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Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Has description" with value "The weeds of crime bear bitter fruit.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Powder Monkey Badge  + (The last of the pirates died at this location defending the fort against Blackbeard.)
  • Terror Badge  + (The legions of terrible spectral fiends that guarded their Banner of Terror were no match for you.)
  • Battle-Hardened Badge  + (The loyal legions of Cimerora have prevailed in battle against an enemy wielding unimaginable power.)
  • Courage Driven Badge  + (The major highway that runs alongside this warehouse is frequently used by the "Dyne-addled" Supa-Trolls.)
  • Darkness Unleashed Badge  + (The mighty beasts that roam the hills of Cimerora guard certain cave entrances fiercely. Rumours say that 'dark ones' are the source of their power, and entering those caves is the first step in walking the Path of the Dark.)
  • Scurvy Dog Badge  + (The owner of Blackbeard's pub is rumored to have sent more than one patron to Davey Jones locker.)
  • Claim Denied Badge  + (The owner of this building tried to claim he lost the structure due to a fault line, but the insurance company was uncompromising in its definition of an event versus an individual.)
  • Joyful Badge  + (The power of the season finds you overcome with joy.)
  • Condemned Badge  + (The properties along Miller Street have been condemned and will be demolished and replaced with new attractions within a few years.)
  • Flying Shark Badge  + (The roof of the Zig is the site of the firThe roof of the Zig is the site of the first breakout by Arachnos. Captain Mako had been captured by some heroes, only to escape, tearing a path of destruction through the Zig. It ended up on the roof, where he commandeered a Longbow Skiff to fly himself out. Mako was seen leaping from skiff to skiff during the aerial battle with Longbow until he dove into the waters of Talos to swim back to the Isles.waters of Talos to swim back to the Isles.)
  • Sewer Stalker Badge  + (The sewers are full of predators. They staThe sewers are full of predators. They stalk the shadows and strike without warning, preying upon each other and upon those foolish enough to trespass upon their hunting grounds. You are one of those, yet you have the power to turn the tables against them. Where they hunt, you hunt. Where they lurk, you are the eyes in the darkness watching them. You are the predator that they now fear, it is the stories of your exploits they use as cautionary tales among themselves. use as cautionary tales among themselves.)
  • Ghoulish Badge  + (The shards must be vibrating the very bones of the graves. You are almost sure you can hear scratching and clawing from the inside of the mausoleums.)
  • Snowbound Badge  + (The snow outside made it very cozy inside during the annual Winter Event.)
  • Alpha Ranger Badge  + (The soldiers of Point Alpha man one of theThe soldiers of Point Alpha man one of the most embattled posts in the Shadow Shard. They deal with skirmishes on an hourly basis and the attrition rate is very high. Coming here is viewed as both a blessing; the men cheer any powered assistance they can get against an enemy they can barely comprehend; and a curse, for your presence indicates the danger they are in and the inadequacy of their modern weapons against this threat. But being here has made you an honorary Alpha Ranger.ere has made you an honorary Alpha Ranger.)
  • X-Ray Spectator Badge  + (The soldiers of Point X-Ray like to call tThe soldiers of Point X-Ray like to call themselves the "X-Raiders." They are an elite squad specializing in sniper rifles and counter-insurgency and though they find themselves in a completely unfamiliar environment they still employ their military discipline and peerless training to the effort. They don't generally welcome super-powered individuals but seeing as you've come as far, you've clearly proven yourself against the "hostiles" and so they offer you a grudging respect. Though they are not ready to give you the title of fellow X-Raider... yet.e you the title of fellow X-Raider... yet.)
  • Controversial Badge  + (The statue of the heroine, "The Night Hammer" has been the focus of two controversies. The first was Night Hammer's disgust at how the statue turned out. The second was the "mysterious" disappearance of the architect who designed the statue.)
  • Corpse Box Badge  + (The stench of death clings to this forlornThe stench of death clings to this forlorn cargo container. The Vahzilok are rumored to store corpses there for later use in their blasphemous experiments. It is difficult to argue what is more horrific: a cargo container stuffed with dead bodies, or one that is empty—indicating that the Vahizilok have a new crop of cadaverous servitors roaming the streets to do their dark bidding.ming the streets to do their dark bidding.)
  • Triumphant Badge  + (The symbolism is hard to miss: whoever controls the Warburg rockets controls the world. Whether this is pure delusion or an ominous warning is a subject of much debate.)
  • Territorial Badge  + (The territory around this bridge has been hotly contested turf between the Skulls and Hellions for some time now.)
  • Valorous Badge  + (The titanic hero Atlas fell at Valor Bridge, protecting the city from invasion.)
  • Top Dog Badge  + (The top of Atlas' statue is the first place many flying heroes will go.)
  • Media Junky Badge  + (The top of the WSPDR building is a great place to survey Recluse's media empire.)
  • Tunnel Rat Badge  + (The various tunnels throughout the WEB are a nasty piece of work.)
  • Caged Beast Badge  + (The very air vibrates with the barely contThe very air vibrates with the barely contained rage of the creatures that had once been penned here—relegated to servile status for the amusement of lesser beings. You can relate, you've been subject to incarceration for violating ridiculous laws meant for equally lesser beings, and you threw off their shackles just as these monsters did.their shackles just as these monsters did.)
  • Time Keeper Badge  + (The way forward into the future is paved by the efforts undertaken by those in the past. You've paid your respects to history by opening many of the time capsules found during the City of Heroes Anniversary Event. Time to focus your sight on the future!)
  • Gatekeeper Badge  + (The whimsical Gamester placed several presents all throughout Peregrine Island during the holidays. This block had a few of them.)
  • Persephone Supplicant Badge  + (There are some who can court darkness withThere are some who can court darkness without making it a part of themselves. They walk with ease in the shadowy spaces, yet carry a portion of the light with them wherever they go. It is rare to be able to straddle these two worlds so easily, too easy is it to devote yourself completely to one side or the other. It is in a sense a reflection of one's mastery over themselves and you would not be the first to tread these sodden halls to test their resolve or to seek mastery of their own instincts. Most heroes flee the Abandoned Sewer Network before they can be tested, while people such as the Vahzilok and the Hellions give themselves over completely to the darkness.hemselves over completely to the darkness.)
  • Rikti Monkey Island Badge  + (There is a secret to this island of monkeyThere is a secret to this island of monkeys, that if an infinite number of Rikti Monkeys were placed before an infinite number of typewriters the smell they'd produce would be unbearable. It is nearly unbearable here; the Rikti Monkeys chattering non-stop, dropping dung wherever they please, and prancing about with that unnerving rapidity fills you with the urge to kill every last one of them. You're going to enjoy pulping their little bodies.oing to enjoy pulping their little bodies.)
  • Arachnos Agent Badge  + (Your work with the forces of Arachnos has earned you the Arachnos Agent Day Job. Logging out in an Arachnos Base will grant you an Experience bonus, when you log back in, each time you complete a mission for a short time.)
  • Dark Omen Badge  + (These battered bones are all that remains of a foolhardy adventurer who sought to explore this island full of monsters. No one has tried to identify them, as the people of Peregrine Island are too terrified of this island to even go near it.)
  • Communications Specialist Badge  + (These communications towers are critical for boosting signals with enough power to overcome Rikti jamming technology.)
  • Gutter Bait Badge  + (These dangerous catwalks have resulted in These dangerous catwalks have resulted in a handful of Arachnos soldiers unwittingly falling into the depths of the Gutter, disappearing forever. At first, search and rescue missions were initiated to attempt to recover the missing soldiers, but were soon called off. Arachnos uses the disappearances as a valuable lesson on being alert during patrol.uable lesson on being alert during patrol.)
  • Parapsychologist Badge  + (These hills are home to some of the Circle's most secret rites. Very few are allowed to leave after venturing here.)
  • Long Walk Badge  + (These long parking tunnels are the last thing that many who cross the Marcones see when they're asked to "come take a long walk." Those who live in Port Oakes know to steer clear - and that all of the cars in the lot belong to the Marcones.)
  • Wasted Resources Badge  + (These rigs stand derelict still, waiting for the area to be secured and the great War Walls to be repaired.)
  • Slumlord Badge  + (These slums are known to house people who have lost everything at the Golden Giza. These wanderers have become large enough in numbers to form their own community.)
  • Passing Fab Badge  + (These underground tunnels are the only relThese underground tunnels are the only relatively safe way to get into the Fab. They are used as both an emergency exit from the Fab and as a method of sending in reinforcements straight from Grandville proper, should Longbow try to launch an offensive attack.Longbow try to launch an offensive attack.)
  • Backwoodsman Badge  + (These woods have cropped up at an alarming rate since the Hollowing. Many believe the dramatic growth rate of the trees is due to the area being saturated with mystical residue from the Circle's spells.)
  • Terror of the Vahzilok Badge  + (They hunt the innocent and violate the deaThey hunt the innocent and violate the dead. They are the name used by mothers to terrify misbehaving children. They are deserving of every ounce of punishment visited upon them. In the sewers they congregate in large numbers, believing they are safe from judgment. But you are here to prove them wrong. You will hunt them down and extract your vengeance upon every Reaper and Mortificator you find. You will make them know fear.or you find. You will make them know fear.)
  • Widower Badge  + (They say that lonely tower is the home of Ghost Widow, Lord Recluse's phantom servant.)
  • Unwelcome Guest Badge  + (This Council base has managed to maintain its foothold within Sharkhead despite numerous attacks from several groups. These days, the biggest threats are the 5th Column raids and exposing sleeper agents among Council ranks.)
  • Nailbiter Badge  + (This PPD interrogation and holding area is littered with the signs of harsh treatment. Dried bodily fluids, ripped off fingernails, and a few human teeth mark this area as a place you don't want to wind up in.)
  • Portal Parter Badge  + (This R&D facility suffered one too many accidents and has since fallen into ruin.)
  • Founders' Hero Badge  + (This area is where Michelle Harvey, a locaThis area is where Michelle Harvey, a local magician, made her last stand against the Circle of Thorns, who were trying to attack the nearby hospital. Michelle used all of her life force to erect a protective barrier around the hospital. A group of heroes arrived to drive back the Circle, but it was too late for them to save Michelle. Because of this brave sacrifice, the hospital was renamed in her honor.ce, the hospital was renamed in her honor.)
  • The Old Me Badge  + (This area is where the real Ajax was burieThis area is where the real Ajax was buried, after being killed by the thug Ralph Valetti, who stole his identity as well as his powers. After the revelation was made, officials rushed to recover Ajax's body, which is now preserved in an unknown area within the city.served in an unknown area within the city.)
  • Pristine Badge  + (This area looks very peaceful; the perfect place for a picnic after a day of hiking around the reservoir. A nice safe spot for a bit of walking. You're not afraid of spiders... are you?)
  • Wentworth History Buff Badge  + (This area was slated to be the original site for the Wentworth's Consignments in Kings Row. Unfortunately, constant debates over who actually owns the site, as well as the neighborhood's concern over increased traffic, halted construction.)
  • Spanky's Competitor Badge  + (This boardwalk was started some time ago bThis boardwalk was started some time ago by Robert Cooling, who was seeking to create an alternative to Spanky's Boardwalk on the other end of Talos, mainly because he hated the name 'Spanky's Boardwalk'. He was mentioned in the news for some time before he mysteriously 'disappeared.' The PPD closed the case after years of research when no sign of Robert Cooling could be found. no sign of Robert Cooling could be found.)
  • Midnighter's Perseverance Badge  + (This bridge is the site where Mayor Bower This bridge is the site where Mayor Bower and Buck Salinger last met; Bower informed Salinger that his trek into Red Cap territory was a suicide mission. Salinger ignored the warning and continued forward, insisting that his skills as a Midnighter would prevail. So far, Salinger's luck - and survival skills - haven't failed him. and survival skills - haven't failed him.)
  • Foggy Badge  + (This building is in the final stages of preparing suites for the use of the city's Super Groups.)