Supergroup Badges

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This article or section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.


Badge sgitem.png

Supergroup Badges were earned by reaching certain milestones in a supergroup's activities. These badges unlocked items that could then be used by the supergroup. They were removed due to the difficulty of obtaining them on low-population private servers. All benefits awarded by these badges are now available by default.

Supergroup Exploration Badges

Supergroup exploration badges (i.e. beacons) are earned by the members of a super group visiting (or revisiting) all of the exploration badges in a zone while in supergroup mode. It is not necessary for all members or for any one member of the supergroup to have all exploration badges in the zone; it is sufficient for any member to visit each exploration badge marker at least once while in super group mode.

Once a member visits a badge marker while in super group mode, it is permanently counted as visited for the super group. If that member quits or is kicked out of the supergroup, the supergroup still retains the credit for having visited the badge location.
These beacons are used to make teleporters go to a specific zone. The beacons are:

Hero Hero & Villain Villain

Badge sgitem.png Perez Park Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Boomtown Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Faultline Beacon
Badge sgitem.png The Hollows Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Echo: Dark Astoria Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Striga Isle Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Crey's Folly Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Croatoa Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Eden Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Terra Volta Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Kings Row Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Founders Falls Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Peregrine Island Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Echo: Galaxy City Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Brickstown Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Independence Port Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Talos Island Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Steel Canyon Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Skyway City Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Atlas Park Beacon

Badge sgitem.png Rikti War Zone Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Pocket D Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Dark Astoria Beacon

Badge sgitem.png Mercy Isle Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Port Oakes Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Cap au Diable Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Sharkhead Beacon
Badge sgitem.png St. Martial Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Nerva Beacon
Badge sgitem.png Grandville Beacon

Note that while Vigilantes and Rogues are able to earn both Hero and Villain beacons for their Supergroups, beacons to Villain zones can not be placed in a Hero base and beacons to Hero zones can not be placed in a Villain base.

Supergroup Achievement Badges

Supergroup achievement badges are earned by the members of a super group performing various feats while in supergroup mode. Contributions from all members are counted together toward the badges.

Badge Condition Reward
Badge sgitem.png Analyzer Base Defense Take 20,000,000 points of damage Scanner / Analyzer
Badge sgitem.png Gas Trap Base Defense Accumulate 6 hours of mez Gas Trap
Badge sgitem.png Improved Energy Turret Complete the Cathedral of Pain Trial 100 times Improved Energy Beam
Badge sgitem.png Repulsor Base Defense Pay off 500,000 points of debt Repulsor
Badge sgitem.png Benedict DR Turret Plans Complete 200 Circle of Thorns missions Dampening Ray
Badge sgitem.png Benedict DR-3 Turret Plans Earn 10,000,000 Prestige Elite Dampening Ray
Badge sgitem.png Benedict DR-2 Turret Plans Earn 1,000,000 Prestige Improved Dampening Ray
Badge sgitem.png Supercomputer Have a Sidekick or Lackey for 5 hours Supercomputer / Orbits of Control
Badge sgitem.png Autonomous Expert System Plans Deal 50,000,000 points of damage to foes Autonomous Expert System / Mystic Orrery
Badge sgitem.png Mega Monitor Plans Collect five Supergroup badges Mega Monitor / Astral Haruspex
Badge sgitem.png Emergency Capacitor Plans Pay off 1,000,000 points of debt Emergency Capacitor / Mana Lens
Badge sgitem.png Auto-Doc Plans Heal 1,000,000 points of damage Auto-Doc / Tree of Wonders
Badge sgitem.png Robo-Surgery Plans Heal 5,000,000 points of damage Robo-Surgery / Spirit Signal
Badge sgitem.png Combat Log Plans Heal 25,000,000 points of damage Combat Logs / Contemplation Charts

Supergroup PVP Badges

Supergroup PVP badges are earned by the members of a super group defeating players while in supergroup mode. Contributions from all members are counted together toward the badges.

Badge Condition Reward
Badge sgitem.png Fusion Generator Plans Defeat 250 opponents in PvP combat Fusion Generator / Dimensional Vortex

Supergroup Defeats Badges

Supergroup defeats badges are earned by the members of a super group defeating NPCs while in supergroup mode. Contributions from all members are counted together toward the badges.

Badge Condition Reward
Badge sgitem.png Improved Igniter Defeat 4,000 flame-throwing enemies Igniter
Badge sgitem.png Scorpion's Surprise Defeat Lord Recluse 5 times Scorpion's Surprise Turret
Badge sgitem.png Rikti Plasma Turret Defeat Lanaru the Mad 5 times Rikti Plasma Turret