Playerlocale (Slash Command)

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playerlocale number

Changes the locale of a player.


  • Number is the desired Locale Id
Active, but only the English locale works.

Table of Locale IDs:

0 - English "en"
1 - Test "test"
2 - ChineseTraditional "zh"
3 - Korean "ko"
4 - Japanese "ja"
5 - German "de"
6 - French "fr"
7 - Spanish "es"

Notes: The locale sets the language and other locale defaults.

The default locale of the game is English, and Index 0 is used as the default locale. /playerlocale takes an integer as an argument, and locales have been indexed and assigned a number.

The command will accept 0 as an argument. However, it appears any argument other than 0 returns "Invalid locale".

It's possible that the devs have disabled any locale other than English in order to reduce needed resources and support. Mere conjecture, however.


/playerlocale 0