Record Winning Betting Ticket

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From the story arc "Noble Intentions" given by John Houston.
This Souvenir is restricted to the level range of 40-44.

This is the souvenir awarded for completing the Rogue path in John Houston's arc. For the souvenir awarded after completing the Hero path, see Hanging Chad Vote Ballot.

Souvenir's Text

Record Winning Betting Ticket

You kept the ticket from a bet you placed that turned out to be the record payout for a political wager in the history of St. Martial gambling establishments. It and the money you made serves well to remind you of the episode you call

Noble Intentions

You had run into John Houston, a Praetorian refugee who had made a career for himself as a reporter at WSPDR of Cap Au Diable. When you found him in Independence Port, he was desperate for help. Desperate enough to hire you on to locate a source of his who had been captured by the Warriors.

John's source turned out to be another Praetorian refugee, a woman named 'Tunnel Rat'. The warriors had grabbed her since they believed she had information on someone called 'Alexander the Great', one of their former members. Alexander Pavlidis was going into politics, and Tunnel Rat had learned that he was getting in with some bad bedfellows from Striga called the Port Noble Citizens Brigade. John Houston put you on retainer and asked you to head to Striga to interview the locals.

Talking to some Striga personalities you learned that the citizens brigade was just a front for the Council, laying low after their volcano lair was all but destroyed by the New Praetorians and the US navy. The Council were running some kind of operation out of a warehouse in the docks and recent visits by Archon Burkholder meant that it had to be something big. John informed you that another Praetorian was involved, a Dr. Arvin.

Inside the warehouse you found a secret laboratory where Dr. Arvin and Archon Burkholder were involved in a couple of big operations. Project 'Hanging Chad' - a plot to influence elections with compromised voting machines, and Project 'Predatore' which turned out to be a new type of supersoldier serum derived from the same concoction that empowered Marauder during the Praetorian war. Your investigation was interrupted by some local heroes: Dr. Todd and Ravenstorm of the Striga Sentinels. They were prepared to arrest you on sight but you were not about to let some heroes get in the way of your business. You sent them back to their base via medi-porter, and escaped the scene via Dr. Arvin's personal submarine, the 'Steel Caterpillar'. You still had more plans for Striga, however, so you put John on hold while you worked on your own scheme to monetize this election scam. First you relieved the Family and the Warriors of their surplus riches, robbing the Family money ship and the Warrior stash house to get some extra funds. Then you brought your haul back to St. Martial to place it all on a high-stakes bet on an unlikely election outcome.

Once you returned to Paragon City, John informed you that Alexander Pavlidis had just been attacked at his final pre-election rally, and the Warriors were holding him hostage. You couldn't let your golden goose get killed before your plans came to fruition, so you dared the chaos of the riots that had engulfed Talos Island to recover the man.

Come the big day of the election, your prepared to complete the last step of your grand plan. You convinced Tunnel Rat to help you find the Council's vote fraud headquarters and tracked it down to a new base in Boomtown. As you made your way inside, Dr. Todd and Ravenstorm returned for round two, in a desperate attempt to save democracy. You could not let them hinder your plans, and once again sent them packing.

You confronted Dr. Arvin and convinced him to save his own life by adjusting the votes in your favor, and make your write-in candidate the winner. You and Dr. Arvin watched the local news to see the Can Man, a popular local lunatic, getting sworn in on a first edition of the 'Statesman & The Freedom Phalanx' comic book, and declaring his intent to finish the rocket launch pad to bring Paragon City's special style of justice to the moon.

You left Dr. Arvin alive for the Council to find, and hurried to cash in the winnings of your high-stakes bet: the Can Man to win the election for city councilman. This would sadly mark the end of political bets at St. Martial casinos, after the Family finally figured out where the money for the bet came from.