Template:StoryArc Buried Secrets
Merit Rewards: This activity awards 20 Reward Merits.
Buried Secrets (20-24)
A Handful of Nanites
You kept this handful of grayish dust as a reminder of the episode you recall as Buried Secrets. You were working for a man called Oberst Straxt of the 5th Column, on Striga Isle. He needed your help in gathering old 5th Column caches from before the Council took over the island. Much of the material had already been discovered by other factions: the Warriors had dug up some material, and sold some of it off to the Family and the Sky Raiders, and you had to not only reclaim what was lost but also send a message to the other groups, written in fire and flame. One of the hidden bases had been compromised by servants of the Banished Pantheon, but the last cache remained undisturbed, and you were the first to enter that vault in decades. You collected the research data within but one of Striga's stalwart sentinels, the hero Ravenstorm, had discovered you and you had to fight him off before you could escape with your prize. The nanites came from him, and you kept them as a memory of your little dust-up, and for future analysis in case you need to figure out his weaknesses. As for the material you collected for the 5th Column oberst, it all seemed to hint at some sinister past activities, but why did they need research on volcanic activity, ore samples and comparisons to distant soils in Italy, inert dark crystals, and weapon prototypes to employ them? The oberst claimed that it was all very much outdated but still too dangerous to end up in the wrong hands, but surely there must be more to it? A mystery for another day, and another paycheck.
Recover the stolen caches
Our top priority is to recover caches which have been discovered and stolen. This is where we demand your services in particular, for our presence on the island must remain hidden. The uncouth Warriors have been digging in places where they don't belong and absconded with 5th Column property, some of which they have already traded away to the Family and Sky Raiders. You are to bring our property back and punish those responsible for their transgressions.
Mission Acceptance
A cargo ship, 'The Pelican', is about to depart for Europe under Family protection, carrying, among other contraband, one of our stolen caches. Collect our crate and make sure that the ship never reaches its destination.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The Family's ship is about to leave. Do not let us down, Character!
Mission Objective(s)
From the activity on deck you can tell that this ship is just about ready to depart.
- Raid the Family ship
- Collect the cache
- 5 bombs to plant
You have collected the lost cache and planted bombs to sink the ship at sea.

The crate contains rare ore samples, and a research report comparing the samples from Striga to similar minerals from Ravenna, Italy, concluding that they are sufficiently similar for Requiem's purposes.
Notable NPCs
- Trevor (The Family Underboss)
You have the items? And you planted the bombs to sink the ship mid-journey? Excellent. We are off to a good start.
Send a message to the Warriors
The Warriors have stashed some of the stolen items in one of their warehouses. Recover our property and burn down the warehouse.
Mission Acceptance
Burning the warehouse will both hide the nature of what was taken, and punish the guilty.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I do not see a conflagration against the night sky yet, Character. You better get around to correct that.
Mission Objective(s)
The Warriors use several warehouses just like this one to stash their plunder.
- Punish the Warriors
- Collect the cache
- 5 bombs to plant
You have collected the lost cache, and planted firebombs to set the warehouse ablaze.

The crate collected in the Warriors' warehouse contains dark crystal fragments held safely in a soft foam lining. The crystals have a sinister beauty but seem entirely inert.
Notable NPCs
- Treasure Seeker Jones (Warriors Hewer Elite)
The cache you found has little actual value. This was more about sending a message. The flames spell it out: don't mess with the 5th Column.
End Sky Raiders research project
The Warriors sold off some experimental weapon prototypes to the Sky Raiders, who are currently hard at work reverse-engineering them in order to improve their own arsenal. According to our intelligence specialists, a famous roboticist - Dr. Francois - is currently held within one of their bases. You will put an end to their research and, of course, recover our stolen property before the doctor can find out anything useful.
Mission Acceptance
Normally we would want to capture Dr. Francois for ourselves, but the limited scope of our current operations does not allow for such initiatives. You are free to do with him as you please, as long as he is no longer working for the Sky Raiders. Consider it a bonus.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Don't let those treacherous Sky Raiders study our weapon designs for a moment longer.
Mission Objective(s)
The Sky Raiders have this hyper-modern facility hidden underneath their primitive airstrip.
- Eradicate Sky Raider research
- Collect the weapons
- Find Dr. Francois
- Talk to Dr. Francois
You have collected the weapon prototypes and destroyed the research data.

These prototype designs are based on the sonic cannons deployed by some Council troopers, but modified to hold crystal fragments in specific configurations. What kind of effect these weapons might produce is unclear.
Notable NPCs
- Dr. Francois
- Security Officer (Sky Raiders Assault Porter Bot)
Thank you for that timely rescue. I can't believe this happened to me again, but here we are.
- This happens to you a lot?
- Oh, yes. I've been held prisoner by the Council to work on their robots, by the Family to try to repair some broken clockwork they got in a cache of illegal interdimensional technology, by the Freakshow to improve on their cybernetic implants - all against my will, of course. I'm not a villain!
- What did the Sky Raiders have you working on?
- They initially captured me to work on their jump-bot design, but then they changed their minds and ordered me to prepare a selection of giant mech parts for transport. A far more interesting task!
- A giant mech? Tell me more.
- The parts came from a mech of enormous size, no doubt designed by the famous Archon Burkholder of the Council. I would say the completed machine would stand about 60 feet tall. The parts were all in various states of disrepair but with enough time and money, and of course, expertise, they could be put together again. They would certainly be quite valuable, even in their current state.
- Interesting. From now on you'll be working for me.
- For you...? Yes, of course. I understand perfectly. I shall find a place to lie low until further notice.
- Now you'll be working for me. I'll be in touch.
- For you...? Yes, of course. I understand perfectly. I shall find a place to lie low until further notice.
- Don't thank me yet, doc. I'm not a hero.
- Not a hero? But... that must mean...
- That's right. You're working for me now.
- For you...? Yes, of course. I understand perfectly. I shall find a place to lie low until further notice.

After you rescued him Dr. Francois was reluctantly grateful. He claimed that the Sky Raiders had captured him recently to work on their jump bot designs, but then changed their minds and ordered him to instead prepare a selection of giant mech man parts for transport. He agreed to meet you later in Port Noble to discuss how you can profit from this.
These old prototypes are outdated but some more technologically advanced factions like the Sky Raiders could learn too much from studying them. This was for the best.
Clear out an old base
I just got word that one of the remaining caches has been compromised. Get over there on the double and salvage anything you can find, and remove all hostiles! Time is of the essence.
Mission Acceptance
The Banished Pantheon cultists can't possibly know what they have stumbled upon.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The materials in this cache are very sensitive and will become unusable in an unprotected environment. Make sure to deliver them to me, posthaste.
Mission Objective(s)
This old base doesn't look like any modern 5th Column installations you've seen.
- Eliminate all intruders
- Collect the cache
You have collected the exotic materials and eliminated all intruders.

The highly unstable isotopes within this controlled environment case could be used in the construction of temporal displacement devices.
Requiem will be pleased to know that we have recovered these priceless isotopes. Only one cache remains unaccounted for.
Enter a sealed 5th Column base
The final cache is as of yet uncompromised, so you will be the first to enter that vault. For once, urgency is not required. We are almost finished. All you have to do is find the mainframe and collect the physical databank stored within.
Mission Acceptance
The base's automatic defenses may still be active. You are authorized to destroy any defensive measures getting in your way, even if it is valuable 5th Column equipment. We do not have time to find out who knows the security clearance codes for this particular installation. Most likely that individual is no longer with us.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I know I said urgency is not required, but urgency is still very much desired. Do not waste more time!
Mission Objective(s)
There is a hiss as outside air penetrates these premises for the first time in years. Fluorescent
lights flicker alive throughout the base, heralding your arrival.- Investigate last cache
- Collect the research data
- Defeat the hero!
You have collected the research data and managed to escape the authorities.

The data stored in this hermetically sealed base spans decades and has been recorded up until this very day via automatic detectors. At a cursory glance it appears to be concerning seismic activity on the volcanic island. Why is it suddenly so important for the 5th Column to collect this data now?
Notable NPCs
This concludes our business. You will find your payment in your account presently. Dismissed!