chooses when you want to see the name of friendly players above their head.
ShowPlayerRating Player Rating. Hidden (0), Always (1), On Mouse Over (2), When Selected (4), When Selected or On Mouseover (6). This chooses when you want to see the ratings you've given to other players above their head.
ShowPlayerReticles Player Reticle. Hidden (0), Always (1), On Mouse Over (2), When Selected (4), When Selected or On Mouseover (6). This chooses when you want to see a blue reticle surrounding friendly players.
ShowSupergroup Player Super Group. Hidden (0), Always (1), On Mouse Over (2), When Selected (4), When Selected or On Mouseover (6). This chooses when you want to see the supeqrgroup name above the heads of friendly players.
ShowVillainBars Enemy Health. Hidden (0), Always (1), On Mouse Over (2), When Selected (4), When Selected or On Mouseover (6). This chooses when you want to see the health and endurance bars above the heads of your enemies.
ShowVillainName Enemy Name. Hidden (0), Always (1), On Mouse Over (2), When Selected (4), When Selected or On Mouseover (6). This chooses when you want to see the name of enemies above their head.
ShowVillainReticles Enemy Reticle. Hidden (0), Always (1), On Mouse Over (2), When Selected (4), When Selected or On Mouseover (6). This chooses when you want to see a red reticle surrounding your enemies.


AutoFlipSuperPackCards Enable (1) or Disable (0) Auto Flip. Automatically flip all cards immediately after Super Pack salvage has been opened.
BlinkCertifications Enable (1) or Disable (0) Blink Alert for Account Items. Default=0. This determines if the Email tab will blink when you have a unclaimed Account Item waiting.
HidePromptDeleteSalvage Hide Delete Salvage Prompt. This allows you to hide the confirmation dialog when deleting salvage.
HideSalvageFullMsg Hide (1) or show (0) Salvage Full Warning. This option can disable the large floating text that appears when you are rewarded a piece of salvage, but your salvage inventory is full.
HideSalvageWarning Hide (1) or show (0) Useful Salvage Warning. This allows you to hide the warning dialog when selling, auctioning, or deleting salvage that can be used in recipes you own.
HideUnclaimableCert Hide (1) or show (0) Unclaimable Account Items. This determines if you can view Account Items in your Email which cannot be claimed on the currently logged in character. By default, these items are visible in the Email window.
NewCertPrompt Hide (1) or show (0) the New Account Item Warning. This option lets you show or hide the message received when you get a new Account Item.
OpenSalvageWarning Hide (1) or show (0) Open Salvage Prompt. This allows you to hide the confirmation dialog when opening salvage.
ShowSalvage Non-functional. Option removed at Homecoming.
VoucherPrompt Hide (1) or show (0) New Character Item Confirmation. This option lets your hide the confirmation to claim a Character Item.


AutoDeclineSuperGroupInvite Enable (1) or Disable (0) Decline All Supergroup Invites. This option allows you to block all invites to join a supergroup.
HideButtons Hide (1) or show (0) the bottom row of buttons in the Supergroup window
HideHeader Hide (1) or show (0) the header at the top of the Supergroup window


AutoAcceptTeamLevelAbove Auto-Accept Level Changes Above. Values range from 0-50. Default = 50. This determines the team level difference above your own that you will auto-accept the team level change. If the team level changes to a level higher than your current level by an amount greater than this number, then you will still receive the prompt asking if you really want to be the new level.
AutoAcceptTeamLevelBelow Auto-Accept Level Changes Below. Values range from 0-50. Default = 50. This determines the team level difference below your own that you will auto-accept the team level change. If the team level changes to a level lower than your current level by an amount greater than this number, then you will still receive the prompt asking if you really want to be the new level.
DeclineGifts Enable (1) or Disable (0) Decline Non-Team Gifts. This option can be used to block gifts from any person not on your team.
DeclineGiftsFromTeammates Enable (1) or Disable (0) Decline Team Gifts. This option can be used to block gifts from any person on your team.
PromptTeleportFromTeammates Enable (1) or Disable (0) Prompt Team Teleport. If this option is enabled then you will receive a timed prompt dialog when a member of your team attempts to teleport you.
TeamComplete Always Ask (0), Enable (1) or Disable (2) Collaborative Missions. This option lets you choose to complete your own mission if you happen to run the same mission from another teammate.
UseOldTeamUI Enable (1) or Disable (0) Classic Team UI. This option can be used to display the classic team UI.


AutoDeclineTradeInvite Enable (1) or Disable (0) Decline All Trade Invites. This option allows you to block all trade invites. You can still invite others to trade.


WebHideBadges Hide (1) or show (0) Badges From Web Page.
WebHideBasics Hide (1) or show (0) Basic Info From Web Page. Disabled at Homecoming.
WebHideFriends Hide (1) or show (0) Friends From Web Page.
WebHidePowers Hide (1) or show (0) Power Info From Web Page. Disabled at Homecoming.
WebHideStats Hide (1) or show (0) Statistics From Web Page. Disabled at Homecoming.

WINDOWS / UI (User Interface)

ChatFade Enable (1) or Disable (0) Dim Main Chat. This will make your chat window more translucent when the mouse is not over it or you are not typing.
Chat1Fade Enable (1) or Disable (0) Dim Chat 1. This will make your chat window 1 more translucent when the mouse is not over it or you are not typing.
Chat2Fade Enable (1) or Disable (0) Dim Chat 2. This will make your chat window 2 more translucent when the mouse is not over it or you are not typing.
Chat3Fade Enable (1) or Disable (0) Dim Chat 3. This will make your chat window 3 more translucent when the mouse is not over it or you are not typing.
Chat4Fade Enable (1) or Disable (0) Dim Chat 4. This will make your chat window 4 more translucent when the mouse is not over it or you are not typing.
CompassFade Enable (1) or Disable (0) Dim Nav Window
FadeExtraTrays Enable (1) or Disable (0) Dim Extra Power Trays
WindowFade Enable (1) or Disable (0) Dim All Windows


NoXP Enable (1) or Disable (0) No XP. Disable Earning XP. This option can be used to keep your character from earning experience.
NoXPExemplar XP While Exemplared. Exemplars now can earn experience, however if you'd like to earn no experience and double-influence, you can choose to do that too. Disabled at Homecoming.