Talk:Unselect (Slash Command)
The description the original devs used for this command was “unselects currently selected thing” as found in the game data files.
I think the description was good enough, even if a bit vague. If you really want to split hairs, “Unselects the target displayed in the Target Window.” is redundant enough to have been written by the Department of Redundancy Department! ;) I mean, does the command unselect a target that is not in the Target Window? Will it only unselect a target if it’s in the Target Window? What if the Target Window is closed? LOL Sorry, just being playful.
Honestly, six or half a dozen… it’s all pretty similar. However, I did try to retain the Dev’s original descriptions whenever possible. I did change the descriptions in some cases such as when the command’s function didn’t match the description at all, but those were rare. For historical purposes and continuity, I tried to stay with whatever wording the devs used. I did that also as a bit of a homage, honoring the original creators of the game. It’s not like the devs’ words are sacred or anything, but I think they carry more weight than the average person.
If you wanted to retain the devs words, you could always explain what the command does as a secondary explanation in the bulleted notes. I’ve done that a lot. For example, BlackSpectre (talk) 01:12, 27 December 2024 (UTC)
I like the idea with preserving the original intent. Though I think part of that original intent was to also be helpful to players, and to read less like a Comment to other programmers.
The previous description was so vague as to make it effectively unsearchable. I wouldn't have found it if not for digging up an old keybinds file with that particular slash command. I could see re-wording the description again but I feel that "Target Window" should still be part of it for easier searchability.
Oh, and Happy Holidays! =D -B
I haven’t even considered “searchability” before now. Hmmmmmm. That’s an excellent point. It looks like changing the initial description has no bearing on search results as it still appears in “Page Text” results, which means that the search words (I.e. target) could appear anywhere in the body of the text and the same search result will occur in a general search. However, if doing a manual search (CTRL+F) of a single web page such as the list of slash commands, then having “target” in the main description would be a good idea. Yeah, OK. Sounds good man. 😀 BlackSpectre (talk) 18:06, 27 December 2024 (UTC)