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Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Has description" with value "A winter cold front has been forecast.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 38 results starting with #1.

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    • Abyssal Gaze Badge  + (A yawning void opens before you, a testameA yawning void opens before you, a testament to Hamidon's power, but you are unmoved. You have seen true darkness first hand and it has not kept you from pressing onward. You carry enough darkness within you and it's going to take a lot more than a big hole in the ground to impress you. You've gazed into the abyss, and it's gazed into you too; you're both well acquainted with each other and have few secrets left to share. other and have few secrets left to share.)
    • Monsters' Playthings Badge  + (About you lies shattered heavy machinery, About you lies shattered heavy machinery, evidence of the power the Devouring Earth monsters possess. Hulks of metal weighing tons have been tossed about and shredded like a dog's chew toy. You can only imagine what they did to the island's former masters. You vow to not let the same happen to you.You vow to not let the same happen to you.)
    • The Tree of Woe Badge  + (According to the briefing, some of the facAccording to the briefing, some of the facility's survivors fled to this location in a last ditch effort to avoid the inevitable. If you look among the grass you can still see some dark splatters that might be blood and maybe a bone fragment or two. It gives the place an air of desperation and terror that is not entirely unfamiliar.nd terror that is not entirely unfamiliar.)
    • Overtime Worker Badge  + (After Dark Astoria was taken over by the BAfter Dark Astoria was taken over by the Banished Pantheon, the construction workers of Paragon were ordered to demolish the road leading into the cursed city. The construction workers put in major overtime work to make it happen, and by week's end the road was gone, symbolizing that the city had left Astoria to the works of the Banished Pantheon.ria to the works of the Banished Pantheon.)
    • Founders' Protector Badge  + (After a hostile takeover by the Council, this was one of the last places the few 5th Column troops were seen retreating.)
    • Mote of the Gladiator  + (After acquiring Mote of the Gladiator for the first time, any subsequent visit to any Mote (after leaving and reentering the Labyrinth) will grant the player Mote of the Gladiator.)
    • Airlift Badge  + (Airplanes are the only way to reach some areas with necessary supplies and materiel. Most jets here are much faster than they look, and must fly far out over the ocean to avoid shattering every window in the Magisterium when they accelerate past mach.)
    • Gifted Badge  + (All your friends wish you a Happy Holidays!)
    • Hot Dog Badge  + (Although Nick has since set up shop at a new location on Talos Island, many former residents of Siren's Call still miss the atmosphere of the old stand.)
    • Knowledgeable Badge  + (Although the human genome was mapped out by many of the scientific community's brightest men and women, this library documents scores of super power related anomalies that continue to baffle genetic experts around the world.)
    • From Beneath You Badge  + (Amidst the hustle and bustle of Atlas ParkAmidst the hustle and bustle of Atlas Park, with masses of super-powered individuals going to and fro, it is easy to forget the miles of tunnels and chambers that underlie that district. People go about their daily business unaware of the thriving ecology that takes place beneath their feet. Vahzilok, Hydra, Hellions, and worse skulk in the shadows, going about their own dark business while the citizens of Atlas Park shrug off the notion that danger lurks a handful of yards away.that danger lurks a handful of yards away.)
    • Nocturnal Pilgrim Badge  + (An arduous trek across Night Ward's misty An arduous trek across Night Ward's misty plain has brought you at last to Lichgate's Chapel of Enduring Light. Your faith grows fleeting as you observe the disheartened souls around you, lying in wait to be ferried to the other side. You begin to feel as though perhaps your journey to this land has been in vain. Perhaps you have been led this far only to have your spirits broken like so many of those around you. Night Ward can be a cruel mistress.d you. Night Ward can be a cruel mistress.)
    • River Rat Badge  + (An invigorating swim in the rich, clear waters of Praetoria always perks you up.)
    • Vision of Despair Badge  + (An unnatural feeling of dread permeates the area in what is now called the Pit of Despair.)
    • Apex Badge  + (Apex tracked Dr. Vahzilok down to this location, but interference from the Circle of Thorns prevented him from capturing the mad scientist.)
    • Hamidon's Ire Badge  + (Apparently Hamidon hates humanity for theiApparently Hamidon hates humanity for their damage they have wrought upon the Earth's biosphere. Every city is like a festering sore, every clear cut forest is a scar, blah blah blah. You get it. But standing before this waste disposal site, with its ranks of waste barrels, you have to wonder what the people who ran this place were thinking. Do they even know what kind of world they live in? Where genocidal mega-villains like Hamidon make it a point to target places like this? The people who died here deserved what they got.ople who died here deserved what they got.)
    • Forcibly Evicted Badge  + (Arachnos 'forcibly evicted' the Council from Warburg in the late 1960s. What remains of the Council's resources has been boxed up and left to collect dust for over fifty years.)
    • Fortified Badge  + (Arachnos built the wall around Mercy to keep it safe.)
    • Pilot Badge  + (You have aided Arachnos by piloting its fliers, helping Lord Recluse better mobilize his troops, earning you the Pilot Day Job. Logging out near a Black Helicopter will earn you a Speed Bonus, when you log back in, for a short time.)
    • Line Holder Badge  + (Arachnos stationed here are the first lineArachnos stationed here are the first line of defense against any Arachnoids trying to break out of the Gutter. Arachnoids foolish enough to attempt an attack from above ground never succeed, though it's well known that most Arachnoids utilize their own underground tunnels to travel.e their own underground tunnels to travel.)
    • Auspice Avernus Badge  + (As Mot rose again into the world of the liAs Mot rose again into the world of the living, the very earth was sundered in the passing. The offal of its millennial imprisonment rose with it, a mephitic concoction of the most vile nature. From weeping sores and gaping maws flows a fluid of reconstitution, flushing down its titanic mass and forming pools amongst the pockets of flesh and shattered earth. Here, Mot's followers flock, intoxicating themselves on the potent fumes and ecstatically receiving visions of Mot's glory.atically receiving visions of Mot's glory.)
    • Global Threat Badge  + (You've struck at Atlas Park, the very heart of Paragon City, proving nowhere is safe from villainy!)
    • Courting Madness Badge  + (As humanity has begun expanding its intereAs humanity has begun expanding its interests into extra-dimensional spaces, particularly the Shadow Shard, peculiar psychological disorders have begun to infect those spending a large amount of time away from their home dimension. New categories of mental illness have been coined to give shape to the odd manias and delusions creeping into the minds of the people staffing the outposts in Firebase Zulu, and you too have had strange thoughts emerging unbidden from your own psyche. Yet you continue to engage this strange place in a race against time: either you will stand triumphant against the Shadow Shard's many challenges, or you will succumb to the madness that has claimed lesser minds.the madness that has claimed lesser minds.)
    • Astoria's Last Stand Badge  + (As the darkness closed in and the dead rosAs the darkness closed in and the dead rose from their graves, this warehouse became a scene of unimaginable horror as a group of survivors fled here in the hope of rescue that never came. They fought valiantly, keeping the minions of the Banished Pantheon at bay for hours. The forces arrayed at them were too numerous and too powerful to be denied forever and the survivors succumbed along with the rest of Astoria's doomed inhabitants. the rest of Astoria's doomed inhabitants.)
    • Monolithic Badge  + (As you set foot in this peculiar stone cirAs you set foot in this peculiar stone circle you can feel ancient magics coursing through your veins. The source of its power remains a mystery - as well it should. Night Ward harbors many secrets too awesome, too transcendent for the mortal mind to behold. To merely be counted among those touched by her radiance is in itself a humbling experience.diance is in itself a humbling experience.)
    • Demiurge Badge  + (At last you have arrived. Every challenge At last you have arrived. Every challenge faced you have cast down with blood and sweat, never once succumbing to despair or defeat. The Shadow Shard has tested you countless times and each time you have triumphed. No mind games or violations to your person could prevent you from reaching this point and now you stand at the pinnacle of the Chantry, the lord of this realm in spirit, if not in actuality.this realm in spirit, if not in actuality.)
    • Hades Aspirant Badge  + (At the deepest point beneath Paragon City At the deepest point beneath Paragon City the sounds of the millions above and the machinery that support them filter down to this dark place as a mournful groan. It is not difficult to understand why this part of the Abandoned Sewer Network came to be known as the Underworld, for no where else does it feel more isolated and desolate.e does it feel more isolated and desolate.)
    • Avatar Badge  + (Avatar, a hero in Paragon City in the late 1950's, had a statue erected to him after his death. The gangs have not been kind to this memorial.)
    • Brawler Badge  + (Back Alley Brawler fought against two Underbosses from The Family, Slow Eye Lou and Hyper Mike, on this spot.)
    • Talon of Talos Badge  + (Back alleys in Talos Island like this one are perfect for waiting in ambush.)
    • Phalanxer Badge  + (Before Baumton had its 'accident,' the Freedom Phalanx called this building home.)
    • Secret Admirer Badge  + (Before becoming guardian of Croatoa, War Witch shared an apartment here with her roommate Apex.)
    • Vision of Ambition Badge  + (Before proclaiming himself Emperor, RomuluBefore proclaiming himself Emperor, Romulus Augustus was often seen visiting this rampart in the mountains. Always alone, he would spend hours staring out towards the open sea. Some claim this was the birthplace of his machinations to overthrow Imperious and conquer Cimerorao overthrow Imperious and conquer Cimerora)
    • Left Behind Badge  + (Before the Rikti War, the Red Tiger, Jake Before the Rikti War, the Red Tiger, Jake Montoya, used this area to train fellow heroes. The people of Paragon would gather on the weekends to watch the exciting 'Hide Park Sparring Sessions'. After his mandatory retirement, the sparring sessions stopped all together.he sparring sessions stopped all together.)
    • Natural Law Badge  + (Before you are the steps that once led to the Circuit Court of Woodvale, a bastion of law and order. But a new law rules here, one with rules as ancient as the planet's core, and in this court all of humanity has been found guilty.)
    • The Sleeper Below Badge  + (Behold the God Mot, roused from His slumbeBehold the God Mot, roused from His slumber! Behold the power of his faithful adherents, their prayers strong enough to stir Him from His dreaming! Behold the crucible of undoing, the maw through which all life shall soon pass so that all shall be unmade; an end to life, an end to hope, an end to all that respires in this corrupt and fallen world!respires in this corrupt and fallen world!)
    • Death's Head Supplicant Badge  + (Behold! Before you lies the glory of Mot. Behold! Before you lies the glory of Mot. In this place its true body lies exposed; a vast expanse of reconstituting flesh and yawning maws, feasting on life so it can be resuscitated as it perpetually dies and rots anew. Mot's capacity for consumption does not yet equal its appetites, for much of the body is desiccated by centuries of imprisonment or is still bound in ways both arcane and metaphysical. The many mouths that scar its horrid form are, as of yet, still stifled and immature compared to their glory in antiquity. Only one has fully extended to its full voraciousness, but that one is enough to drag all of Dark Astoria into crushing oblivion.ll of Dark Astoria into crushing oblivion.)